image_editor_dove 0.0.2 image_editor_dove: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard
An image editor with crop, scribble, mosaic, add-text, flip, rotated functions.
image_editor #
A high-performance image editor with crop, scribble, mosaic, add-text, flip, rotated functions.
Support custom ui style.
- drawing
- rotate
- mosaic
- add or delete text
Getting Started #
First, add image_editor: as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
import 'package:image_editor/flutter_image_editor.dart';
iOS Add the following keys to your Info.plist file, located in
- NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription - describe why your app needs permission for the photo library. This is called Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description in the visual editor.
- NSCameraUsageDescription - describe why your app needs access to the camera. This is called Privacy - Camera Usage Description in the visual editor.
- NSMicrophoneUsageDescription - describe why your app needs access to the microphone, if you intend to record videos. This is called Privacy - Microphone Usage Description in the visual editor. Or in text format add the key:
<string>Used to demonstrate image picker plugin</string>
<string>Used to demonstrate image picker plugin</string>
<string>Used to capture audio for image picker plugin</string>
No configuration required - the plugin should work out of the box.
Usage #
pick an image that wanna edit, and pass it to image editor like this:
Future<void> toImageEditor(File origin) async {
return Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) {
return ImageEditor(
originImage: origin,
//this is nullable, you can custom new file's save postion
savePath: customDirectory
})).then((result) {
if (result is EditorImageResult) {
setState(() {
_image = result.newFile;
}).catchError((er) {
custom ui style #
You can extends ImageEditorDelegate and custom editor's widget:
ImageEditor.uiDelegate = YouUiDelegate();
class YouUiDelegate extends ImageEditorDelegate{