http_helper 1.2.6 copy "http_helper: ^1.2.6" to clipboard
http_helper: ^1.2.6 copied to clipboard

The http_helper is a powerful yet easy-to-use HTTP networking library for Dart, designed to encapsulate the complexities of making HTTP requests in client applications.

http_helper #

The http_helper is a powerful yet easy-to-use HTTP networking library for Dart, designed to encapsulate the complexities of making HTTP requests in client applications.

This library provides a set of high-level API functions to send HTTP requests and receive responses. It wraps around the lower-level functionality of the http library, providing a simplified and more user-friendly interface for developers.

Key Features:

  1. Simplified Request Methods: The package provides a simple way to send HTTP requests with any HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE).

  2. HTTP Error Handling: The http_helper is equipped with comprehensive error handling features to catch and handle HTTP errors effectively.

  3. Timeouts: The library includes built-in HTTP request timeout functionality to prevent requests from hanging indefinitely.

  4. Middleware: It offers middleware functions that can be set to handle different stages of an HTTP request: onBeforeSend, onAfterSend, onTimeout to name a few.

  5. Default Headers and Parameters: The library supports setting of default headers and parameters for HTTP requests, providing more convenience for developers who need to make many similar requests.

  6. Flexible Response Handling: The library allows users to specify how to convert HTTP responses to their desired data format.

The http_helper is ideal for Dart developers who want to simplify their HTTP networking code while retaining full control over the request and response handling.

Whether you're building a large-scale client application, or you just need to make a few HTTP requests in a small project, the http_helper can help streamline your networking code and make your development process smoother and more efficient.

Examples: #

Example 1: GET Request with an object as response #

import 'package:http_helper/http_helper.dart';

import 'my_model.dart';

void main() async {
  // Define the URL and path
  String url = '';
  String path = '/posts/1';

  // Define your converter that will be used to convert the response to a MyModel object
  myToJsonConverter(response) {
    return MyModel.fromJson(response);

  // Define the request
  final request = HttpRequest(
    url: url,
    path: path,
    method: HttpRequestMethod.get,
    converter: myToJsonConverter,

  // Make the request
  var response = await HttpHelper.sendRequest<MyModel>(request);


  // Print the response data
  if (response.isSuccess) {
  } else {
    // Note: when `response.isSuccess` is false, `error` and `message` will never be null, so it is save to access them!

Example 2: GET Request with a list of objects as response #

import 'package:http_helper/http_helper.dart';

import 'my_model.dart';

void main() async {
  // Define the URL and path
  String url = '';
  String path = '/posts';

  // Define your converter that will be used to convert the response to a MyModel object
  myToJsonConverter(response) {
    var responseList = response as List;
    var mappedList = responseList
        .map((e) =>
            e == null ? null : MyModel.fromJson(e as Map<String, dynamic>))
    var withoutNulls = List<MyModel>.from(mappedList.where((e) => e != null));
    return withoutNulls;

  // Define the request
  final request = HttpRequest(
    url: url,
    path: path,
    method: HttpRequestMethod.get,
    converter: myToJsonConverter,

  // Make the request
  var response = await HttpHelper.sendRequest<List<MyModel>>(request);


  // Print the response data
  if (response.isSuccess) {
  } else {
    // Note: when `response.isSuccess` is false, `error` and `message` will never be null, so it is save to access them!

Example 2: POST Request with Headers and Query Parameters #

import 'package:http_helper/http_helper.dart';

import 'my_model.dart';

void main() async {
  // Define the URL and path
  String url = '';
  String path = '/posts';

  Map<String, String> headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer your_token_here"};
  Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = {
    "userId": 1,
    "title": "Test Title",
    "body": "Test Body"

  // Define your converter that will be used to convert the response to a MyModel object
  myToJsonConverter(response) {
    return MyModel.fromJson(response);

  // Define the request
  final request = HttpRequest(
    url: url,
    path: path,
    converter: myToJsonConverter,
    queryParameters: queryParams,
    headers: headers,

  // Make the request
  var response = await HttpHelper.sendRequest<MyModel>(request);


  // Print the response data
  if (response.isSuccess) {
  } else {
    // Note: when `response.isSuccess` is false, `error` and `message` will never be null, so it is save to access them!

Example 3: POST Request with Body #

import 'package:http_helper/http_helper.dart';

import 'my_model.dart';

void main() async {
  // Define the URL and path
  String url = '';
  String path = '/posts';

  // Define the body
  final body = """
      "userId": 1,
      "id": 10111,
      "title": "foo",
      "body": "bar"

  // Define your converter that will be used to convert the response to a MyModel object
  myToJsonConverter(response) {
    return MyModel.fromJson(response);

  // Define the request
  final request = HttpRequest(
    url: url,
    path: path,
    converter: myToJsonConverter,
    body: body,

  // Make the request
  var response = await HttpHelper.sendRequest<MyModel>(request);


  // Print the response data
  if (response.isSuccess) {
  } else {
    // Note: when `response.isSuccess` is false, `error` and `message` will never be null, so it is save to access them!

Example 4: Using Middleware to handle different stages of an HTTP request #

import 'package:http_helper/http_helper.dart';

import 'my_model.dart';

void main() async {
  HttpHelper.defaultHeaders = {"App-Language": "en"};
  HttpHelper.timeoutDurationSeconds = 5;

  // Set middleware functions
  HttpHelper.onBeforeSend = (request) {
    // Perform any pre-send logic here
        "Request ${} is about to be sent: ${request.url}${request.path}");
    // Return an HttpError here if your pre-send logic determined that the request should not be sent
    return null;

  HttpHelper.onAfterSend = (request, response) {
    print("Request has been sent, received response: ${response.statusCode}");

  HttpHelper.onException = (request, exception) {
    print("An exception occurred: ${exception.toString()}");

  HttpHelper.onTimeout = (request) {
    print("Request ${request.method} timed out: ${request.url}${request.path}");

  // Define the URL and path
  String url = '';
  String path = '/posts';

  // Define your converter that will be used to convert the response to a MyModel object
  myToJsonConverter(response) {
    return MyModel.fromJson(response);

  // Define the request
  final request = HttpRequest(
    url: url,
    path: path,
    converter: myToJsonConverter,

  // Make the request
  var response = await HttpHelper.sendRequest<MyModel>(request);


  // Print the response data
  if (response.isSuccess) {
  } else {
    // Note: when `response.isSuccess` is false, `error` and `message` will never be null, so it is save to access them!

Example 5: Using the middleware onBeforeSend to prevent users that are not logged in from entering the private area (fictional example) #

import 'package:http_helper/http_helper.dart';

import 'typicode_model.dart';

void main() async {

  // Set middleware functions
  HttpHelper.onBeforeSend = (request) {
    if (!user.loggedIn) {
      // By returning an HttpError here, all 'sendRequest' calls will not send the request but will return this error if 'user.loggedIn' is false
      return HttpError(
        message: "You must be logged in to enter the private area",
    return null;

  // Define the URL and path
  String url = '';
  String path = '/private';

  // Define your converter that will be used to convert the response to a MyModel object
  myToJsonConverter(response) {
    return UserPrivateDetails.fromJson(response);

  // Define the request
  final request = HttpRequest(
    url: url,
    path: path,
    method: HttpRequestMethod.get,
    converter: myToJsonConverter,

  // Make a request
  final response = await HttpHelper.sendRequest<UserPrivateDetails>(request);

  // Print the response data
  if (response.isSuccess) {
  } else {
    // This will print the message defined in the HttpError above: 'You must be logged in to enter the private area'
pub points


unverified uploader

The http_helper is a powerful yet easy-to-use HTTP networking library for Dart, designed to encapsulate the complexities of making HTTP requests in client applications.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


http, json_annotation, json_serializable


Packages that depend on http_helper