icon 2.2.1 copy "icon: ^2.2.1" to clipboard
icon: ^2.2.1 copied to clipboard

An extended Icon "too" for those that are not actually square, plus shadows support + neat Icon extension operators.

🙋‍♂️ I'm an IconToo! #

An extended Icon "too" for those that are not actually square, plus 👥 shadows support. #


+ 🗜️ extension IconUtils on Icon #

Screenshot preview of Icon Example appScreenshot preview of Icon Example app

... because Flutter's native Icon "assumes that the rendered icon is squared" and that "non-squared icons may render incorrectly."

const IconToo(IconData icon, {Key? key, 🕳️, double? sizeX, double? sizeY,
    Color? color, List<Shadow>? shadows, AlignmentGeometry? alignment,
    String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})

🕳️ #

Deprecated. Adopt doubles sizeX and sizeY.

Size? trueSize #

Builds an Icon-akin widget set inside a SizedBox constrained by sizeX and sizeY with given icon data.

Customize with 🎨 color, which defaults to IconTheme.of, or optional 👥 shadows, a List<Shadow> like TextStyle.shadows.

The AlignmentGeometry and textDirection are handled, but may be overridden if necessary.

Replete with proper Semantics and debug Propertys.

NOTE: All the boxes are checked as far as the parameters for which a standard Icon looks and the accessibility & debug features they offer.

As a design choice, the super Icon receives this IconToo's initialized sizeX ?? sizeY, if any, as Icon.size.

  • This assignment behavior can be reversed to sizeY ?? sizeX by using the IconToo.tall constructor.

SEE ALSO: Icon, for a description on what an "Icon" is and some requirements to deploy that Widget or an 🙋‍♂️ IconToo.

IconToo as IconButton: #

final wideButton = IconButton(
  icon: const IconToo(
    // IconToo passes `fontSize: min(trueSize.width, trueSize.height)`,
    // the shortest side (here: height), to glyph-rendering TextStyle:
    sizeX: 34.0 * 5.0, // Glyph is 5 times wider than tall
    sizeY: 34.0,
  // But the max(), or longest side, is needed to ensure an
  // IconButton has a diameter that encompasses the entire IconToo:
  iconSize: 34.0 * 5.0, // IconToo.asSize.longestSize
  onPressed: () {},

Example App #

See some example usage of the icon package:

🗜️ Icon Utilities #

Icon Example - Demo 3: 🗜️ Icon Operator Utilities: /example/lib/demo3.dart

  • 📋 copyWith optional replacement values
  • 👆 operator >(VoidCallback onTap)IconButton
  • operator +(inflate)size += inflation
  • operator -(deflate)size -= deflation
  • operator *(dynamic operation)
    • operation is Colorcolor = operation
    • operation is doublesize *= operation
  • 🧦 operator &(dynamic padding)
    • padding is numEdgeInsets.all(padding)
    • padding is List<num> (length==2) ➡ EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: padding[0], vertical: padding[1])
    • padding is List<num> (length==4) ➡ EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(padding[0], padding[1],padding[2], padding[3])

🗜️ IconToo Utilities #

Icon Example - Demo 3: 🗜️ Icon Operator Utilities: /example/lib/demo3.dart

  • 📋 copyWith optional replacement values
  • 👆 operator >(VoidCallback onTap)IconButton
  • operator +(inflate)sizeX += inflation & sizeY += inflation
    • inflation is num: adds to sizeX & sizeY the same
    • inflation is List<num> (length==2): ramps X += inflation[0] & Y += inflation[1]
  • operator -(deflate)sizeX -= deflation & sizeY -= deflation
    • deflation is num: subtracts from sizeX & sizeY the same
    • deflation is List<num> (length==2): ramps X -= deflation[0] & Y -= deflation[1]
  • operator *(dynamic operation)
    • operation is Colorcolor = operation
    • operation is num: multiplies sizeX & sizeY the same
    • operation is List<num> (length==2): ramps X *= operation[0] & Y *=operation[1]
  • 🧦 operator &(dynamic padding)
    • padding is numEdgeInsets.all(padding)
    • padding is List<num> (length==2) ➡ EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: padding[0], vertical: padding[1])
    • padding is List<num> (length==4) ➡ EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(padding[0], padding[1],padding[2], padding[3])

Nearly every IconToo operator works the same in IconUtils as well. The only differences (currently) are IconToo.+, IconToo.-, IconToo.*, all of which additionally (over IconUtils) accept a List<num> of length==2 where the first value applies to IconToo.sizeX and the second value to IconToo.sizeY.

pub points


verified publisherzaba.app

An extended Icon "too" for those that are not actually square, plus shadows support + neat Icon extension operators.

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BSD-3-Clause (license)




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