i18next 0.7.3 copy "i18next: ^0.7.3" to clipboard
i18next: ^0.7.3 copied to clipboard

A localization formatter based on the i18next standard. It is not yet a fully i18n tool only the formatting itself.

[0.7.3] #

  • Don't schedule an extra microtask when loading a synchronous data source contents in I18NextLocalizationDelegate.

[0.7.2] #

  • Updates sdk constraints to >=2.18.0
    • required by flutter_lints
  • Updates build workflow

[0.7.1] #

  • Updates sdk constraints to >=2.14.0

[0.7.0] #

  • Adds getNamespace(Locale locale, String namespace) in ResourceStore to retrieve a whole namespace set (if it exists)
  • Fixes deprecation issues on example app
  • Updates analysis_options with flutter_lints recommended rules

[0.6.1] #

  • Adds orElse argument to t() to provide a fallback value or throw an exception when the translation cannot be found
  • Adds tOrNull function that returns null if the translation cannot be found

[0.6.0] #

  • Promote 0.6.0-dev+4 to 0.6.0 (stable)

[0.6.0-dev+4] #

  • Fix context and count cast when they are inserted by variables
    • They will now just be ignored and used for interpolation (if any)

[0.6.0-dev+3] #

  • Adds I18NextOptions.interpolationUnescapePrefix|interpolationUnescapeSuffix
    • They can be used within your localization files to denote an unescaped interpolation like so:
      • Some text {{-myVariable}}
      • Some text {{-some.variable, format1, format2}}

[0.6.0-dev+2] #

  • Adds variable (XML) escaping by default
    • To override this behavior, set I18NextOptions.escape
    • Or to disable it, set I18NextOptions.escapeValue = false

[0.6.0-dev+1] #

  • Fix missingInterpolationHandler to also be called for interpolations that do not result into String (and are not null) e.g. {{someVar}} with no formats

[0.6.0-dev] #

  • Adds AssetBundleLocalizationDataSource.cache property (default is still true)
  • Adds name arguments to the typedefs
  • Refactors: interpolation and nesting methods with dedicated Exceptions while running splitMapJoin
    • The final result is still the same, if either interpolation or nesting fails, the translator will fallback to null, which in turn is converted back into the original key.
    • Also, json deserialization issues on nesting now fail, rather than silently recovering
  • Fixes immediate key recursion after nesting
  • Moves I18NextOptions.defaultFormatter as an internal interpolator.dart method.
  • Adds MissingKeyHandler and TranslationFailedHandler on I18NextOptions to allow custom handling if needed (default behavior is to return the key itself).
  • Refactors formatters BREAKING CHANGE:
    • Now the formatters are registered by name rather than just by a single function:

      I18NextOptions(formats: {
        'uppercase': (variable, variableOptions, locale, options) => variable?.toUpperCase(),
        'lowercase': (variable, variableOptions, locale, options) => variable?.toUpperCase(),
        // (...)

      The callback of the formatter may receive and return a null value so the next formats may have a chance to handle it before returning to the interpolation call. Which if it is still null, will be considered a translation error, resulting in the original key being returned.

      "key": "Hello {{name, uppercase}}!" // "Hello WORLD!"
      // multiple formatters in sequence
      "key": "Hello {{name, fmt1, fmt2, fmt3}}!"

      And they also accept options if the format needs them:

        "key": "Some format {{value, formatName}}",
        "keyWithOptions": "Some format {{value, formatName(option1Name: option1Value; option2Name: option2Value)}}"
    • Also adds a I18NextOptions.missingInterpolationHandler that can also be used as the previous implementation, to avoid a full migration if needed.

[0.5.2] #

  • Fix: Unnecessary reloads of the localizationDataSource

[0.5.1] #

  • Fix: Asset path (rely on Flutter asset specifications)

[0.5.0] #

  • Adds support for multiple fallback namespaces

[0.4.1] #

  • Officializes the null-safety migration

[0.4.0-nullsafety.0] #

  • Migrates the codebase to flutter stable 2.0.3 + null-safety Renames I18NextOptions.apply -> merge

[0.3.1] #

  • Renames utils.dart -> definitions.dart
  • Adds and moves evaluate to lib/utils.dart as a part of the package, but without explicitly exporting it.
  • Allows interpolations to access grouped variables like so: 'An example with {{grouped.key}}' + {'grouped': {'key': 'grouped keys'}} = 'An example with grouped keys'
  • Moves lib/src/interpolator.dart to lib/interpolator.dart To allow the interpolator usage as a separate package import

[0.3.0] #

  • Bumps to flutter stable 1.20

[0.2.0] #

  • Updates README bitrise badge
  • Adds pluralization to non-english locales (Fixes #6) @lynn

[0.1.0] #

  • Bumps to match flutter version 1.17

[0.0.1+8] #

  • Bumps analysis options #9
  • Adds fallback namespace #10
  • Refactors Translator to a callable class #10
  • Refactors interpolator class to global pure functions #10

[0.0.1+7] #

  • Change the namespaces type from Map<String, Map<String, Object>> -> Map<String, Object>
  • Adds I18Next.of(BuildContext) from Localizations
  • Adds I18NextLocalizationDelegate
  • Adds convenience methods to ResourceStore for adding, removing, and verifiying locales and namespaces
  • Adds asset bundle data source and the LocalizationDataSource interface
  • Changes links to nubank/i18next
  • Adds example app

[0.0.1+6] #

  • Migrated repository to williamhjcho/i18next
  • Reduce description size

[0.0.1+5] #

  • Adds plural separator in I18NextOptions
  • Adds key separator in I18NextOptions
  • Adds and replaces LocalizationDataSource for ResourceStore
  • Makes I18Next.t's parameters supersede the options parameter
  • Removes Map extension from I18NextOptions
  • Makes I18NextOptions Diagnosticable
  • Improves and adds more cases on Interpolator

[0.0.1+4] #

  • Renames arguments to variables
  • Replaces InterpolationOptions for I18NextOptions
  • Updates I18Next inner workings to more contextualized methods.
  • Escapes interpolation strings in options for RegExp
  • Adds base nesting mechanism
  • Isolates Translator, PluralResolver, and Interpolator into separate classes
  • Makes I18NextOptions's properties optional and allows individual overrides
  • Makes I18NextOption conform to Map<String, Object>
  • Reduces API surface by merging most of the optional properties into I18NextOptions itself
  • Moves pattern builders from options to the classes themselves
  • Keeps property variables in I18NextOptions while keeping Map extension.
  • Adds/merges locale property in I18NextOptions

[0.0.1+3] #

  • Adds InterpolationOption
  • Allows locale and interpolation options override on t
  • Adds a little more documentation


  • Splits data fetching and translation into separate methods

[0.0.1] - TODO: Add release date #

  • TODO: Describe initial release.


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A localization formatter based on the i18next standard. It is not yet a fully i18n tool only the formatting itself.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)


collection, flutter, path


Packages that depend on i18next