internal_http_server 0.0.4 copy "internal_http_server: ^0.0.4" to clipboard
internal_http_server: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard

An internal http server for flutter

Introduction #

This is a package to help you create an internal HTTP server in your app, you can let user upload the files within this web server.

Feature #

  1. The nice HTML layout :)
  2. Support drag and drop the file to upload
  3. Support upload multiple files
  4. Can CRUD and move a file and folder
  5. Support upload larger file (over 1GB)
  6. You can put the description with HTML in web server
  7. Support iOS and Android

Limition #

Not support to create nesting sub folders.

The demo screen capture #

Web Server


How to use #

1. Init the InternalHttpServer #

 InternalHttpServer server = InternalHttpServer(
    title: 'Testing Web Server',
    address: InternetAddress.anyIPv4,
    port: 8080,
    logger: const DebugLogger(),

2. Update your description with any HTML codes #

define the description string

final String server_description = ''' Description:
            You can put your <strong>webserver</strong> description here 
          It's support any <strong style='color:red'>HTML</strong>, you can describe what you want to say

        How to use:
          <li>1. You can drag and drop the file here or click the 'Upload File' button  to upload</li>
          <li>2. It's support larger file</li>
          <li>3. You can upload multiple files once time</li>

update to web server


3. Create two method to start and stop the server #

startServer() async {
    server.serve().then((value) {
      setState(() {
        isListening = true;
        buttonLabel = 'Stop';

  stopServer() async {
    server.stop().then((value) {
      setState(() {
        isListening = false;
        buttonLabel = 'Start';

create a button to start and stop server

  child: Text(buttonLabel),
  onPressed: () {
    if (isListening) {
    } else {

also, you need to let user know what the IP address of your web server, so you should get the device IP as below and show the IP in your APP

Future<String> getCurrentIP() async {
    // Getting WIFI IP Details
    String currentIP = '';
    try {
      for (var interface in await NetworkInterface.list()) {
        for (var addr in interface.addresses) {
              'Name: ${}  IP Address: ${addr.address}  IPV4: ${InternetAddress.anyIPv4}');

          if (addr.type == InternetAddressType.IPv4 &&
              addr.address.startsWith('192')) {
            currentIP = addr.address;
    } catch (e) {

    // print('currentIP========: $currentIP');
    return currentIP;

Please find the full example here [here (../example/lib/main.dart)][here].

In the end #

Due to my limited time and energy, I warmly welcome everyone to work together to improve this project. For example, nested directories are not yet supported. :)

By the way, also welcome to my blog to let me know what do your thoughts :



unverified uploader

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An internal http server for flutter

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MIT (license)


device_info_plus, flutter, mime, path, path_provider


Packages that depend on internal_http_server