html_web_components 0.1.0
html_web_components: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard
HTML Web Components with pure dart that compile to WASM and JS
Dart Web Components #
How to create web components with Dart that compile to WASM and JS.
You can use them in any framework or library that supports HTML.
Disclaimer: This is not an official Google project.
Getting Started #
1. Extend the WebComponent class #
import 'package:html_web_components/html_web_components.dart';
class MyComponent extends WebComponent {
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2. Define the component #
Use the connectedCallback to define the component setup logic instead of the constructor.
import 'package:html_web_components/html_web_components.dart';
class MyComponent extends WebComponent {
void connectedCallback() {
element.innerText = "Hello World!";
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3. Register the component #
import 'package:html_web_components/html_web_components.dart';
void main() {
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Mixins #
There are some helper mixins to make it easier to work with web components.
WebComponentCleanupMixin #
This mixin adds an array of callbacks that will be disposed when the component is disconnected.
import 'package:html_web_components/html_web_components.dart';
import 'package:html_web_components/helpers.dart';
class MyComponent extends WebComponent with WebComponentCleanupMixin {
void connectedCallback() {
this.cleanup.add(() => print('cleaned up!'));
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WebComponentShadowDomMixin #
This mixin adds a shadow root to the component.
import 'package:html_web_components/html_web_components.dart';
import 'package:html_web_components/helpers.dart';
class MyComponent extends WebComponent with WebComponentShadowDomMixin {
void connectedCallback() {
getRoot<ShadowRoot>().innerHtml = '<h1>Hello World</h1>';
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WebComponentAdoptedStylesMixin #
This mixin adds adopted styles to the component. This only works with the shadow dom.
import 'package:html_web_components/html_web_components.dart';
import 'package:html_web_components/helpers.dart';
import 'package:signals_core/signals_core.dart';
class MyComponent extends WebComponent with WebComponentShadowDomMixin, WebComponentAdoptedStylesMixin {
final sheets = computed<List<CSSStyleSheet>>(() {
final sheet = CSSStyleSheet();
sheet.replaceSync('h1 { color: red; }');
return [sheet];
void connectedCallback() {
getRoot<ShadowRoot>().innerHtml = '<h1>Hello World</h1>';
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WebComponentReactiveAttributesMixin #
This mixin adds reactive attributes to the component.
import 'package:html_web_components/html_web_components.dart';
import 'package:html_web_components/helpers.dart';
import 'package:signals_core/signals_core.dart';
class MyComponent extends WebComponent with WebComponentReactiveAttributesMixin {
List<String> observedAttributes = ['name'];
final src = attr('name');
void connectedCallback() {
element.innerHtml = '<h1>Hello $src</h1>';
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