ifonly 0.1.0 copy "ifonly: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
ifonly: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard


Flutter expression helpers for conditional statement.

IfOnly #

Flutter conditional (if-else / switch-case) helpers to make a more readable and simplifier conditional code.

🏃‍♂️ Getting Started #

In your flutter project add the dependency:

  ifonly: ^0.1.0

🧞‍♂️ Usage #

Importing package

import 'package:ifonly/ifonly.dart';

🐋 Why using this? #

Have you ever seen a repetitive code like this?

bool isValid = (username != null && username.isNotEmpty && password != null && password.isNotEmpty && email != null && email.isNotEmpty && phoneNumber != null && phoneNumber.isNotEmpty);

or returning widget like this

return (isValid) ? RaisedButton(child: Text('Click Me!'), onPressed: () => print('Hi!');) : RaisedButton(child: Text('Please fill the empty field first!'), onPressed: null;

🧙‍♂️ What IfOnly do #

With this package, we are trying to make a commonly used code easier to read.

Like making the isValid to this:

bool isValid = [username, password, email, phoneNumber].isNotNullOrEmpties();

And returning widget to this:

return IfOnly(
    condition: isValid,
    validBuilder: (context) => RaisedButton(child: Text('Click Me!'), onPressed: () => print('Hi!');),
    invalidBuilder: (context) => RaisedButton(child: Text('Please fill the empty field first!'),

Or like this:

return IfCaseOnly<bool>(
    value: isValid,
    caseBuilder: {
        true: (BuildContext context) => RaisedButton(child: Text('Click Me!'), onPressed: () => print('Hi!');),
        false: (BuildContext context) => RaisedButton(child: Text('Please fill the empty field first!'),
    defaultBuilder: (context) => Text("Expression's builder is undefined. please input it to caseBuilder."),

Or even like this:

return IfCaseOnly<IfCases>(
    value: IfCases(
        cases: [
                (context) => RaisedButton(child: Text('Click Me!'), onPressed: () => print('Hi!');)
                (context) => RaisedButton(child: Text('Please fill the empty field first!'),
    defaultBuilder: (context) => Text("Expression's builder is undefined. please input it to caseBuilder."),

👨‍🎨 Custom conditional function #

If you need a self defined function like when define isValid, Use method isCondition or ifCondition for single data, isConditions or ifConditions for list:

bool isValid = [username, password, email, phoneNumber].isConditions((item) => item.isNotNullOrEmpty());

Execute code after conditions are meet #

Change the is on function to if

Widget nextButton;
[username, password, email, phoneNumber].ifConditions(
    (item) => item.isNotNullOrEmpty(),
    onTrue: (context) => nextButton = RaisedButton(child: Text('Click Me!'), onPressed: () => print('Hi!');),
    onFalse: (context) => nextButton = RaisedButton(child: Text('Please fill the empty field first!'),

More detailed explanation #

We have inputting comment to all function code, Go check Repository for more.

🙏🏻 Contributions #

Feel free to contribute to this project.

If you find a bug or want a feature, but don't know how to fix/implement it, please fill an issue. If you fixed a bug or implemented a feature, please send a pull request.

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Flutter expression helpers for conditional statement.

Repository (GitHub)
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