intl_mobile_field 1.1.1
intl_mobile_field: ^1.1.1 copied to clipboard
A customized Flutter TextFormField to input international Mobile number along with country code.
[1.1.1] - Release #
- fixed Readme file image URLs
[1.1.0] - Release #
- New Add translations for [Bangla], [Hindi], [Urdu] languages.
- New RTL Support for Translations of Right-to-Left Languages
- added Kosovo localization messages
- update [] file with translations listed Country and RLT,LRT Output.
- New screenshot(thumbnail) added.
[1.0.3] - Release #
- Update Benin number format 8 to 10
[1.0.2] - Release #
- fixed Readme file
[1.0.1] - Release #
- make compatible for web.
[1.0.0] - Release #
- A Custom mobile Input TextFormField.
- A Basic validator added.
- Added styling of the country selection button.
- Added support for input formatters.
- Added some more necessary parameters available for a normal textfield.
- Initial Value can now be set.
- mobile field now returns ISO County code as well in onSaved, onChanged.
- SearchBar label text can be now set.
- Picker popup bug fixed.
- Color change for Dropdown Icon and Dialog is now added.
- onCountryChanged param added.
- null-safe.
- Update maximum length of mobile numbers of several countries.
- Add dropDownArrowIcon parameter.
- Control autoValidateMode of text input added.
- showCountryFlag param added.
- textAlignVertical param added.
- Icon position feature added.
- Setting enabled to false disable the dropdown button too.
- Update maximum length of mobile numbers of several countries.
- dropDownArrowIcon and dropDownArrowColor parameters are now replaced by dropDownIcon.
- Add asynchronous validation.
- Add minimal country length.
- Update minimum and maximum length of mobile numbers of several countries.
- Support country search by dial code.
- Move flag button to TextFormField's
(always displayed and get rid of alignment issues). - Add
, customize style use for the country dial code. - Add
, disable view minimum and maximum length check. - Add a CountryPickerDialog widget and PickerDialogStyle (set of styles to allow the country search dialog customization).
- Add
, set custom padding around flag button. - Add
, te message to be displayed on validation error. - Add cursor customization options:
. - Switch from country List of Maps to List of Country objects.
use defaultThemeData.brightness
.- Rename
. - Remove
. - Add asynchronous validation.
function parameter type is [MobileNumber] now instead of [String].- Add
property to [PickerDialogStyle] - Add
property - Update mobile number length of several countries.
- Add
to customize the magnifier. - Add
for the Mobile input text field key. - Update Mobile number length of several countries.
- New Add shape property of the Dialog.
- New Update Madagascar, Brazil, belarus, indonesia Min and Max.
- New Add Country Kosovo.
- New Correct name translation for some countries.
- New Able to style the text inside the search field.
- New allowing to pass list of favorite country codes as a list of string.
- New put the favorite countries always on the top.
- New changed the listView builder to slivers.
- New Fixed duplication of countries on the search.
- New Hungarian translation added to countries.
- New make itself visible by scrolling.
- New Enable project example for Linux, Mac and Windows.
- New Fix to select png asset for Linux and Windows.
- New Enable "expands" and "maxLines" parameters.
- New support phone numbers with spaces and dashes in fromCompleteNumber.
- New Border added to TextFormField Widget
- New Fill Color added.
- New Invalid Number Message added in validator on empty Mobile number.
- New Disable text field and flag Separately.
- New Disable Mobile Length Counter.
- New Add an onTapOutside function.
- New Control the size of the country flag. min is 32.
- New You can add Customizable favorite Icon in favorite country list.
- New You can can change the position of the favorite Icon.