impaktfull_ui 0.0.29 copy "impaktfull_ui: ^0.0.29" to clipboard
impaktfull_ui: ^0.0.29 copied to clipboard

A Flutter package for Impaktfull UI components.

0.0.29 #

Feat #

  • extraPadding added to ImpaktfullListView

0.0.28 #

Feat #

  • Added margin & padding to the ImpaktfullCard

0.0.27 #

Fix #

  • ImpaktfullSwitch & ImpaktfullCheckbox with the turned off state (accent1TurnedOffState)

0.0.26 #

Feat #

  • Check if leadingAsset is an icon or an image so a color should be a applied or not (on ImpaktfullListItem & ImpaktfullSelectableListItem)

0.0.25 #

Feat #

  • ImpaktfullTheme added listViewTitleHorizontalPadding && listViewTitleVerticalPadding to better control the padding of the title in the ImpaktfullListView

0.0.24 #

Feat #

  • ImpaktfullCard has now an onTap parameter

0.0.23 #

Feat #

  • ImpaktfullTheme expose the defaultSplashFactory
  • RTL & LTR support for ImpaktfullApp (detection by the locale param)

0.0.22 #

Feat #

  • ImpaktfullApp now exposes snackyController to set a custom snackyController

0.0.21 #

Feat #

  • ImpaktfullApp now exposes snackyBuilder to set a custom snakcyBuilder

0.0.20 #

Feat #

  • Readme added badge
  • Example better icons & assets
  • Added ImpaktfullCard
  • Added ImpaktfullDialog
  • Added ImpaktfullFab
  • Added ImpaktfullPagination
  • Added ImpaktfullScreen
  • ImpaktfullBottomNavigationItem supports selected icon assets
  • ImpaktfullListView refresh action & loading state
  • ImpaktfullListView pull to refresh
  • ImpaktfullRefreshIndicator
  • ImpaktfullApp now supports showing or hiding the debugFlag
  • ImpaktfullButton can have a loading state with onAsyncTap
  • ImpaktfullTouchFeedback now has actual feedback based on the platform
  • ImpaktfullTheme now has more shadow options (card, selectedCard, bottomNavigation, button)
  • ImpaktfullTheme now has border options (card, selectedCard)

Fix #

  • ImpaktfullDatePicker now uses the borderRadius from the theme
  • Small disposed errors in ImpaktfullListItem

0.0.18 - 0.0.19 #

Fix #

  • Snacky config to use the correct colors

0.0.17 #

Feat #

  • Added ImpaktfullRadioButtonListItem

0.0.16 #

Fix #

  • Version bump intl

0.0.15 #

Feat #

  • Added ImpaktfullDateTimePickerDialog
  • Added ImpaktfullDateTimeRangePicker
  • Added ImpaktfullDialog

0.0.14 #

Feat #

  • Added ImpaktfullRadioButton
  • Added ImpaktfullDatePicker
  • Added ImpaktfullTimePicker
  • Added ImpaktfullCheckbox
  • Added ImpaktfullDateTimePicker
  • Added borderWidth to ImpaktfullTheme.ImpaktfullDimens

Fix #

  • ImpaktfullSwitchListItem removed isSelected

0.0.13 #

Fix #

  • Bug in ImpaktfullListItem where trailing widget was not shown correctly

0.0.12 #

Feat #

  • ImpaktfullSwitch & ImpaktfullSwitchListItem added

0.0.11 #

Fix #

  • Assets not loading in Android

0.0.10 #

Fix #

  • SvgIcon pixelated (because of flutter_svg/Impeller bug)

0.0.9 #

Fix #

  • Documentation
  • obscureText on ImpaktfullInputField

0.0.8 #

Fix #

  • ImpaktfullNavBar height & moved to a new component

0.0.7 #

Feat #

  • ImpaktfullTabBar & ImpaktfullTabBarItem added

0.0.6 #

Feat #

  • ImpaktfullInputField added

0.0.5 #

Feat #

  • ImpaktfullBottomNavigationItem & ImpaktfullBottomNavigation added

0.0.4 #

Fix #

  • ImpaktfullApp fixed required home widget (now optional)
  • ImpaktfullApp fixed has now the option to override the material themeing

0.0.3 #

Feat #

  • Added a couple new components:
  • Added a couple new default icons:
  • Added support for custom durations

Refactor #

  • Some onCard is now onCardPrimary and we added onCardSecondary

0.0.2 #

Feat #

  • Github actions for CI/CD

0.0.1 #

Feat #

  • Initial release