intl_translation_format 0.0.2+1 intl_translation_format: ^0.0.2+1 copied to clipboard
This package provides multiformat support for the Intl package
intl_translation_format #
The package intl_translation_format provides the tools needed to support a new translation format to work with the intl_translation package:
- Message extraction from Dart code
- Code generation from translated messages
- New formats can be added without modifying this package, but it includes the ARB and XLIFF formats by default.
To learn more read the next section Getting Started and the Example project.
Current supported formats:
- ✅ Arb -
- Specification - ✅ Xliff v1.2 -
- Specification - ✅ Xliff v2.0 -
- Specification
Getting started #
1. Add package
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
intl_translation_format: [current version]
2. Add messages
Create your messages using the intl package
String continueMessage() => Intl.message(
'Hit any key to continue',
name: 'continueMessage');
3. Export messages
Run the following command to export the messages to the desired format:
pub run intl_translation_format:extract
lib/main.dart --output-dir lib/l10n/ --format arb
4. Translate messages
Translate the messages manually or with a translation tool
5. Generate translations
Run the following command to generate the code from translation messages:
pub run intl_translation_format:generate
--project-name intl_messages
--output-dir lib/l10n/
--format arb
Implement a new translation file format #