idkit_extension 0.0.4 copy "idkit_extension: ^0.0.4" to clipboard
idkit_extension: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard

This package is mainly used to extend common functions of some classes in Flutter development, making it more convenient and simple for developers to develop.

idkit_extension #

Introduction #

This package is mainly used to extend common functions of some classes in Flutter development, making it more convenient and simple for developers to develop.

Functions of currently extended classes #

  • String

    1. Remove all spaces in the string.
    /// 1. Remove all spaces in the string.
    void removeAllSpaces() {
      const String testStr = ' aa bb  cc dd  ';
      print(testStr.trimAll()); // aabbccdd
    2. Convert a string to a number.
    /// 2. Convert a string to a number.
    void toNumber() {
      const String value = '110';
      print(value.toInt()); // 110
      print(value.toDouble()); // 110.0
    3. Convert a string to a number.
    /// 3. Convert string to collection.
    void toCollection() {
      const String testStr = 'abcd';
      print(testStr.toList()); // [a,b,c,d]
      const String testStr1 = '1,2,10,21';
      print(testStr1.toList(patternSplit: ',')); // [1,2,10,21]
    4. ID card verification.
    /// 4. ID card verification.
    void toID() {
        const String id1 = '53010219200508011X';
        print(id1.isIDCard()); // true
        const String id2 = '53010219200508012X';
        print(id2.isIDCard()); // false
    5. Verify that the string is all Chinese characters.
    /// 5. Verify that the string is all Chinese characters.
    void toCC() {
        const String txt1 = '我是who';
        print(txt1.isChineseCharacters()); // false
        const String txt2 = '我是 大鲨鱼,是吗';
        print(txt2.isChineseCharacters()); // true
    6. Verify that the string is a qualified phone number.
    /// 6. Verify that the string is a qualified phone number.
    void toPhone() {
        const String phone = '18801210281';
        print(phone.isPhoneNumber()); // true
        const String phone1 = '12801210281';
        print(phone1.isPhoneNumber()); // false
    7. Verify whether it is a string composed of 0-9.
    /// 7. Verify whether it is a string composed of 0-9.
    void toVerifyNumber() {
        const String phone = '18801210281';
        print(phone.isAllNumber()); // true
        const String phone1 = '12801210281#';
        print(phone1.isAllNumber()); // false
    8. Amount formatted in thousandths.
    /// 8. Amount formatted in thousandths.
    void toAmount() {
        const String amount = '12345';
        print(amount.thousands()); // 12,345
        const String amount1 = '12345.087';
        print(amount1.thousands()); // 12,345.087
  • List

    1. Splicing between collection elements.
    /// 1. Splicing between collection elements.
    void toStringFromList() {
        const List<String> list = <String>['T', 'h', 'i', 's'];
        print(list.splicing()); // This
        const List<String> list1 = <String>['2021', '11', '17'];
        print(list1.splicing('-')); // 2021-11-17

- 0.0.3 Update content introduction #

1. Add a method to copy the value of the collection object

void listCopyValue() {
  final List<int> a = <int>[1, 2, 3];
  final List<int> b = a.copy();
  print(a); // [1,2,3,4]
  print(b); // [1,2,3]

2. Copy the value of the key-value collection

void mapCopy() {
  final Map<String, String> a = <String, String>{'a': '10', 'b': '20'};
  final Map<String, String> b = a;
  final Map<String, String> c = a.copy();
  a['a'] = '00';
  print(a); // {a: 00, b: 20}
  print(b); // {a: 00, b: 20}
  print(c); // {a: 10, b: 20}

3. A key-value collection gets a new key-value from another key-value collection

void mapCopyMap() {
  final Map<String, String> a = <String, String>{'a': '10'};
  final Map<String, String> b = <String, String>{
    'a': '00',
    'b': '10',
    'c': '20'
  final Map<String, String> c = a.copyFrom(b);
  print(c); // {a: 10, b: 10, c: 20}
pub points


unverified uploader

This package is mainly used to extend common functions of some classes in Flutter development, making it more convenient and simple for developers to develop.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on idkit_extension