hyperlink_text 0.0.8 hyperlink_text: ^0.0.8 copied to clipboard
Flutter component designed to display text with clickable hyperlinks. It allows for the creation of rich text with different styles and behavior for regular text and hyperlinks
Flutter component designed to display text with clickable hyperlinks. It allows for the creation of rich text with different styles and behavior for regular text and hyperlinks
Features #
- Display text with clickable hyperlinks
- Customize text styles for regular text and hyperlinks
- Customise text style for individual elements or use golbal styles
- Support for creating rich text with different styles and links
Getting started #
- Add the package to your pubspec.yaml file: dependencies: hyper_link_text: ^latest
- Import the package in your Dart code: import 'package:hyper_link_text/hyper_link_text.dart';
Usage #
see /example
folder for reference.