i18n_remote_config 0.0.4-nullsafety
i18n_remote_config: ^0.0.4-nullsafety copied to clipboard
Integration i18n with Remote Config. The package help you implements remote config. The objective is create redundance your application, if remote config failure the package return your local json.
i18n_remote_config #
Integration i18n with Remote Config. The package help you implements remote config. The objective is create redundance your application, if remote config failure the package return your local json.
Getting Start #
STEP 00 #
You can use FlutterModular your application for package running!
STEP 01 #
Create folder lang your root application.
STEP 2 #
Add folder your pubspec.yaml.
STEP 3 #
Add your locale.json in folder lang.
ATTENTION! : language_COUNTRY.json
STEP 4 #
Add file configuration Firebase, Android(GoogleService.json) and iOS(GoogleService-Info.plist)
STEP 5 #
Configure your MaterialApp. Add LocalizationsDelegates and supportedLocales your application
STEP 6 #
Add I18nLocalizations your AppModule
If you use packages, add I18nLocalizations(["name_package"])
STEP 7 #
For you use extension i18n import your page or widget
import 'package:i18n_remote_config/i18n_remote_config.dart';
And simple use your application. "KEY".i18n()
If you can pass params your string, use:
"title" : "WITH PARAMS ONE: $0, TWO: $1"
"title".i18n(params: "FLUTTER","DART")