hybrid_core 0.0.3 copy "hybrid_core: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
hybrid_core: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard

The core library of the Hybrid SDK.

hybrid_core #

The core library of the Hybrid SDK.

Getting Started #

Add hybrid_core as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  hybrid_core: ^<latest-version>

Or, run this command in your project folder.

flutter pub add hybrid_core

Features #

Feature Android iOS macOS
OS 🙆 🙆 🙆

Topics #

OS #

  1. Get the OS instance.
final os = OS();
  1. Check the OS type.
if (os is AndroidOS) {
} else if (os is iOS) {
} else if (os is macOS) {
} else {
  throw TypeError();

3.Get the version.

// AndroidOS
final api = os.api;
// iOS and macOS
final version = os.versioin;

4.Check version.

// AndroidOS
final atLeastAPI = os.atLeastAPI(33);
// iOS and macOS
final version = DarwinOSVersion.number(17.0);
final atLeastVersion = os.atLeastVersion(version);

Check the example to see how to use the corresponding API.