horizontal_list 0.0.2 horizontal_list: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard
A horizontal list widget with buttons next and previous. You can customize your card for example and insert it on HorizontalListView widget. You can also change animation and insert your onw icon for [...]
horizontal_list #
A horizontal list widget with buttons next and previous. You can customize your card for example and insert it on HorizontalListView widget. You also can change animation and insert your onw icon for buttons next and previous.
Using the library #
Add the repo to your Flutter pubspec.yaml
horizontal_list: <<version>>
Then run...
flutter packages get
Example #
width: double.maxFinite, //Width of widget
height: 200, //Height of widget
list: [Text('Text 1'), Text('Text 2')], //List of widget
iconNext: Icon(Icons.arrow_forward_ios), // Icon for button next
iconPrevious: Icon(Icons.arrow_back_ios), // Icon for button previous
curveAnimation: Curves.bounceIn, //Curve for animation
durationAnimation: Duration(milliseconds: 300), //Duration of animation
onNextPressed: () { //On button next pressed
print('On next pressed');
onPreviousPressed: () { //On button next pressed
print('On previous pressed');