hovering 1.0.4 copy "hovering: ^1.0.4" to clipboard
hovering: ^1.0.4 copied to clipboard

A new Flutter package to enable the hover effect on Flutter web.

hovering #

A new Flutter package to enable the hover effect on Flutter web. #

Hover Grow Effect Hover Shrink Effect Hover Fade Effect Hoverbutton Effect Hover SnackBar Effect

Intallation : #

Add Dependency: #

        hovering: ^1.0.4
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Import Package: #

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List of Widgets : #

1. HoverWidget: #

-Simply changes one widget to another on Hover.
-Also uses onHover property.
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2. HoverContainer #

-Hover effect on a Container Widget
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3. HoverCrossFadeWidget #

-Gives a Hover effect with a fade animation.
-Transition between two widgets.
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4. HoverAnimatedContainer #

-Creates a Container widget with an Animation.
-Duration can be provided.
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5. HoverButton #

-Creates a Button widget with hover effect.
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Constructors : #

    Key? key,
    required Widget child, 
    required Widget hoverChild, 
    required void Function(PointerEnterEvent) onHover
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     Key? key, 
     MouseCursor cursor = SystemMouseCursors.basic, 
     required Widget firstChild, 
     required Widget secondChild, 
     required Duration duration, 
     AlignmentGeometry alignmentry = Alignment.center, 
     Curve firstCurve = Curves.linear, 
     Duration? reverseDuration, 
     Curve secondCurve = Curves.linear, 
     Curve sizeCurve = Curves.linear})
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    Key? key, 
    AlignmentGeometry? alignment, 
    AlignmentGeometry? hoveraAlignment, 
    Color? color, 
    Color? hoverColor, 
    double? width, 
    double? hoverWidth, 
    double? height, 
    double? hoverHeight, 
    Decoration? decoration, 
    Decoration? hoverDecoration, 
    Decoration? foregroundDecoration, 
    Decoration? hoverForegroundDecoration, 
    Widget? child, 
    Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none, 
    BoxConstraints? constraints, 
    EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, 
    EdgeInsetsGeometry? hoverMargin, 
    EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, 
    EdgeInsetsGeometry? hoverPadding, 
    Matrix4? transform, 
    MouseCursor cursor = SystemMouseCursors.basic, 
    Matrix4? hoverTransform})
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    Key? key, 
    AlignmentGeometry? alignment, 
    AlignmentGeometry? hoveraAlignment, 
    Color? color, 
    Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 200), 
    Color? hoverColor, 
    double? width, 
    double? hoverWidth, 
    double? height, 
    double? hoverHeight, 
    Decoration? decoration, 
    Decoration? hoverDecoration, 
    Decoration? foregroundDecoration, 
    Decoration? hoverForegroundDecoration, 
    Widget? child, 
    BoxConstraints? constraints, 
    EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, 
    EdgeInsetsGeometry? hoverMargin, 
    EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, 
    EdgeInsetsGeometry? hoverPadding, 
    Matrix4? transform, 
    Curve curve = Curves.linear, 
    MouseCursor cursor = SystemMouseCursors.basic, 
    Matrix4? hoverTransform})
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    Key? key, 
    required void Function() onpressed, 
    Duration? animationDuration, 
    bool autofocus = false, 
    Widget? child, 
    Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none, 
    Color? color, 
    Brightness? colorBrightness, 
    Color? disabledColor, 
    double? disabledElevation, 
    Color? disabledTextColor, 
    double elevation = 4.0, 
    bool enableFeedback = true, 
    Color? focusColor, 
    double? focusElevation, 
    FocusNode? focusNode, 
    double? height, 
    Color? highlightColor, 
    double? highlightElevation, 
    Color? hoverColor, 
    double hoverElevation = 8.0, 
    MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize, 
    double? minWidth, 
    MouseCursor mouseCursor = SystemMouseCursors.click, 
    void Function(bool)? onHighlightChanged, 
    void Function()? onLongPress, 
    EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, 
    EdgeInsetsGeometry hoverPadding = const EdgeInsets.all(2.0), ShapeBorder shape = const StadiumBorder(), 
    Color? splashColor, 
    Color? textColor, 
    ButtonTextTheme? textTheme, 
    VisualDensity? visualDensity, 
    ShapeBorder? hoverShape, 
    Color? hoverTextColor, 
    ButtonTextTheme? hoverTextTheme, 
    Brightness? hoverColorBrightness})
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2024.08.21 - 2025.03.05

A new Flutter package to enable the hover effect on Flutter web.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)




Packages that depend on hovering