impaktfull_cli 0.15.0 copy "impaktfull_cli: ^0.15.0" to clipboard
impaktfull_cli: ^0.15.0 copied to clipboard

A cli that combines all tools for development, testing, ci/cd,...

0.15.0 #

Added #

  • Choose if you want to commit the version bump or not (even if it is a git repo)

0.14.2 #

Fix #


0.14.1 #

Fix #

  • Typo's in the create_keychain command

0.14.0 #

Feat #

  • Android create keychain command (cli & plugin)

0.13.8 #

Fix #

  • Logger context for onepassword

0.13.7 #

Fix #

  • Verbose logger listener converted to a broadcast stream

0.13.6 #

Fix #

  • Verbose logger listener steam already listened to

0.13.5 #

Fix #

  • Verbose logger listener (when 2 times startListening is called)

0.13.4 #

Update #

  • Updated license

0.13.3 #

Update #

  • Updated reamde

0.13.2 #

Update #

  • Updated changelog format

0.13.1 #

Update #

  • Updated reamde
  • Updated changelog format

0.13.0 #

Feat #

  • Improved logging to easily follow allong
  • Enable/disable verbose logging during run.
  • Print logs to file on error to (impaktfull_cli.log)
  • Playstore release to internal track by default
  • Playstore release to draft release status by default

0.12.0 #

Feat #

  • Export code_builder

0.11.6 - 0.11.8 #

Update #

  • License BSD-3-Clause license

0.11.6 - 0.11.7 #

Fix #

  • Improve CI/CD pipeline

0.11.5 #

Fix #

  • CI/CD plugin where the buildnr field was not used
  • verbose logging instead of debug loggin for the version bump

0.11.4 #

Fix #

  • Formatting of the release_config.json file

0.11.3 #

Fix #

  • Bug where the release_config.json did not contain the correct version and failed because it was expected

0.11.2 #

Fix #

  • Bug where the git status method would return a list with 1 item if nothing was detected

0.11.1 #

Fix #

  • Bug where the git status method would return the wrong value if nothing was detected

0.11.0 #

Feat #

  • Add the option to add a flavor to the versionbump command
  • Add the option to add a suffixto the versionbump command

0.10.13 #

Feat #

  • Add the option to check if git is clean
  • Add the option to versionbump using release_config.json file
  • Add the option to check if a clitool is installed

0.10.12 #

Fix #

  • Cleanup keychain plugin after force quit

0.10.7 - 0.10.11 #

Fix #

  • Setting default keychain to newly created on in ci/cd plugin

0.10.6 #

Fix #

  • Keychain should be accessible to all from ci/cd plugin

0.10.5 #

Fix #

  • First check if new keychain already exists before creating a new one

0.10.4 #

Fix #

  • Delete build/ios/ipa folder before iOS build

0.10.3 #

Fix #

  • Keychain creation on macOS

0.10.2 #

Fix #

  • Renamed valultName to opValueName on startBuildWithCertificateAndPasswordFromOnePassword on the CiCdPlugin

0.10.1 #

Fix #

  • Export valultName for startBuildWithCertificateAndPasswordFromOnePassword on the CiCdPlugin

0.10.0 #

Feat #

  • Added rawServiceAccount to startBuildWithCertificateAndPasswordFromOnePassword on the CiCdPlugin

0.9.1 #

Fix #

  • Bug when downloading files using OnePasswordPlugin

0.9.0 #

Feat #

  • Export enable logging

0.8.0 #

Feat #

  • Pass service accounts to override the default service account in the OnePasswordPlugin

0.7.1 #

Fix #

  • Typo in getServiceAccountCredentials

0.7.0 #

Feat #

  • Added getServiceAccountCredentials to OnePasswordPlugin to get google service account credentials from 1password.

0.6.1 #

Fix #

  • Typo with getTestFlightCredentials in OnePasswordPlugin

0.6.0 #

Feat #

  • Better config for testflight upload

0.5.1 - 0.5.3 #

Fix #

  • Bug where testflight upload would succeed when the app was invalid because of a lower,same version number

0.5.0 #

Feat #

  • PlaystoreUploadConfig will default to android/playstore_credentials.json

0.4.0 #

Feat #

  • Export joinPath which is just an alternative for join from path package.

0.3.3 #

Docs #

  • PlayStoreUploadConfig extra documentation
  • TestflightUploadConfig extra documentation

0.3.2 #

Fix #

  • PlayStoreUploadConfig required fields if needed
  • TestflightUploadConfig required fields if needed

0.3.1 #

Fix #

  • Export PlayStoreUploadConfig
  • Export TestflightUploadConfig

0.3.0 #

Feat #

  • (ci/cd): Upload to playstore with ci/cd plugin
  • (ci/cd): Upload to appstore with ci/cd plugin

0.2.3 -> 0.2.20 #

Features #

  • (ci): Automatic publish to from github actions (some trial and error happened)

0.2.2 #

Features #

  • (ci): Added ci to publish to

0.2.1 #

Features #

  • (AppCenter): Export default distribution group.
  • (cli): Added support to extend the cli with custom plugins.

0.2.0 #

Rafactor #

  • Rafactor to a setup where it is clear which plugins are available to use.

0.1.1 #

Fixes: #

  • Export all required files.

0.1.0 #

Refactor #

  • The plugins should be more flexible now. ImpaktfullCli() should be used as a starting point. These methods should make it more clear how to use the plugins:
    • runWithPlugin
    • runWithCli()
    • getPlugin()

0.0.4 #

Fixes #

  • cleanup dependency injection with default implementations.

0.0.3 #

Fixes #

  • Removed xml dependency.

0.0.2 #

Fixes #

  • Typo in EmptyCommandConfig
  • meta version set to 1.1.0

0.0.1 #

Features #

  • Unstable initial version.
  • Support for:
    • build flutter app
    • upload ipa to appcenter
    • upload apk to appcenter
    • upload api to testflight
    • upload apk to playstore
    • upload aab to playstore
    • create keychain
    • read from 1password with service account
pub points



A cli that combines all tools for development, testing, ci/cd,...

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


args, cli_spin, code_builder, googleapis, googleapis_auth, http, meta, path, uuid


Packages that depend on impaktfull_cli