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An immutable state machine that supports transient states, integrates with various state and data management frameworks, and is ideal for UI applications.

ImmutableFSM #

ImmutableFSM is a Dart package that implements an immutable Finite State Machine (FSM) that supports transient states, integrates smoothly with various state and data management frameworks like Riverpod, and is perfect for UI applications.

Key Features #

  • Immutability: Every action creates a new FSM instance with an updated, immutable state and data, ensuring predictable behavior and reducing side effects.
  • Transient States: The FSM supports transient states — states that can automatically chain to other states based on internal conditions, making transitions seamless and efficient.
  • Reactive Transitions: States can provide onEnter and onExit handlers to perform specific actions when entering or leaving a state, enabling responsive and event-driven behaviors.
  • UI Compatibility: Due to immutability, ImmutableFSM is ideal for UI applications and works seamlessly with data and state and data management frameworks like Riverpod.

Getting Started #

To start using ImmutableFSM, add it as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

  immutable_fsm: ^1.0.0
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Then, run flutter pub get to install the package.

Importing the Package #

In your Dart file, import the package as follows:

import 'package:immutable_fsm/immutable_fsm.dart';
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Usage #

Let's consider a simple system we need to model using a state machine - a turnstile. In our example, user needs to put a coin into the turnstile in order to pass, and the coin needs to be of a specific value.

For our example we will use the two key states - Locked, and Unlocked. To make our system more robust and comprehensive, we will add two more states - ReceivingCoin - a transient state at which the coin will be validated, and CoinError - the state when turnstile is locked, but error lights up and if there was a coin it will be returned back to the user.

Now, when we have our states defined, we need to define the events that will trigger the transitions between the states. We will use the following:

  • coinInserted - an event that happens when user puts a coin into the turnstile receptacle
  • push - user pushes through turnstile, trying to walk through it
  • unlock - an even that unlocks the turnstile, allowing user to pass through
  • error - an even that happens when an error occurs

Here is the visualization of the described model:

Turnstile Model

Creating an FSM #

To start, define the FSM states and events. States represent the different conditions or modes of the system (like Locked or Unlocked), and events are the triggers that cause transitions between these states (such as coinInserted or push). States are created by extending the FSMState<Event, Data> class, where Event is typically an enum listing possible triggers, and Data represents metadata used during transitions.

enum TurnstileEvent {

class TurnstileMetadata {
  const TurnstileMetadata({this.coinValue = 0, this.error});

  final int coinValue;
  final Object? error;

class Locked extends FSMState<TurnstileEvent, TurnstileMetadata> {
  const Locked();

class ReceivingCoin extends FSMState<TurnstileEvent, TurnstileMetadata> {
  const ReceivingCoin();

  Future<void> onEnter(TurnstileMetadata? data, {
    required FSMStateOnEnterResponse<TurnstileEvent, TurnstileMetadata> response,
  }) async {
   // Handle the coin (see example for complete code).

class Unlocked extends FSMState<TurnstileEvent, TurnstileMetadata> {
  const Unlocked();

class CoinError extends FSMState<TurnstileEvent, TurnstileMetadata> {
  const CoinError();
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Initializing the FSM #

Initialize the FSM by specifying the initial state.

final fsm = ImmutableFSM<TurnstileEvent, TurnstileMetadata>(initialState: const Locked());
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Adding Transitions #

Define state transitions using the addTransition method, specifying the from state, to state, and event that triggers the transition. Each new transition creates a copy of the FSM with the updated transition configuration.

final fsm = ImmutableFSM<TurnstileEvent, TurnstileMetadata>(initialState: const Locked())
    from: const Locked(),
    to: const ReceivingCoin(),
    event: TurnstileEvent.coinInserted,
    from: const ReceivingCoin(),
    to: const Unlocked(),
    event: TurnstileEvent.unlock,
    from: const ReceivingCoin(),
    to: const CoinError(),
    event: TurnstileEvent.error,
    from: const Unlocked(),
    to: const Locked(),
    event: TurnstileEvent.push,
    from: const CoinError(),
    to: const ReceivingCoin(),
    event: TurnstileEvent.coinInserted,
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Transitioning Between States #

To perform a transition, use the tryTransition method. Since ImmutableFSM is immutable, calling tryTransition doesn’t alter the original FSM but instead returns a new FSM in the updated state. This approach maintains immutability, making the FSM predictable and preventing unintended side effects.

tryTransition takes an event and optional data; if data is provided, it will be passed to the current state when it exits and to the new state when it enters. If no data is provided, the FSM uses the existing metadata associated with the state.

Using an immutable FSM enables integration with state management systems, as each new FSM instance can be stored in state providers or containers like Riverpod, triggering UI rebuilds on state changes.

fsm = await fsm.tryTransition(
  event: TurnstileEvent.coinInserted, 
  data: const TurnstileMetadata(coinValue: 20),
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Handling State Changes #

The key feature of ImmutableFSM is its ability to react to state changes.

Each state can execute code when the FSM enters or exits that state. States can override onEnter and onExit to define behaviors that should occur upon entering or exiting a state.

Transient States

One of the distinct features of ImmutableFSM is the support for transient states, also known as state chaining. Transient states allow a state, upon entering, to automatically transition to another state based on internal logic.

These transitions happen internally, making the chaining process transparent to the code executing tryTransition.

For example, when the turnstile is in the Locked state, inserting a coin triggers a transition to the ReceivingCoin state. Upon entering ReceivingCoin, the coin is validated, and the turnstile either unlocks (transitioning to Unlocked) or throws an error. Here, ReceivingCoin is a transient state that quickly progresses to the next state based on conditions.

// FSM state is initially Locked
fsm = await fsm.tryTransition(
  event: TurnstileEvent.coinInserted, 
  data: const TurnstileMetadata(coinValue: 20),
// FSM state is now Unlocked, but it went through ReceivingCoin
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This feature allows developers to create state chains that automate various actions and scenarios without burdening the main code with unnecessary state and event handling.

For instance, a turnstile might have states for weighing and measuring a coin before verifying and unlocking it. The UI consuming this FSM would only need to track the three main states — locked, unlocked, or error — without needing to handle the intermediate states.

This approach encourages SOLID and KISS principles by making states smaller and easier to maintain.

State Response

Each state’s onEnter and onExit methods receive a response object (FSMStateOnEnterResponse for entering and FSMStateOnExitResponse for exiting) that provides methods like emitData and emitEvent to control state progression and handle data updates.


The metadata associated with each state acts as a container for both input and output data during transitions. When a state processes a transition, it produces a complete immutable metadata object. States can copy and modify input data or create entirely new data as output, depending on the specific requirements of the transition.

The metadata is global to the FSM and is updated with each state’s new metadata object. If a state doesn’t emit new metadata, the FSM retains the current data, allowing multiple states to rely on the same data without constantly passing it forward.

Example #

Below is an example showing a transient state with onEnter using emitData and emitEvent to control state transitions and output data.

class ReceivingCoin extends FSMState<TurnstileEvent, TurnstileMetadata> {
  const ReceivingCoin();

  Future<void> onEnter(TurnstileMetadata? data, {
    required FSMStateOnEnterResponse<TurnstileEvent, TurnstileMetadata> response,
  }) async {
    if (data?.coinValue == 20) {
        ..emitData(const TurnstileMetadata())
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In this example, the ReceivingCoin state verifies the coin's value. If the value matches, it emits a new metadata object and triggers the unlock event. Otherwise, it emits an error event.



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An immutable state machine that supports transient states, integrates with various state and data management frameworks, and is ideal for UI applications.

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collection, fast_immutable_collections, meta


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