idenfy_sdk_flutter 1.7.0 copy "idenfy_sdk_flutter: ^1.7.0" to clipboard
idenfy_sdk_flutter: ^1.7.0 copied to clipboard

iDenfy SDK for Flutter. iDenfy - all-in-one identity verification and fraud prevention platform helping in remote users on-boarding, mitigation of risk, and KYC/AML compliance.

Table of contents #

Getting started #

The @idenfy/idenfy_sdk_flutter is an official Flutter plugin, which provides an easier integration of iDenfy KYC services.

1. Obtaining an authentication token #

The SDK requires token for starting initialization. Token generation guide

2. Availability information & new project setup #

Minimum required versions by the platform:

IOS - 11.0 (Can be configured for 10.0, but will require Xcode 12.5.1)

Android - API 21

If you are starting a new Flutter project you can follow Flutter install guide. Once the setup is completed successfully, you can add iDenfy SDK dependencies.

3. Adding iDenfy Flutter SDK #

To add iDenfy SDK plugin, open your project's pubspec.yaml file and append it with the latest iDenfy SDK flutter plugin:

  idenfy_sdk_flutter: ^1.7.0

3.1 Configuring Android project

Please make sure to enable multidex in app/build.gradle:

android {
  defaultConfig {
     multiDexEnabled true

Configure your application's file:

//For gradle 7+

Make sure you are using Kotlin >= 1.5.31 version (Since 1.5 version of iDenfy package)

3.2 Configuring IOS project

NSCameraUsageDescription must be provided in the application's Info.plist file:

<string>Required for document and facial capture</string>

Install the pods:

cd ios
pod install
cd ..

4. Adding iDenfy Flutter SDK manually #

For more customization, you can use our sample in this repository

4.1 Configuring Android Project

Please make sure you use the latest iDenfy SDK dependency in build/gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation "idenfySdk:com.idenfy.idenfySdk:x.y.z"

Having done that, sync gradle project files.

4.2 Configuring IOS Project

1. Installing dependency

Please make sure you use the latest iDenfy SDK dependency in idenfy_sdk_flutter.podspec file:

s.dependency 'iDenfySDK/iDenfyLiveness', 'x.y.z'

2. Updating post install script

Navigate to the ios/Podfile file and edit the post_install script.

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    if == "ZIPFoundation" || == "lottie-ios"
      target.build_configurations.each do |config|
        config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'
    if == "idenfy_sdk_flutter"
      target.build_configurations.each do |config|
        config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '11.0'

This script ensures that both "ZIPFoundation" and "lottie-ios" have module stability as well as IOS 11.0 support, which is required for the NFC feature.

3. Running pod install

After that, install the pods:

cd ios
pod install
cd ..

If you face compiling issues, like "using bridging headers with module interfaces is unsupported" you should set Build libraries for distribution to NO in your app build settings.

The example IOS app has the correct configuration.

5. Troubleshooting compile errors #


If your application uses Objective-C bridging headers you might face the following compile error: using bridging headers with module interfaces is unsupported. Command CompileSwiftSources failed with a nonzero exit code.

<img alt="Embed & Sign" width="700" src={useBaseUrl('img/mobile/idenfy_ios_compile_error.png')} />

To solve this error, you should try these steps:

1. You should set Build libraries for distribution to NO in your Runner app build settings.

2. Change post_install script in the Runner app Podfile to the following:

post_install do |installer|
    installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
        if == "ZIPFoundation" || == "lottie-ios"
          target.build_configurations.each do |config|
            config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'

3. Use different Subspec.

If the first solution does not help, then use the Subspec, which uses "Fat" legacy frameworks instead of the xcframeworks.

To include it, change pod 'iDenfySDK/iDenfyLiveness' to pod 'iDenfySDK/iDenfyLiveness-Legacy'


If you run into this issue:

The minCompileSdk (31) specified in a dependency's AAR metadata (META-INF/com/android/build/gradle/ is greater than this module's compileSdkVersion (android-30).Dependency: androidx.core:core:1.7.0.

Add the following lines to your app/build.gradle file:

android {

  configurations.all {
    resolutionStrategy { force 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.3.2' }
    resolutionStrategy { force 'androidx.core:core:1.6.0' }

If this error occurs:

Failed to transform bcprov-jdk15on-1.69.jar (org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.69) to match attributes {artifactType=android-java-res, org.gradle.category=library, org.gradle.libraryelements=jar, org.gradle.status=release, org.gradle.usage=java-runtime}.

Be sure to add the following lines to your application's file:

//For gradle 7+

Usage #

Identity verification flow #

Firstly, import idenfysdkflutter.dart file:

import 'package:idenfy_sdk_flutter/idenfy_sdk_flutter.dart';

After successful integration you should be able to call IdenfySdkFlutter.start method.

If the project is not successfully compiled or runtime issues occur, make sure you have followed the steps. For better understanding you may check the sample app in this repository.

Once you have an authentication token, which can be retrieved with following code, found in the example app, you can call IdenfySdkFlutter.start:

  Future<String> getAuthTokenRequest() async {
      final response = await
        Uri.https(Constants.BASE_URL, '/api/v2/token'),
        headers: <String, String>{
          'Accept': 'application/json',
          'Content-Type': 'application/json',
          'Authorization': 'Basic ' + base64Encode(utf8.encode('${Constants.apiKey}:${Constants.apiSecret}')),
        body: jsonEncode(<String, String> {
          "clientId": Constants.clientId,
      if (response.statusCode == 201) {
        return jsonDecode(response.body)["authToken"];
      } else {
        throw Exception('Failed to fetch token');

  Future<void> initIdenfySdk() async {
      IdenfyIdentificationResult idenfySDKresult;
      Exception localException;
      try {
      String authToken = await getAuthTokenRequest();
        idenfySDKresult = await IdenfySdkFlutter.start(authToken);
      } on Exception catch(e) {
        localException = e;

      setState(() {
        _idenfySDKresult = idenfySDKresult;
        exception = localException;

Please make sure to provide your cliendId, apikey and apisecret constants, they can be found in constants.dart file:

const String BASE_URL = '';
const String clientId = 'idenfySampleClientID';
const String apiKey = 'PUT_YOUR_IDENFY_API_KEY_HERE';
const String apiSecret = 'PUT_YOUR_IDENFY_API_SECRET_HERE';

Calling IdenfySdkFlutter.start with provided authToken:

  Future<void> initIdenfySdk() async {
    IdenfyIdentificationResult idenfySDKresult;
    String authToken = "TOKEN"
    try {
        idenfySDKresult = await IdenfySdkFlutter.start(authToken);
    } on PlatformException {

    setState(() {
        _idenfySDKresult = idenfySDKresult;

Face reauthentication flow #

More on this flow, read here.

Firstly, import idenfysdkflutter.dart file:

import 'package:idenfy_sdk_flutter/idenfy_sdk_flutter.dart';

After successful integration you should be able to call IdenfySdkFlutter.startFaceReauth method.

If the project is not successfully compiled or runtime issues occur, make sure you have followed the steps. For better understanding you may check the sample app in this repository.

Once you have a face authentication token, which can be retrieved with following code, found in the example app, you can call IdenfySdkFlutter.startFaceReauth:

  Future<String> getFaceReauthTokenRequest(String scanref) async {
    final response = await
      Uri.https(Constants.BASE_URL, '/partner/authentication-info'),
      headers: <String, String>{
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': 'Basic ' +
      body: jsonEncode(<String, String>{
        "scanRef": scanref,
    if (response.statusCode == 200) {
      return jsonDecode(response.body)["token"];
    } else {
      throw Exception('Failed to fetch token');

  Future<void> initIdenfyFaceReauth(String scanref) async {
    FaceReauthenticationResult? faceReauthenticationResult;
    Exception? localException;
    try {
      String token = await getFaceReauthTokenRequest(scanref);
      faceReauthenticationResult = await IdenfySdkFlutter.startFaceReauth(token, false);
    } on Exception catch (e) {
      localException = e;

    setState(() {
      _faceReauthenticationResult = faceReauthenticationResult;
      exception = localException;

An additional bool can be passed to the function to set the immediate redirect feature. This sets whether the results from iDenfy SDK should be received immediately without any additional result pages

IdenfySdkFlutter.startFaceReauth(token, true);

Please make sure to provide your cliendId, apikey and apisecret constants, they can be found in constants.dart file:

const String BASE_URL = '';
const String clientId = 'idenfySampleClientID';
const String apiKey = 'PUT_YOUR_IDENFY_API_KEY_HERE';
const String apiSecret = 'PUT_YOUR_IDENFY_API_SECRET_HERE';

Calling IdenfySdkFlutter.startFaceReauth with provided scanRef of a completed identify verification:

  Future<void> initIdenfyFaceReauth(String scanref) async {
    FaceReauthenticationResult? faceReauthenticationResult;
    Exception? localException;
    try {
      String token = await getFaceReauthTokenRequest(scanref);
      faceReauthenticationResult = await IdenfySdkFlutter.startFaceReauth(token, false);
    } on Exception catch (e) {
      localException = e;

    setState(() {
      _faceReauthenticationResult = faceReauthenticationResult;
      exception = localException;

Callbacks #

Identity verification flow #

Callback from the SDK can be retrieved from IdenfySdkFlutter.start future:

try {
    idenfySDKresult = await IdenfySdkFlutter.start(authToken);
} on PlatformException {

setState(() {
    _idenfySDKresult = idenfySDKresult;

Result is an IdenfyIdentificationResult class with AutoIdentificationStatus, ManualIdentificationStatus enums and additional SuspectedIdentificationStatus:

class IdenfyIdentificationResult {
    AutoIdentificationStatus autoIdentificationStatus;
    ManualIdentificationStatus manualIdentificationStatus;
    SuspectedIdentificationStatus suspectedIdentificationStatus;

Information about the IdenfyIdentificationResult autoIdentificationStatus statuses:

Name Description
APPROVED The user completed an identification flow and the identification status, provided by an automated platform, is APPROVED.
FAILED The user completed an identification flow and the identification status, provided by an automated platform, is FAILED.
UNVERIFIED The user did not complete an identification flow and the identification status, provided by an automated platform, is UNVERIFIED.

Information about the IdenfyIdentificationResult manualIdentificationStatus statuses:

Name Description
APPROVED The user completed an identification flow and was verified manually while waiting for the manual verification results in the iDenfy SDK. The identification status, provided by a manual review, is APPROVED.
FAILED The user completed an identification flow and was verified manually while waiting for the manual verification results in the iDenfy SDK. The identification status, provided by a manual review, is FAILED.
WAITING The user completed an identification flow and started waiting for the manual verification results in the iDenfy SDK. Then he/she decided to stop waiting and pressed a "BACK TO ACCOUNT" button. The manual identification review is still ongoing.
INACTIVE The user was only verified by an automated platform, not by a manual reviewer. The identification performed by the user can still be verified by the manual review if your system uses the manual verification service.

Information about the IdenfyIdentificationResult suspectedIdentificationStatus statuses:

Name Description
autoSuspected The user completed an identification flow and the identification status, provided by an automated platform, is SUSPECTED.
manualSuspected The user completed an identification flow and the identification status, provided by a manual reviewer, is SUSPECTED.

*Note The manualIdentificationStatus status always returns INACTIVE status, unless your system implements manual identification callback, but does not create a separate waiting screen for indicating about the ongoing manual identity verification process. For better customization we suggest using the immediate redirect feature . As a result, the user will not see an automatic identification status, provided by iDenfy service. The SDK will be closed while showing loading indicators.

Face reauthentication flow #

Callback from the SDK can be retrieved from IdenfySdkFlutter.startFaceReauth future:

    FaceReauthenticationResult? faceReauthenticationResult;
    try {
      faceReauthenticationResult = await IdenfySdkFlutter.startFaceReauth(token, false);
    } on Exception catch (e) {

    setState(() {
      _faceReauthenticationResult = faceReauthenticationResult;

Result is an FaceReauthenticationResult class with FaceReauthenticationStatus enum:

class FaceReauthenticationResult {
    FaceReauthenticationStatus faceReauthenticationStatus;

Information about the FaceReauthenticationResult faceReauthenticationStatus statuses:

Name Description
SUCCESS The user completed face reauthentication flow and the reauthentication status, provided by an automated platform, is SUCCESS.
FAILED The user completed face reauthentication flow and the reauthentication status, provided by an automated platform, is FAILED.
EXIT The user did not complete face reauthentication flow and the identification status, provided by an automated platform, is EXIT.

Additional customization #

Currently, @idenfy/idenfysdk_flutter_plugin does not provide customization options via Dart code directly. For any additional SDK customization, you need to use the sample in this repository and edit native code inside of the plugin.

We suggest creating a fork of this repository. After editing the code, you can include the plugin in the following way:

  idenfy_sdk_flutter: ^1.7.0

Android customization: Follow Android native SDK guide and edit IdenfysdkFlutterPlugin.kt.

IOS customization: Follow IOS native SDK guide and edit SwiftIdenfysdkFlutterPlugin.swift.

SDK Integration tutorials #

For more information visit SDK integration tutorials.

pub points



iDenfy SDK for Flutter. iDenfy - all-in-one identity verification and fraud prevention platform helping in remote users on-boarding, mitigation of risk, and KYC/AML compliance.

Repository (GitHub)
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