id3_codec 1.0.1 copy "id3_codec: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
id3_codec: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard

An ID3 tag information parsing library based on dart, which supports the operation of Flutter on all platforms.

0.0.1 #

  • Release the first version, support v1, v1.1, v2.2, v2.3, v2.4 ID3 tag parsing.

0.0.3 #

  • Fix the BUG when decoding.
  • Support ID3V1, ID3V1.1 encoding.

0.0.5 #

  • Fix the BUG when decoding.
  • Support ID3V2.3 encoding, you can modify or add song name [title], artist [artist], album [album], cover image [picture], encoding format [encoding], and some user-defined information [userDefines].

0.0.6 #

  • Fix the bug in ID3v2.3 encoding, which will cause the byte array to become larger and out of bounds.

0.0.7 #

  • Fix latin1 decoding problem. When there is 0x00 in the byte array, it will cause a decoding exception.
  • Fix the problem that the array is out of bounds when decoding the ID3v1 genre field to the default 255.

0.0.8 #

  • Export library named id3_codec.

0.0.9 #

  • Optimize getTagMap() interface return data of ID3MetataInfo, limited to basic types. It is convenient for users to obtain values in the form of key-value pairs.

0.0.10 #

  • [Important] Fix a serious bug on v2.3. The timing of this bug is: encode first, then decode, because the high byte of the frame size is 0 when calculating, and the way to calculate the frame size when decoding is that the high byte of the byte is 1. In the end, an invalid string appears, which is caused by the encoder being unable to encode 0x00.

1.0.0 #

  • Improve documentation and comments.

1.0.1 #

  • Specifies the naming of variables and classes. And added a litter comments.
pub points


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An ID3 tag information parsing library based on dart, which supports the operation of Flutter on all platforms.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)




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