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Implementation of an hyphenation algorithm, based on TeX definitions.

Hyphenator #

Implementation of an hyphenation algorithm.

  • Offers a Widget hyphenating a String and wrapping the result based on the available width.
  • Offers function calls to hyphenate a String at all possible positions.

The hyphen symbol can be defined, the default is the soft-wrap '\u{00AD}'.

The tex patterns used in the algorithm can be found here.

The package seems to work fine for western languages, other languages have to be evaluated.

A live Flutter demo: https://xerik.github.io/hyphenatorx/.

Quickstart #

import 'package:hyphenatorx/texthyphenated.dart';

// sub-
// di-
// vi-
// sion
  style: TextStyle(fontSize: 56))
import 'package:hyphenatorx/hyphenatorx.dart';
import 'package:hyphenatorx/languages/language_en_us.dart';

final hyphenator = Hyphenator(Language_en_us(), symbol: '_');

// 'sub_di_vi_sion_ _sub_di_vi_sion'
  hyphenator.hyphenateText('subdivision subdivision', 
    hyphenAtBoundaries: true));

// sub_di_vi_sion sub_di_vi_sion
print(hyphenator.hyphenateText('subdivision subdivision'));

// sub_di_vi_sion

// ['sub', 'di', 'vi', 'sion']

Usage #

Hyphenator instantiates a language specific configuration:

As a Dart object

Without synchronous loading. The data is compiled into your project. All 71 langauge files together have a size of 13.3 MB.


With asynchronous loading. The data will be loaded as needed from the local assets folder. This option is less memory intensive.


Available languages are given by the enum Language.


Internally, hyphenated as well as non-hyphenated words are cached. Complete texts are not cached.

Asynchronous Instantiation #

Select the appropriate Language.language_XX value.

Or set a language code like en_us.

import 'package:hyphenatorx/hyphenatorx.dart';
import 'package:hyphenatorx/languages/language_en_us.dart';

final hyphernator = await Hyphenator.loadAsync(
    symbol: '_');


final hyphernator = await Hyphenator.loadAsyncByAbbr(
    symbol: '_');

Synchronous Instantiation #

Instatiate the appropriate Language_XX() object.

import 'package:hyphenatorx/hyphenatorx.dart';
import 'package:hyphenatorx/languages/language_en_us.dart';

final config = Language_en_us();

final hyphenator = Hyphenator(
  symbol: '_',

Widget Usage #

This Widget outputs a Text. It hyphenates and wraps the input String depending on the available width.

import 'package:hyphenatorx/texthyphenated.dart';

  style: TextStyle(fontSize: 56))

// Wraps the output according to the available width:
// sub-
// di-
// vi-
// sion

Function Call #

Inject the hyphenation symbol at all possible positions.

final hyphenator = Hyphenator(Language_en_us());

  hyphenator.hyphenateText('subdivision subdivision', 
    hyphenAtBoundaries: true), 
  'sub_di_vi_sion_ _sub_di_vi_sion');

  hyphenator.hyphenateText('subdivision subdivision'), 
  'sub_di_vi_sion sub_di_vi_sion');


  ['sub', 'di', 'vi', 'sion']);      

Access the wrapped hyphenation result respecting the given width.

final hyphenator = Hyphenator(Language_en_us());

WrapResult wrap = hyphenator.wrap(
  final Text text, final TextStyle style, final maxWidth);

// The hyphenated text with hyphens and newlines:
// sub-
// di-
// vi-
// sion- 
print( wrap.textStr ); 

// Whether the returned text is equal to 
// or smaller than maxWidth. 
// If FALSE, try a different font size.

print( wrap.isSizeMatching );  

Manual Hyphenation #

Iterate through the token tree for a custom approach of hyphenation. Before and after each token a valid hyphen could be added.

final text = """A vast subdivision of culture, 
    composed of many creative endeavors and disciplines.""";

final hyphenator = Hyphenator(Language_en_us());
final TextTokens result = hyphenator.hyphenateTextToTokens(text);

result.parts.forEach((part) {
  if (part is NewlineToken) {
    print(part.text); // = is always a single newline
  } else if (part is TabsAndSpacesToken) {
    print(part.text); // tabs and spaces found in `text`
  } else if (part is WordToken) {
    part.parts.forEach((syllableAndSurrounding) {
      print(syllableAndSurrounding.text); // sub / di / vi / sion.

// A
// vast
// sub
// di
// vi
// sion

Languages and Abbreviations #

The abbreviations correspond with the tex file names found at tug.org.

Strings #

List<String> abbr = Hyphenator.languageAbbr();


// [af, as, bg, bn, ca, .., zh_latn_pinyin]

Enum #

As Islandic is been abbreviated "is", which is a Dart keyword, the prefix "language" had been added.

enum Language { language_af,language_as,language_bg,language_bn,language_ca,language_cop,language_cs,language_cy,language_da,language_de_1901,language_de_1996,language_de_ch_1901,language_el_monoton,language_el_polyton,language_en_gb,language_en_us,language_eo,language_es,language_et,language_eu,language_fi,language_fr,language_fur,language_ga,language_gl,language_grc,language_gu,language_hi,language_hr,language_hsb,language_hu,language_hy,language_ia,language_id,language_is,language_it,language_ka,language_kmr,language_kn,language_la_x_classic,language_la,language_lt,language_lv,language_ml,language_mn_cyrl_x_lmc,language_mn_cyrl,language_mr,language_mul_ethi,language_nb,language_nl,language_nn,language_or,language_pa,language_pl,language_pms,language_pt,language_rm,language_ro,language_ru,language_sa,language_sh_cyrl,language_sk,language_sl,language_sv,language_ta,language_te,language_th,language_tk,language_tr,language_uk,language_zh_latn_pinyin }

Performance #

Old machine:

  • Instantiation via Dart EN_US file: 30 milliseconds
  • Hyphenating text with 258 words: 46 milliseconds

Internal testing whether a character is a letter impacts performance the most.

// Results in 54 milliseconds for long text.
// final isLetter = (c == c.toLowerCase() && c == c.toUpperCase()) == false;

// Results in 46 milliseconds for long text.
// Reduction by 15 %.
// final isLetter = textLower[i] != textUpper[i];

// INCREASE, but most precise?
// Results in 80 milliseconds for long text.
// Increase by 48 %.
// final reLetter = RegExp(r'\p{Letter}', unicode: true);
// final isLetter = reLetter.hasMatch(c);

Generate JSON and Dart files #

dart run ./tool/tex2dart.dart

The tool will delete assets and lib/languages before generating new files. It processes tex files located in tool\tex\.

Source #

This package is a copy and extension of hyphenator.

Outlook #

  • Implementing real hyphenation with hyphenations ending in -?
  • Performance improvement.
pub points


verified publishernovelplotter.com

Implementation of an hyphenation algorithm, based on TeX definitions.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)




Packages that depend on hyphenatorx