instana_agent 2.0.2 copy "instana_agent: ^2.0.2" to clipboard
instana_agent: ^2.0.2 copied to clipboard


An Instana agent to collect statistics about sessions and HTTP requests for Flutter-based apps.

Instana agent for Flutter #

Changelog | Contributing

Instana agent allows Flutter apps to send monitoring data to Instana.

Installation #

The Instana agent Flutter package is available via

You can add it to your app the same way as usual:

  1. Open the pubspec.yaml file located inside the app folder, and add instana_agent: under dependencies.
  2. Install it From the terminal: Run flutter pub get Or
    • From Android Studio/IntelliJ: Click Packages get in the action ribbon at the top of pubspec.yaml.
    • From VS Code: Click Get Packages located in right side of the action ribbon at the top of pubspec.yaml.

Initialization #

Import package in your dart file(s):

import 'package:instana_agent/instana_agent.dart';

Stop and restart the app, if necessary

Setup Instana once as soon as possible. For example, in initState()

  void initState() {
    InstanaAgent.setup(key: 'YOUR-INSTANA-KEY', reportingUrl: 'YOUR-REPORTING_URL');

Tracking View changes #

At any point after initializing the Instana agent:

import 'package:instana_agent/instana_agent.dart';



Tracking HTTP requests #

At any point after initializing the Instana agent:

import 'package:instana_agent/instana_agent.dart';


InstanaAgent.startCapture(url: '', method: 'GET').then((marker) => marker
    ..responseStatusCode = 200
    ..responseSizeBody = 1000
    ..responseSizeBodyDecoded = 2400

We recommend creating your own InstrumentedHttpClient extending http.BaseClient as shown in this snippet, for example:

class _InstrumentedHttpClient extends BaseClient {

   final Client _inner;

   Future<StreamedResponse> send(BaseRequest request) async {
      final Marker marker = await InstanaAgent.startCapture(url: request.url.toString(), method: request.method);

      StreamedResponse response;
      try {
         response = await _inner.send(request);
            ..responseStatusCode = response.statusCode
            ..responseSizeBody = response.contentLength
            ..backendTracingID = BackendTracingIDParser.fromHeadersMap(response.headers);
      } finally {
         await marker.finish();

      return response;

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {


   Future<void> httpRequest() async {
      final _InstrumentedHttpClient httpClient = _InstrumentedHttpClient(Client());
      final Request request = Request("GET", Uri.parse(""));


Error handling #

All of the agent's interfaces return an asynchronous Future. Error are wrapped in an exception of the PlatformException type.

We advice developers to follow the common error-handling techniques for Futures and at least log any possible error.

For example:

InstanaAgent.setup(key: 'KEY', reportingUrl: 'REPORTING_URL')
    .catchError((e) => 
            log("Captured PlatformException during Instana setup: $e")

Or similarly in async functions:

try {
  var result = await InstanaAgent.setup(key: 'KEY', reportingUrl: 'REPORTING_URL');
} catch (e) {
log("Captured PlatformException during Instana setup: $e");

More #

The complete documentation for this package, including custom events and others can be found within Instana's public documentation page

Please also check out the Flutter example in this repository for a simple usage demonstration.

pub points



An Instana agent to collect statistics about sessions and HTTP requests for Flutter-based apps.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)




Packages that depend on instana_agent