horizontal_list 0.0.1 horizontal_list: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
A horizontal list with buttons next and previous
horizontal_list #
A horizontal list widget to use in mainly for web or desktop application.
Using the library #
Add the repo to your Flutter pubspec.yaml
horizontal_list: <<version>>
Then run...
flutter packages get
Example #
list: [Text('Text 1'), Text('Text 2')], //List of widget
iconNext: Icon(Icons.arrow_forward_ios), // Icon for button next
iconPrevious: Icon(Icons.arrow_back_ios), // Icon for button previous
curveAnimation: Curves.bounceIn, //Curve for animation
durationAnimation: Duration(milliseconds: 300), //Duration of animation
onNextPressed: () { //On button next pressed
print('On next pressed');
onPreviousPressed: () { //On button next pressed
print('On previous pressed');