iban_to_bic 0.0.5
iban_to_bic: ^0.0.5 copied to clipboard
Determines the SWIFT BIC of an IBAN.
Determines the SWIFT BIC of an IBAN. Currently supports IBANs from the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands. Inspired by sigalor/iban-to-bic.
Getting started #
Depend on it #
Run this command:
flutter pub add iban_to_bic
Import it #
Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:iban_to_bic/iban_to_bic.dart';
Example usage #
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:iban_to_bic/iban_to_bic.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
final Iban iban = ibanToBic('DE64 5001 0517 9423 8144 35');
print('BIC: ${iban.bic}'); // result: INGDDEFFXXX
print('Bank name: ${iban.bankShortName}'); // result: ING-DiBa
print('Postcode: ${iban.bankPostcode}'); // result: 60628
print('Location: ${iban.bankLocation}'); // result: Frankfurt am Main