hprt_print 3.0.2 copy "hprt_print: ^3.0.2" to clipboard
hprt_print: ^3.0.2 copied to clipboard


蓝牙便携热敏打印机(Bluetooth printer) CPCL 指令, 适用汉印A300, Z3 等热敏打印机


import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:hprt_print/hprt_print.dart';
import 'package:bot_toast/bot_toast.dart';
import 'package:flutter_blue/flutter_blue.dart';
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
//import 'package:image/image.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  String _platformVersion = 'Unknown';
  int _status = 0;
  FlutterBlue flutterBlue = FlutterBlue.instance;

  bool isBleOn = false;
  List deviceSet = [];
  void initState() {

    flutterBlue.state.listen((state) {
      if (state == BluetoothState.on) {
        isBleOn = true;
      } else if (state == BluetoothState.off) {
        isBleOn = false;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      builder: BotToastInit(),
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text('Plugin example app'),
        body: RefreshIndicator(
          onRefresh: () =>
              FlutterBlue.instance.startScan(timeout: Duration(seconds: 4)),
          child: Column(
            children: [
                style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24, color: Colors.black38),
                child: ListView.separated(
                  itemBuilder: (context, index) {
                    return ListTile(
                      onTap: () {
                        String id = deviceSet[index]['id'];
                        // lanya(id);
                      title: Text(deviceSet[index]['name']),
                      subtitle: Text(deviceSet[index]['id'] ?? ''),
                      trailing: Icon(Icons.print),
                  itemCount: deviceSet.length,
                  separatorBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
                    return Divider();
              SizedBox(height: 20),
                onPressed: () {
                child: Text('android 扫描蓝牙设备'),
                onPressed: () {
                  // scanBluetooth();
                child: Text('android 打印文本'),
              SizedBox(height: 20),
                onPressed: () {
                child: Text('ios 扫描蓝牙设备'),
                onPressed: () {
                  // scanBluetooth();
                child: Text('ios 打印文本'),
              SizedBox(height: 20),
        // floatingActionButton: StreamBuilder<bool>(
        //   stream: FlutterBlue.instance.isScanning,
        //   initialData: false,
        //   builder: (c, snapshot) {
        //     if (snapshot.data!) {
        //       return FloatingActionButton(
        //         child: Icon(Icons.stop),
        //         onPressed: () => FlutterBlue.instance.stopScan(),
        //         backgroundColor: Colors.red,
        //       );
        //     } else {
        //       return FloatingActionButton(
        //           child: Icon(Icons.search), onPressed: () => scanBlue());
        //     }
        //   },
        // ),

  // 官方演示
  Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
    String platformVersion;

    // Platform messages may fail, so we use a try/catch PlatformException.
    // We also handle the message potentially returning null.
    try {
      platformVersion =
          //await HprtPrint.platformVersion ?? 'Unknown platform version';
          (await HprtPrint.platformVersion(se: '这是传参1'))!;
    } on PlatformException {
      platformVersion = 'Failed to get platform version.';
    // If the widget was removed from the tree while the asynchronous platform
    // message was in flight, we want to discard the reply rather than calling
    // setState to update our non-existent appearance.
    if (!mounted) return;

    setState(() {
      _platformVersion = platformVersion;

  /// ios 的接口调用
  // 连接打印机
  Future<void> connectIos(t1, t2) async {
    var r = await HprtPrint.connectIos(t1: t1, t2: t2);

  Future<void> scanBluetooth() async {
    var r = await HprtPrint.scanBluetooth();
    List btList = jsonDecode(r!);
    if (btList.isEmpty) {
      BotToast.showText(text: '未搜索到蓝牙设备');
    setState(() {
      deviceSet = btList;

  getOrderInfo() async {
    try {
      var response = await Dio().get(
      return response.data['rows'][0];
    } catch (e) {

  Future<void> iosPrintText() async {
    Map info = await getOrderInfo();

    String serviceTel = 'Customer Service: 023921666';
    String cCall = 'Complaint Call: 078555480';
    String pickupShop = info['pickupShop']; // 取件门店
    String courierCode = info['courierCode'].toString(); // 揽收人编号
    String sourceProvinceCode = info['sourceProvinceCode']; // 起始地
    String destProvinceCode = info['destProvinceCode']; // 目的地省编号
    String deliveryShop = info['deliveryShop']; // 目的地
    String dataTime = info['bookingDate'].toString().substring(0, 16); // 创建时间
    String barcode = info['shipmentNo']; // 运单编号

    String sName = info['shipperContact']; // 发件人姓名
    String sPhone = info['shipperContactPhone']; // 发件人电话
    String sAddress = info['sourceAddrAll']; //发件人地址
    String rName = info['consigneeContact']; // 收件人名字
    String rPhone = info['consigneeContactPhone']; // 收件人电话
    String rAddress = info['destAdressAll']; // 收件人地址
    String totalWeight = '${info['totalWeight']}'; // 重量
    String paymentMethod = ''; // 支付方式
    String item = '';

    switch (info['paymentMethod']) {
      case '10':
        paymentMethod = 'Prepaid';
      case '20':
        paymentMethod = 'Collected';
      case '60':
        paymentMethod = 'Credit';
      case '70':
        paymentMethod = 'COD Pay';
    String freight = '${info['revenueCostAppList'][0]['serviceFee']}'; // 基础运费
    String insurance = '${info['revenueCostAppList'][2]['serviceFee']}'; // 保价费
    String codValue = '${info['codValue']}'; // 代收货款
    String otherFee = '${info['revenueCostAppList'][3]['serviceFee']}'; // 其它费用
    String packingFee = '${info['revenueCostAppList'][4]['serviceFee']}'; // 包装费

    String orderIncome = '${info['orderIncome']}'; // 合计费用

    // 设置标签高
    await HprtPrint.printAreaSize(
        offset: "0",
        horizontal: "200",
        vertical: "200",
        height: "1440",
        qty: "1");
    // 打印页面宽度
    await HprtPrint.pageWidth(pw: "750");

    // 打印矩形框
    await HprtPrint.box(x0: "0", y0: "8", x1: "750", y1: "680", width: "2");
    ByteData data = await rootBundle.load("assets/icon/logo2.jpg");
    // 转byte
    List<int> bytes =
        data.buffer.asUint8List(data.offsetInBytes, data.lengthInBytes);
    // 打印左上角logo
    await HprtPrint.printBitmapCPCL(
      bytes: bytes,
      x: 0,
      y: 16,
      type: 0,
      compressType: 0,
      light: 0,
    // 打印中间logo
    await HprtPrint.printBitmapCPCL(
      bytes: bytes,
      x: 20,
      y: 704,
      type: 0,
      compressType: 0,
      light: 0,
    // 打印下面logo
    await HprtPrint.printBitmapCPCL(
        bytes: bytes, x: 20, y: 1008, type: 0, compressType: 0, light: 0);
    await HprtPrint.text(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        size: '0',
        x: '220',
        y: '10',
        data: serviceTel);
    await HprtPrint.text(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, size: '0', x: '220', y: '40', data: cCall);
    await HprtPrint.line(
        x0: "0", y0: "90", x1: "600", y1: "90", width: "2"); //打印直线 1
    await HprtPrint.setMag(width: "2", height: "2"); // 字体放大
    if (info['destProvinceCode'] == "PNH") {
      await HprtPrint.text(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 1,
        size: '0',
        x: '180',
        y: '100',
        data: "$destProvinceCode -",
    } else {
      await HprtPrint.text(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 1,
        size: '0',
        x: '180',
        y: '100',
        data: "$destProvinceCode - $deliveryShop",
    await HprtPrint.setMag(width: "1", height: "1"); // 关闭放⼤
    await HprtPrint.line(
        x0: "0", y0: "140", x1: "740", y1: "140", width: "2"); //打印直线 1
    // 打印条码
    await HprtPrint.barcode(
        command: 'BARCODE',
        type: 'code128',
        width: '2',
        ratio: '2',
        height: '80',
        x: '160',
        y: '150',
        undertext: true,
        number: '0',
        size: '0',
        offset: '1',
        data: barcode);
    await HprtPrint.text(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, size: '0', x: '220', y: '230', data: barcode);
    //打印直线 3
    await HprtPrint.line(x0: "0", y0: "265", x1: "750", y1: "265", width: "2");
    // await HprtPrint.text(
    //     command: 'TEXT', font: 2, size: '0', x: '20', y: '320', data: '中国人');
    await HprtPrint.encoding(code: 'Khmer'); // Khmer 高棉语 GBK 默认 中文
    await HprtPrint.khmerState(state: 1); // 1开 0 关
    await HprtPrint.setKhmerCodepage(); // 设置 高棉语 代码⻚

    //await HprtPrint.country(codepage: 'Khemr'); // 设置字符代码⻚
    await HprtPrint.text(
      command: 'TEXT',
      font: 0,
      size: '0',
      x: '10',
      y: '265',
      data: 'Consignee:' + rName,
    await HprtPrint.align(align: "RIGHT");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '0', y: '265', data: rPhone + " ", n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.align(align: "LEFT");
    // await HprtPrint.autoText(
    //     font: 0,
    //     fontSize: 0,
    //     x: 10,
    //     y: 295,
    //     lineSpace: 1,
    //     width: 740,
    //     text: rAddress + 'ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា');

    List arrAddres0 = [];
    if (rAddress.length > 46) {
      arrAddres0.add(rAddress.substring(0, 46));
    if (arrAddres0.length >= 2) {
      await HprtPrint.autoText(
        font: 0,
        fontSize: 0,
        x: 10,
        y: 295,
        lineSpace: 1,
        width: 740,
        text: arrAddres0[0],
      await HprtPrint.autoText(
        font: 0,
        fontSize: 0,
        x: 10,
        y: 325,
        lineSpace: 1,
        width: 740,
        text: arrAddres0[1],
    } else {
      await HprtPrint.autoText(
        font: 0,
        fontSize: 0,
        x: 10,
        y: 295,
        lineSpace: 1,
        width: 740,
        text: rAddress,
    await HprtPrint.line(x0: "0", y0: "370", x1: "750", y1: "370", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '10',
        y: '370',
        data: 'Shipper: ' + sName,
        n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.align(align: "RIGHT");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '0', y: '370', data: sPhone + " ", n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.align(align: "LEFT");
    List arrAddres1 = [];
    if (sAddress.length > 46) {
      arrAddres1.add(sAddress.substring(0, 46));
    if (arrAddres1.length >= 2) {
      await HprtPrint.autoText(
        font: 0,
        fontSize: 0,
        x: 10,
        y: 400,
        lineSpace: 1,
        width: 740,
        text: arrAddres1[0],
      await HprtPrint.autoText(
        font: 0,
        fontSize: 0,
        x: 10,
        y: 430,
        lineSpace: 1,
        width: 740,
        text: arrAddres1[1],
    } else {
      await HprtPrint.autoText(
        font: 0,
        fontSize: 0,
        x: 10,
        y: 400,
        lineSpace: 1,
        width: 740,
        text: sAddress,
    await HprtPrint.line(x0: "0", y0: "470", x1: "750", y1: "470", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '16', y: '467', data: 'Weight:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '110',
        y: '467',
        data: totalWeight + 'kg',
        n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '430', y: '467', data: 'COD:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '480',
        y: '467',
        data: '\$' + codValue,
        n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.line(x0: "0", y0: "505", x1: "750", y1: "505", width: "2");
    if (paymentMethod == 'Collected') {
      await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
          command: 'TEXT',
          font: 0,
          x: '210',
          y: '467',
          data: 'Packing Fee:\$' + packingFee,
          n: 0);
      await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
          command: 'TEXT',
          font: 0,
          x: '16',
          y: '502',
          data: 'Freight:\$' + freight,
          n: 0);
      await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
          command: 'TEXT',
          font: 0,
          x: '210',
          y: '502',
          data: 'Total:\$' + orderIncome,
          n: 0);
      // 画竖线1
      await HprtPrint.line(
          x0: "0", y0: "542", x1: "752", y1: "542", width: "2");
      await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
          command: 'TEXT',
          font: 0,
          x: '16',
          y: '540',
          data: 'Insurance:\$' + insurance,
          n: 0);
    } else {
      await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
          command: 'TEXT',
          font: 0,
          x: '210',
          y: '467',
          data: 'Packing Fee:\$0.0',
          n: 0);
      await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
          command: 'TEXT',
          font: 0,
          x: '16',
          y: '502',
          data: 'Freight:\$0.0',
          n: 0);
      await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
          command: 'TEXT',
          font: 0,
          x: '210',
          y: '502',
          data: 'Total:\$0.0',
          n: 0);
      // 画竖线1
      await HprtPrint.line(
          x0: "0", y0: "542", x1: "752", y1: "542", width: "2");
      await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
          command: 'TEXT',
          font: 0,
          x: '16',
          y: '540',
          data: 'Insurance:\$0.0',
          n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '300',
        y: '540',
        data: paymentMethod,
        n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.line(x0: "0", y0: "580", x1: "750", y1: "580", width: "2");
    // 画竖线1
    await HprtPrint.line(
        x0: "200", y0: "470", x1: "200", y1: "580", width: "2");
    // 画竖线2
    await HprtPrint.line(
        x0: "420", y0: "470", x1: "420", y1: "540", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '16',
        y: '580',
        data: ' Item Name:${info['goodsDescription']}',
        n: 0);

    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '300',
        y: '580',
        data: ' Signature:',
        n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.line(x0: "0", y0: "640", x1: "750", y1: "640", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '16', y: '635', data: pickupShop, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '200', y: '635', data: courierCode, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '370', y: '635', data: dataTime, n: 0);

    ///开始 ====================================================================================== 设计第二格子
    // 打印矩形框
    await HprtPrint.box(x0: "0", y0: "705", x1: "750", y1: "975", width: "2");

    await HprtPrint.barcode(
        command: 'BARCODE',
        type: 'code128',
        width: '1',
        ratio: '30',
        height: '40',
        x: '400',
        y: '704',
        undertext: true,
        number: '0',
        size: '0',
        offset: '0',
        data: barcode);
    await HprtPrint.text(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, size: '0', x: '400', y: '740', data: barcode);
    await HprtPrint.line(x0: "0", y0: "776", x1: "750", y1: "776", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '10',
        y: '777',
        data: 'Consignee:' + rName,
        n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.align(align: "RIGHT");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '0', y: '777', data: rPhone + " ", n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.align(align: "LEFT");
    List arrAddres2 = [];
    if (rAddress.length > 46) {
      arrAddres2.add(rAddress.substring(0, 46));

    if (arrAddres2.length == 2) {
      await HprtPrint.autoText(
          font: 0,
          fontSize: 0,
          x: 10,
          y: 809,
          lineSpace: 1,
          width: 740,
          text: arrAddres2[0]);
      await HprtPrint.autoText(
          font: 0,
          fontSize: 0,
          x: 10,
          y: 839,
          lineSpace: 1,
          width: 740,
          text: arrAddres2[1]);
    } else {
      await HprtPrint.autoText(
          font: 0,
          fontSize: 0,
          x: 10,
          y: 809,
          lineSpace: 1,
          width: 740,
          text: rAddress);
    await HprtPrint.line(x0: "0", y0: "880", x1: "750", y1: "880", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '10', y: '880', data: 'Item: ', n: 0);
    if (paymentMethod == 'Collected') {
      await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
          command: 'TEXT',
          font: 0,
          x: '300',
          y: '880',
          data: 'Total:\$ ' + orderIncome,
          n: 0);
    } else {
      await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
          command: 'TEXT',
          font: 0,
          x: '300',
          y: '880',
          data: 'Total:\$0.0',
          n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '10', y: '910', data: paymentMethod, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '300',
        y: '910',
        data: 'COD:\$ ' + codValue,
        n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '10', y: '935', data: pickupShop, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '200', y: '935', data: courierCode, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '370', y: '935', data: dataTime, n: 0);

    /// =====================================================设计第三块=====================================
    // // 打印矩形框
    await HprtPrint.box(x0: "0", y0: "992", x1: "750", y1: "1400", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '170', y: '1020', data: courierCode, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '170', y: '1050', data: dataTime, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.barcode(
        command: 'BARCODE',
        type: 'code128',
        width: '1',
        ratio: '0',
        height: '50',
        x: '400',
        y: '1000',
        undertext: true,
        number: '0',
        size: '0',
        offset: '0',
        data: barcode);
    await HprtPrint.text(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        size: '0',
        x: '400',
        y: '1050',
        data: barcode);
    await HprtPrint.line(
        x0: "0", y0: "1086", x1: "750", y1: "1086", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '10',
        y: '1086',
        data: 'Consignee:' + rName,
        n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.align(align: "RIGHT");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '0', y: '1086', data: rPhone + " ", n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.align(align: "LEFT");
    List arrAddres3 = [];
    if (rAddress.length > 46) {
      arrAddres3.add(rAddress.substring(0, 46));
    if (arrAddres3.length == 2) {
      await HprtPrint.autoText(
          font: 0,
          fontSize: 0,
          x: 10,
          y: 1136,
          lineSpace: 1,
          width: 740,
          text: arrAddres3[0]);
      await HprtPrint.autoText(
          font: 0,
          fontSize: 0,
          x: 10,
          y: 1145,
          lineSpace: 1,
          width: 740,
          text: arrAddres3[1]);
    } else {
      await HprtPrint.autoText(
          font: 0,
          fontSize: 0,
          x: 10,
          y: 1136,
          lineSpace: 1,
          width: 740,
          text: rAddress);
    await HprtPrint.line(
        x0: "0", y0: "1190", x1: "750", y1: "1190", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '10',
        y: '1190',
        data: 'Shipper:' + sName,
        n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.align(align: "RIGHT");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '0', y: '1190', data: sPhone + " ", n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.align(align: "LEFT");
    List arrAddres4 = [];

    if (sAddress.length > 46) {
      arrAddres4.add(sAddress.substring(0, 46));
    if (arrAddres4.length == 2) {
      await HprtPrint.autoText(
          font: 0,
          fontSize: 0,
          x: 10,
          y: 1220,
          lineSpace: 1,
          width: 750,
          text: arrAddres4[0]);
      await HprtPrint.autoText(
          font: 0,
          fontSize: 0,
          x: 10,
          y: 1250,
          lineSpace: 1,
          width: 750,
          text: arrAddres4[1]);
      // await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
      //     command: 'TEXT',
      //     font: 0,
      //     x: '10',
      //     y: '1220',
      //     data: arrAddres4[0],
      //     n: 0);
      // await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
      //     command: 'TEXT',
      //     font: 0,
      //     x: '10',
      //     y: '1250',
      //     data: arrAddres4[1],
      //     n: 0);
    } else {
      await HprtPrint.autoText(
          font: 0,
          fontSize: 0,
          x: 10,
          y: 1220,
          lineSpace: 1,
          width: 740,
          text: sAddress);
    await HprtPrint.line(
        x0: "0", y0: "1300", x1: "750", y1: "1300", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '10',
        y: '1300',
        data: 'Weight:' + totalWeight + 'kg',
        n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '200',
        y: '1300',
        data: 'Freight:\$' + freight,
        n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '400',
        y: '1300',
        data: 'COD:\$' + codValue,
        n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '10',
        y: '1330',
        data: 'Insurance: \$' + insurance,
        n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '230',
        y: '1330',
        data: 'Payment: ' + paymentMethod,
        n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 1, x: '10', y: '1370', data: serviceTel, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 1, x: '300', y: '1370', data: cCall, n: 0);

    await HprtPrint.exitKhmerMode(); // 退出高棉语模式 ភ្នំពេញ
    //await HprtPrint.khmerState(state: 0); // 1开 0 关
    await HprtPrint.encoding(code: 'GBK'); // Khmer 高棉语 GBK 默认 中文

    //await HprtPrint.form;
    var r = await HprtPrint.prints;
    if (r == 0) {
    } else {

  scanBlue() {
    deviceSet = [];
    if (isBleOn) {
      flutterBlue.scan().listen((scanResult) {
        // do something with scan result
        var device = scanResult.device;
        if (device.name.length > 8) {
          if (deviceSet.indexOf(device) == -1) {
            // print(device);
            String id = device.id.toString().replaceAll('FD:', 'FC:');
            Map ss = {'name': '${device.name}', 'id': '$id'};
            setState(() {
              '${device.name} found! rssi: ${scanResult.rssi},address:${device.id}');
      Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 4000), () {
        if (deviceSet.length <= 0) {
          BotToast.showText(text: '未搜索到蓝牙设备');
        } else {
          setState(() {

  // 行号 4 * 8 = 32
  Future<void> androidPrintText() async {
    // 读取资源文件
    ByteData data = await rootBundle.load("assets/icon/logo.jpg");
    // 转byte
    List<int> bytes =
        data.buffer.asUint8List(data.offsetInBytes, data.lengthInBytes);

    ByteData s = await rootBundle.load("assets/icon/s.jpg");
    List<int> sBytes = s.buffer.asUint8List(s.offsetInBytes, s.lengthInBytes);
    ByteData r = await rootBundle.load("assets/icon/r.jpg");
    List<int> rBytes = r.buffer.asUint8List(r.offsetInBytes, r.lengthInBytes);
    ByteData logo2s = await rootBundle.load("assets/icon/logo2.jpg");
    List<int> logo2 =
        logo2s.buffer.asUint8List(logo2s.offsetInBytes, logo2s.lengthInBytes);

    String shopCode = 'CE00001';
    String staffCode = 'CE0085';
    String tel = 'Tel:23921666';
    String city = 'Phonm Penh';
    String dataTime = '2021/5/31';
    String barcode = 'CE000001376';
    String sName = 'មន្ទីរភ្នំពេញ';
    String sPhone = '15492666';
    //String sAddress = 'No 80-82 St.566 Boeung Kok II, រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ ';
    String sAddress = 'Ekareach Street 100, Preah Sihanouk ក្រុងព្រះសីហនុ';
    String rName = 'វិទ្យាល័យ';
    String rPhone = '15492666';
    String rAddress = 'វិទ្យាល័យ ហ៊ុន សែន មិត្តភាព ខេត្តព្រះសីហនុ';
    String qrData =

    // 设置标签高
    await HprtPrint.printAreaSize(
        offset: "0",
        horizontal: "200",
        vertical: "200",
        height: "1440",
        qty: "1");
    // 打印页面宽度
    await HprtPrint.pageWidth(pw: "750");
    // 打印矩形框
    await HprtPrint.box(x0: "0", y0: "8", x1: "750", y1: "680", width: "2");
    // 打印图片
    await HprtPrint.printBitmapCPCL(
      bytes: bytes,
      x: 0,
      y: 16,
      type: 0,
      compressType: 0,
      light: 0,

    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '220', y: '16', data: shopCode, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '220', y: '48', data: staffCode, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '220', y: '85', data: tel, n: 0);

    await HprtPrint.align(align: "RIGHT");
    await HprtPrint.setMag(width: "2", height: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 1, x: '0', y: '64', data: city, n: 0);

    await HprtPrint.setMag(width: "1", height: "1"); // 关闭放⼤
    await HprtPrint.align(align: "LEFT");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '420', y: '16', data: dataTime, n: 0);

    //打印直线 1
    await HprtPrint.line(x0: "0", y0: "136", x1: "750", y1: "136", width: "2");

    await HprtPrint.barcode(
        command: 'BARCODE',
        type: 'code128',
        width: '2',
        ratio: '2',
        height: '80',
        x: '160',
        y: '145',
        undertext: true,
        number: '0',
        size: '0',
        offset: '1',
        data: barcode);
    //打印直线 2
    await HprtPrint.line(x0: "0", y0: "262", x1: "750", y1: "262", width: "2");

    // 上面--------
    await HprtPrint.printBitmapCPCL(
      bytes: sBytes,
      x: 20,
      y: 300,
      type: 0,
      compressType: 0,
      light: 0,
    await HprtPrint.printBitmapCPCL(
      bytes: rBytes,
      x: 20,
      y: 415,
      type: 0,
      compressType: 0,
      light: 0,

    // 中间--------
    await HprtPrint.printBitmapCPCL(
      bytes: logo2,
      x: 20,
      y: 704,
      type: 0,
      compressType: 0,
      light: 0,
    await HprtPrint.printBitmapCPCL(
      bytes: sBytes,
      x: 20,
      y: 793,
      type: 0,
      compressType: 0,
      light: 0,
    // 下面---------
    await HprtPrint.printBitmapCPCL(
        bytes: logo2, x: 20, y: 1008, type: 0, compressType: 0, light: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printBitmapCPCL(
        bytes: rBytes, x: 20, y: 1104, type: 0, compressType: 0, light: 0);

    // logo 2;
    // 设置柬文
    await HprtPrint.country(codepage: 'Khemr');
    await HprtPrint.languageEncode(languageEncode: 'UnicodeBigUnmarked');

    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '100', y: '265', data: 'Name:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '170', y: '265', data: sName, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '350', y: '265', data: 'Phone:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '420', y: '265', data: sPhone, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '100', y: '297', data: 'Address:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.autLine2(
        x: '200',
        y: '297',
        width: '380',
        size: 0,
        isbole: false,
        isdouble: false,
        str: sAddress);

    //打印直线 3 上 收件人信息
    await HprtPrint.line(x0: "0", y0: "395", x1: "750", y1: "395", width: "2");

    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '100', y: '398', data: 'Name:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '170', y: '398', data: rName, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '350', y: '398', data: 'Phone:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '420', y: '398', data: rPhone, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '100', y: '430', data: 'Address:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.autLine2(
        x: '200',
        y: '430',
        width: '380',
        size: 0,
        isbole: false,
        isdouble: false,
        str: rAddress);

    //打印直线 4
    await HprtPrint.line(x0: "0", y0: "524", x1: "750", y1: "524", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '16', y: '530', data: 'Weight:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '116', y: '530', data: '1 KG', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '16', y: '562', data: 'Payment:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '116', y: '562', data: 'CODPay', n: 0);

    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '16', y: '615', data: 'COD:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '85', y: '615', data: '\$ 27.5', n: 0);

    // 反白
    await HprtPrint.inverseLine(
        x0: '10', y0: '610', x1: '190', y1: '610', width: '60');
    // 画竖线1
    await HprtPrint.line(
        x0: "200", y0: "524", x1: "200", y1: "680", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '210', y: '530', data: 'Freight:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '328', y: '530', data: '\$ 0.80', n: 0);

    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '210', y: '562', data: 'Packing:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '328', y: '562', data: '\$ 0.40', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '210', y: '594', data: 'Insurance:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '328', y: '594', data: '\$ 0.00', n: 0);

    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '215', y: '630', data: 'Total:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '312', y: '630', data: '\$ 1.20', n: 0);
    // 反白
    await HprtPrint.inverseLine(
        x0: '210', y0: '630', x1: '408', y1: '630', width: '45');

    // 画竖线2
    await HprtPrint.line(
        x0: "420", y0: "524", x1: "420", y1: "680", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '430', y: '530', data: ' Signer:', n: 0);

    /////////上面 结束 =======================
    // 打印矩形框
    await HprtPrint.box(x0: "0", y0: "696", x1: "750", y1: "968", width: "2");

    await HprtPrint.barcode(
        command: 'BARCODE',
        type: 'code128',
        width: '1',
        ratio: '30',
        height: '40',
        x: '400',
        y: '704',
        undertext: true,
        number: '0',
        size: '0',
        offset: '0',
        data: barcode);
    await HprtPrint.line(x0: "0", y0: "776", x1: "750", y1: "776", width: "2");
    // 中间 --- 发件人信息
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '100', y: '777', data: 'Name:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '170', y: '777', data: sName, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '350', y: '777', data: 'Phone:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '420', y: '777', data: sPhone, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '100', y: '809', data: 'Address:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.autLine2(
        x: '200',
        y: '809',
        width: '380',
        size: 0,
        isbole: false,
        isdouble: false,
        str: sAddress);
    await HprtPrint.line(x0: "0", y0: "900", x1: "750", y1: "900", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '16',
        y: '916',
        data: 'Total freight:',
        n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '192', y: '916', data: '\$ 1.20', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '322', y: '916', data: 'COD:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '380', y: '916', data: '\$ 27.5', n: 0);
    // 下面==================
    // 打印矩形框
    await HprtPrint.box(x0: "0", y0: "992", x1: "750", y1: "1400", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '220', y: '992', data: dataTime, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.barcode(
        command: 'BARCODE',
        type: 'code128',
        width: '1',
        ratio: '0',
        height: '50',
        x: '400',
        y: '1000',
        undertext: true,
        number: '0',
        size: '0',
        offset: '0',
        data: barcode);
    await HprtPrint.line(
        x0: "0", y0: "1096", x1: "750", y1: "1096", width: "2");
    // 下面 --- 收件人信息
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '100', y: '1104', data: 'Name:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '170', y: '1104', data: rName, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '350', y: '1104', data: 'Phone:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '420', y: '1104', data: rPhone, n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '100', y: '1136', data: 'Address:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.autLine2(
        x: '200',
        y: '1136',
        width: '380',
        size: 0,
        isbole: false,
        isdouble: false,
        str: rAddress);

    await HprtPrint.line(
        x0: "0", y0: "1244", x1: "750", y1: "1244", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '16', y: '1252', data: 'Weight:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '116', y: '1252', data: '1 KG', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '16', y: '1284', data: 'Payment:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '116', y: '1284', data: 'CODPay', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '16', y: '1316', data: 'COD:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '85', y: '1316', data: '\$ 27.5', n: 0);
    // 画竖线1
    await HprtPrint.line(
        x0: "200", y0: "1244", x1: "200", y1: "1400", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '210', y: '1252', data: 'Freight:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '328', y: '1252', data: '\$ 0.80', n: 0);

    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '210', y: '1284', data: 'Packing:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '328', y: '1284', data: '\$ 0.40', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT',
        font: 0,
        x: '210',
        y: '1316',
        data: 'Insurance:',
        n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '328', y: '1316', data: '\$ 0.00', n: 0);

    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '215', y: '1348', data: 'Total:', n: 0);
    await HprtPrint.printCodepageTextCPCL(
        command: 'TEXT', font: 0, x: '312', y: '1348', data: '\$ 1.20', n: 0);

    // 画竖线2
    await HprtPrint.line(
        x0: "420", y0: "1244", x1: "420", y1: "1400", width: "2");
    await HprtPrint.setKhemrEnd; // 必须关闭柬文
    await HprtPrint.languageEncode(
        languageEncode: 'gb2312'); // 重新设置编码/否则下一张打不出图像条码
    await HprtPrint.printQR(x: '428', y: '1252', m: '1', u: '3', data: qrData);
    await HprtPrint.form;
    await HprtPrint.prints;

  lianjie(portSetting) async {
    // _status = (await HprtPrint.portOpenBT(portSetting: 'FC:58:FA:2D:77:D8'));
    _status = (await HprtPrint.portOpenBT(portSetting: portSetting));

    if (_status == 0) {
      BotToast.showText(text: "打印机链接成功");
    } else {
      BotToast.showText(text: "连接失败");
pub points


unverified uploader

蓝牙便携热敏打印机(Bluetooth printer) CPCL 指令, 适用汉印A300, Z3 等热敏打印机

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on hprt_print