intl_phone_field_plus 2.1.2 intl_phone_field_plus: ^2.1.2 copied to clipboard
A Forked customized Flutter TextFormField to input international phone number along with country code; Forked from intl_phone_field.
[2.1.2] #
- Added the hydratePhoneNumber method.
[2.1.0] - Added more parameters #
- Breaking dropDownArrowIcon and dropDownArrowColor parameters are now replaced by dropDownIcon.
- Control autovalidateMode of text input added.
- showCountryFlag param added.
- textAlignVertical param added.
- Icon position feature added.
- Setting enabled to false disable the dropdown button too.
- Update maximum length of phone numbers of several countries.
- Minor fixes.
[2.0.1] - Release #
- Update maximum length of phone numbers of several countries.
- Add dropDownArrowIcon parameter.
[2.0.0] - Null-Safe Compatibility. #
- Package is now null-safe.
- onCountryChanged param added.
- Other Fixes.
[1.4.2] - Improved Documentation. #
- Color change for Dropdown Icon and Dialog is now added.
[1.4.1] - Improved Documentation. #
- More Documentation added for properties.
[1.4.0] - Bug Fixes and improvements. #
- Searchbar label text can be now set.
- Picker popup bug fixed.
[1.3.0] - Added more parameters #
- Initial Value can now be set.
- Phone field now returns ISO County code as well in onSaved, onChanged.
- Minor fixes.
[1.2.0] - Added more common parameters #
- Added some more necessary parameters available for a normal textfield.
- Minor fixes.
[1.1.0] - Added Styling Elements #
- Added styling of the country selection button.
- Added support for input formatters.
- Minor fixes.
[1.0.1] - Release #
- A Basic validator added.
- Updated README.
[1.0.0] - Release #
- A Custom Phone Input TextFormField.