instashare 0.0.8 copy "instashare: ^0.0.8" to clipboard
instashare: ^0.0.8 copied to clipboard

Share easily and directly to Instagram.

instashare #

Share easily and directly to Instagram.

Inspired and adapted from attilaroy (iOS) and romatroskin (Android)

Android #

You don't need to configure anything for Android.

iOS #

Open your info.plist and add

<plist version="1.0">

        <string>This app needs to access your camera so you can take and add photos easily into the app.</string>
        <string>This app needs access to your gallery so you can pick images or share to Instagram.</string>


Mind that you can write anything inside the NSCameraUsageDescription and NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription <string> block. This is just an example text.

Usage #

In your .dart file import the library with

import 'package:instashare/instashare.dart';

then call the method with (eg.)

Future<void> sharePost(File file) {
    int result = await Instashare.shareToFeedInstagram("image/*", file.path);
    if (result != InstashareStatus.Done.index) {
        throw (result);

as you can see i added multiple result integers as an return value.

You can check the result against those:

- InstashareStatus.Done (equals to 0)
  // Successful sharing

- InstashareStatus.WriteFileError (equals to 1)
  // Writing the file did not work (iOS only)

- InstashareStatus.WritePhotoAlbumError (equals to 2)
  // Writing the file to Photo Album did not work (iOS only)

- InstashareStatus.InstagramNotInstalledError (equals to 3)
  // Instagram is not installed (or at least is not recognized)

- InstashareStatus.AccessingPhotosError (equals to 4)
  // User did not allow to access photo library (iOS only)

Mind: Always use the .index function like InstashareStatus.Done.index to compare against the result.

Example #

You can also simply use my example app and check out the code.

  1. Open your emulator or connect your device
  2. cd example
  3. flutter run -t lib/main.dart --debug

Todo #

  • If possible remember the generated photo (iOS only) in the gallery and delete it when the user comes back into the app.
pub points



Share easily and directly to Instagram.



BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on instashare