iadvize_flutter_sdk 2.8.0 copy "iadvize_flutter_sdk: ^2.8.0" to clipboard
iadvize_flutter_sdk: ^2.8.0 copied to clipboard

iAdvize Conversation SDK - Flutter Plugin

iAdvize Conversation SDK - Flutter plugin #

Take your app to the next step and provide a unique conversational experience to your users!

Embed the iAdvize Conversation SDK in your app and connect your visitors with your professional operators or ibbü experts through a fully customised chat experience. Visitors can ask a question and will receive answers directly on their devices with push notifications, in or outside your app.

You will find an example of integration in the example/ folder of this repository that you can run using

cd example
flutter run lib/main.dart

Requirements #

The iAdvize Flutter SDK uses the iAdvize native iOS & Android SDKs.

For Android #

Android Version Kotlin Version
API 21 or higher 1.7.20

For iOS #

iOS Xcode
12.0 or higher 13.X

Documentation #

The iOS API reference is available here.

The Android API reference is available here.

Setup #

App creation #

  1. Ask your iAdvize Admin to create a Mobile App on the administration website. If you want to enable the iAdvize SDK push notifications for your user you have to provide your APNS push certificate when you create your app on the administration website.

  2. Ask your iAdvize Admin to create a new Web & Mobile App targeting campaign on the administration website and to give you the following information:

    • projectId: id of your project
    • targetingRuleId(s): one or multiple rules which you will be able to activate in code during the user navigation (see Targeting).

Installation #

Get the SDK #

Run this command flutter pub add iadvize_flutter_sdk

For iOS #

For iOS app make sure to go to ios folder and install Cocoapods dependencies:

cd ios && pod install

The SDK is distributed as an XCFramework, therefore you are required to use CocoaPods 1.9.0 or newer.

Add the following to the bottom of your Podfile:

post_install do |installer|
    installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
        target.build_configurations.each do |config|
            config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'

This post_install hook is required because the iAdvize SDK supports module stability. Therefore, all its dependencies must be built using the "Build Libraries for Distribution" option.

The SDK supports video conversations. Thus it will request camera and microphone access before entering a video call. To avoid the app to crash, you have to setup two keys in your app Info.plist


Usage #

Import #

You need to import the SDK.

import 'package:iadvize_flutter_sdk/iadvize_sdk.dart';

Activation #

To activate the SDK you must use the activate function. You also have access to a asynchronous callback in order to know if the SDK has been successfully activated (and to retry later if the activation fails):

    projectId: 'projectId',
    authenticationOption: AuthenticationOption.anonymous() OR
                          AuthenticationOption.simple(userId: 'your_user_id') OR
                          AuthenticationOption.secured(onJweRequested: () {
                              return Future.value('your_jwe_token');
    gdprUrl: grpdUrl,
    ).then((bool activated) => activated
        ? log('iAdvize Example : SDK activated')
        : log('iAdvize Example : SDK not activated'));

Once the iAdvize Conversation SDK is successfully activated, you should see a success message in the console:

✅ iAdvize conversation activated, the version is x.x.x.

Do not forget to logout when the user is no longer connected in your app.


By default, when you activate the SDK, the GDPR will be disabled.

To enable it, you can pass a GDPR option while activating the SDK. This GDPROption dictates how the SDK behaves when the user taps on the “More information” button:

  1. gdprURL: will open the given URL containing GDPR information

The GDPR process is now activated for your users and a default message will be provided to collect the user consent. Please check the Customization section below if you want to customise this message.

You can empty value in the gdprURL parameter to disable GDPR.


By default, the SDK will only log Warnings and Errors. You can make it more verbose and choose between multiple levels of log for a better integration experience:


Possible values are :

enum LogLevel {

Targeting #

Targeting Language

By default, the SDK will use the device language for targeting a conversation. With this variable you can specify the language you want to use for targetting:


The parameter passed to the function is a string parameter.

⚠️ This language property is NOT intended to change the language displayed in the SDK.

Activate a targeting rule

For the iAdvize SDK to work, you have to setup an active targeting rule. To do so, you can call the following method:

 IAdvizeSdk.activateTargetingRule(TargetingRule(uuid: 'targeting-rule-uuid', channel: ConversationChannel.chat));
// OR
 IAdvizeSdk.activateTargetingRule(TargetingRule(uuid: 'targeting-rule-uuid', channel: ConversationChannel.video));

Targeting rule availability

The targeting rule availability check will be triggered when you update the active targeting rule (see Activate a targeting rule)

You can check the active rule availability by accessing:

IAdvizeSdk.isActiveTargetingRuleAvailable().then((bool available) =>
        ? log('iAdvize Example : SDK targeting rule available')
        : log('iAdvize Example : targeting rule not available'))

Or if you want to be informed of rule availability updates, you can add a delegate:


And retrieve update by doing:

    .listen((bool available) {
    log('iAdvize Example : Targeting Rule available: $available');

Follow user navigation

To allow iAdvize statistics to be processed you need to inform the SDK when the user navigates through the screens your app, you will have to call registerUserNavigation and pass a navigation option which allows you to clear, keep or activate a new targeting rule.

    navigationOption: NavigationOption.optionKeep);
// OR
    navigationOption: NavigationOption.optionClear);
// OR
    navigationOption: NavigationOption.optionNew,
    newTargetingRule: TargetingRule(uuid: 'targeting-rule-uuid', channel: ConversationChannel.chat))

Conversation #

Ongoing conversation

To know and to observe the evolution of the conversation state, you will have access to a variable:

    .then((String? id) => log('iAdvize Example : conversationId $id'));

you will be able to figure out the channel of the current conversation by calling:

IAdvizeSdk.ongoingConversationChannel().then((ConversationChannel? channel) =>
    log('iAdvize Example : conversation channel ${channel?.toValueString()}'));

You can also add a delegate to be informed in real time about conversation events:

IAdvizeSdk.setConversationListener(manageUrlClick: true);

After the set of listener, you can catch update by doing:

IAdvizeSdk.onOngoingConversationUpdated.listen((bool ongoing) {
    log('iAdvize Example : Ongoing: $ongoing');

IAdvizeSdk.onReceiveNewMessage.listen((String message) {
    log('iAdvize Example : New message: $message');

IAdvizeSdk.onHandleClickedUrl.listen((String url) {
    log('iAdvize Example : Click on url: $url');

Push notifications #

Before starting this part you will need to ensure that the push notifications are setup in your iAdvize project. The process is described above in the SDK Knowledge Base.


To receive push notification when a message is sent to the visitor, you must register the current push token of the device:

IAdvizeSdk.registerPushToken(pushToken: 'your_push_token', mode: ApplicationMode.dev);

Possible values of ApplicationMode are (useful for iOS only) :

enum ApplicationMode {

You can register your push token at any time.

By default, push notifications are activated if you have setup the push notifications information for your app on the iAdvize administration website. You can manually enable/disable them at any time using:

IAdvizeSdk.enablePushNotifications().then((bool success) =>
    log('iAdvize Example : push notifications enabled $success'));

IAdvizeSdk.disablePushNotifications().then((bool success) =>
    log('iAdvize Example : push notifications disabled $success'));

Chatbox #

The Chatbox is where the conversation takes place. The visitor can open the Chatbox by touching the Chat button.

You can control the appearance and behavior of the Chatbox and Chat button.

Chat button

When the active targeting rule is available, a chat button is displayed to invite the user to chat.

You can decide to let the SDK manage the chat button visibility or control it yourself using the following flag:

Default chat button

If setDefaultFloatingButton == true the SDK will use the iAdvize default chat button, manage its visibility, and open the chatbox when user presses it.

The default chat button is anchored to the bottom-left of your screen, you can change its position using:

IAdvizeSdk.setFloatingButtonPosition(leftMargin: 20, bottomMargin: 20);
Custom chat Button

You can display your own button by hidding default button.


Then the visibility of your button must depend on:

bool _showCustomButton = false;
bool _hasOngoingConversation = false;

IAdvizeSdk.onOngoingConversationUpdated.listen((bool ongoing) {
    log('iAdvize Example : Ongoing: $ongoing');
    _hasOngoingConversation = ongoing;

    .listen((bool available) {
        log('iAdvize Example : Targeting Rule available: $available');

Future<void> _updateCustomChatButtonVisibility() async {
    final bool sdkActivated = await IAdvizeSdk.isSDKActivated();
    final bool ruleAvailable =
        await IAdvizeSdk.isActiveTargetingRuleAvailable();

    setState(() {
        _showCustomButton =
            sdkActivated && (_hasOngoingConversation || ruleAvailable);

Chatbox Customization

You can customize the chatbox UI by calling the following method:

final ChatboxConfiguration customChatboxConfig = ChatboxConfiguration()

A simple snippet to only change one value:

final ChatboxConfiguration customChatboxConfig = ChatboxConfiguration(
    mainColor: Colors.red,

The ChatboxConfiguration allow you to customize the following attributes:

Main color

You can setup a main color on the SDK which will be applied to the color of:

  • the default Chat button (if you use it)
  • the send button in the Conversation View
  • the blinking text cursor in the “new message” input in the Conversation View
  • the background color of the message bubbles (only for sent messages)
final ChatboxConfiguration customChatboxConfig = ChatboxConfiguration(
    mainColor: Colors.red,

You can configure the Toolbar of the Chatbox and modify:

  • the background color
  • the main color
  • the title
final ChatboxConfiguration customChatboxConfig = ChatboxConfiguration(
    navigationBarBackgroundColor: Colors.black,
    navigationBarTitle: 'Test',
    navigationBarMainColor: Colors.yellow,

You can update the font used in the UI of the IAdvize Conversation SDK. You just have to call this method to setup your own font:

final ChatboxConfiguration customChatboxConfig = ChatboxConfiguration(
    iosFontName: 'FontName', //iOs only
    iosFontSize: 11, //iOs only
    androidFontPath: 'fonts/Test-Font.ttf', //Android only
Automatic message

A first automatic message can be setup to be displayed as an operator message in the Chatbox. By default, no message will be displayed. This message will also be used and displayed when the user accepts the GDPR. You can set an automatic message through:

final ChatboxConfiguration customChatboxConfig = ChatboxConfiguration(
    automaticMessage: 'Hello! Please ask your question',
GDPR message

If you want to activate the GDPR consent collect feature through the iAdvize Conversation SDK.

Once the GDPR is activated, you can easily customise the GDPR message you want to display to your users to collect their consent:

final ChatboxConfiguration customChatboxConfig = ChatboxConfiguration(
    gdprMessage: 'Your own GDPR message.',
Brand avatar

You can update the brand avatar displayed for the incoming messages. You can specify an URL or an AssetImage. Gifs are not supported.

// Update the incoming message avatar with an AssetImage.
final ChatboxConfiguration customChatboxConfig = ChatboxConfiguration(
  incomingMessageAvatarImage: const AssetImage('assets/test.jpeg'),

// Update the incoming message avatar with an `url` string.
final ChatboxConfiguration customChatboxConfig = ChatboxConfiguration(
  incomingMessageAvatarURL: 'url',
Opening/Hidding the Chatbox

Transaction #

You can register a transaction within your application:

final Transaction transaction = Transaction(
    transactionId: 'transactionId', currency: 'EUR', amount: 25);

Logout #

When the user is logged out in your app, you need to log out in the iAdvize SDK as well to ensure the privacy of the user data and conversations.


This will clear all the locally stored visitor data.

And you’re done! 💪 #

Well done! You’re now ready to take your app to the next step and provide a unique conversational experience to your users! 🚀