hmssdk_flutter 0.7.5
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The Flutter package for 100ms SDK. Video Conferencing infrastructure for a Video first world.

100ms Flutter SDK 🎉 #
Here you will find everything you need to build experiences with video using 100ms iOS/Android SDK. Dive into our SDKs, quick starts, add real-time video, voice, and screen sharing to your web and mobile applications.
📲 Download the Sample iOS app here:
🤖 Download the Sample Android app here:
100ms Flutter apps are also released on the App Stores, you can download them here:
📲 iOS app on Apple App Store:
🤖 Android app on Google Play Store:
🚂 Setup Guide #
Sign up on & visit the Developer tab to access your credentials.
Get familiarized with Tokens & Security here
Complete the steps in Auth Token Quick Start Guide
Get the HMSSDK via Add the
to your pubspec.yaml.
Note for Flutter 3.0+ #
At this moment, Flutter 3.0 or higher is not supported due to ongoing issues in Flutter 3.x release for Platform Views. Refer issues: 107313 & 103630. We are actively monitoring these issues & once Flutter team releases a fix for these issues on stable branch, we'll release a compatible version of 100ms SDK.
Until then, please use Flutter version 2.10.5
or any other 2.x series.
🏃♀️ How to run the Sample App #
The Example app can be found here.
- In project root, run
flutter pub get
- Change directory to
folder & run eitherflutter build ios
ORflutter build apk
- Finally,
flutter run
☝️ Pre-requisites #
- Support for Android API level 24 or higher
- Support for Java 8
- Support for iOS 12 or higher
- Xcode 12 or higher
📱 Supported Devices #
The Android SDK supports Android API level 21 and higher. It is built for armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, and x86_64 architectures.
iPhone & iPads with iOS version 10 or higher.
Android Permissions #
Add the following permissions in the Android AndroidManifest.xml file
<uses-feature android:name=""/>
<uses-feature android:name=""/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
iOS Permissions #
Add following permissions in iOS Info.plist file
<string>{YourAppName} wants to use your microphone</string>
<string>{YourAppName} wants to use your camera</string>
<string>{YourAppName} App wants to use your local network</string>
🧐 Key Concepts #
- A room represents real-time audio, video session, the basic building block of the 100mslive Video SDKTrack
- A track represents either the audio or video that makes up a streamPeer
- A peer represents all participants connected to a room. Peers can be "local" or "remote"Broadcast
- A local peer can send any message/data to all remote peers in the room
Generating Auth Token #
Auth Token is used in HMSConfig instance to setup configuration.
So you need to make an HTTP request. you can use any package we are using http
You will get your token endpoint at your 100ms dashboard and append api/token
to that endpoint and make an http post request.
http.Response response = await,
body: {'room_id': room, 'user_id': user, 'role': Constant.defaultRole});
after generating the token parse it using JSON.
var body = json.decode(response.body);
String token = body['token'];
You will need this token later explained below.
♻️ Setup event listeners #
100ms SDK provides callbacks to the client app about any change or update happening in the room after a user has joined by implementing HMSUpdateListener
. These updates can be used to render the video on the screen or to display other info regarding the room.
/// 100ms SDK provides callbacks to the client app about any change or update happening in the room after a user has joined by implementing HMSUpdateListener.
/// These updates can be used to render the video on the screen or to display other info regarding the room.
abstract class HMSUpdateListener {
/// This will be called on a successful JOIN of the room by the user
/// This is the point where applications can stop showing their loading state
/// [room]: the room which was joined
void onJoin({required HMSRoom room});
/// This is called when there is a change in any property of the Room
/// [room]: the room which was joined
/// [update]: the triggered update type. Should be used to perform different UI Actions
void onRoomUpdate({required HMSRoom room, required HMSRoomUpdate update});
/// This will be called whenever there is an update on an existing peer
/// or a new peer got added/existing peer is removed.
/// This callback can be used to keep a track of all the peers in the room
/// [peer]: the peer who joined/left or was updated
/// [update]: the triggered update type. Should be used to perform different UI Actions
void onPeerUpdate({required HMSPeer peer, required HMSPeerUpdate update});
/// This is called when there are updates on an existing track
/// or a new track got added/existing track is removed
/// This callback can be used to render the video on screen whenever a track gets added
/// [track]: the track which was added, removed or updated
/// [trackUpdate]: the triggered update type
/// [peer]: the peer for which track was added, removed or updated
void onTrackUpdate({required HMSTrack track, required HMSTrackUpdate trackUpdate, required HMSPeer peer});
/// This will be called when there is an error in the system
/// and SDK has already retried to fix the error
/// [error]: the error that occurred
void onHMSError({required HMSException error});
/// This is called when there is a new broadcast message from any other peer in the room
/// This can be used to implement chat is the room
/// [message]: the received broadcast message
void onMessage({required HMSMessage message});
/// This is called when someone asks for a change or role
/// for eg. admin can ask a peer to become host from guest.
/// this triggers this call on peer's app
void onRoleChangeRequest({required HMSRoleChangeRequest roleChangeRequest});
/// This is called every 1 second with a list of active speakers
/// ## A HMSSpeaker object contains -
/// - peerId: the peer identifier of HMSPeer who is speaking
/// - trackId: the track identifier of HMSTrack which is emitting audio
/// - audioLevel: a number within range 1-100 indicating the audio volume
/// A peer who is not present in the list indicates that the peer is not speaking
/// This can be used to highlight currently speaking peers in the room
/// [speakers] the list of speakers
void onUpdateSpeakers({required List<HMSSpeaker> updateSpeakers});
///when network or some other error happens it will be called
void onReconnecting();
///when you are back in the room after reconnection
void onReconnected();
///when someone requests for track change of yours be it video or audio this will be triggered
/// [hmsTrackChangeRequest] request instance consisting of all the required info about track change
void onChangeTrackStateRequest({required HMSTrackChangeRequest hmsTrackChangeRequest});
///when someone kicks you out or when someone ends the room at that time it is triggered
/// [hmsPeerRemovedFromPeer] it consists of info about who removed you and why.
void onRemovedFromRoom({required HMSPeerRemovedFromPeer hmsPeerRemovedFromPeer});
🤔 How to listen to Track, Peer and Room updates? #
The HMS SDK sends updates to the application about any change in HMSPeer, HMSTrack or HMSRoom via the callbacks in HMSUpdateListener. Application need to listen to the corresponding updates in onPeerUpdate, onTrackUpdate or onRoomUpdate
The following are the different types of updates that are emitted by the SDK -
HMSPeerUpdate.peerJoined: A new peer joins the room
HMSPeerUpdate.peerLeft: An existing peer leaves the room
HMSPeerUpdate.roleUpdated: When peer role is changed
HMSPeerUpdate.metadataChanged: When peer metadata changed
HMSPeerUpdate.nameChanged: When peer name change
HMSTrackUpdate.trackAdded: A new track is added by a remote peer
HMSTrackUpdate.trackRemoved: An existing track is removed from a remote peer
HMSTrackUpdate.trackMuted: An existing track of a remote peer is muted
HMSTrackUpdate.trackUnMuted: An existing track of a remote peer is unmuted
HMSTrackUpdate.trackDegraded: When track is degraded
HMSTrackUpdate.trackRestored: When track is restored
HMSRoomUpdate.roomMuted: When room is muted
HMSRoomUpdate.roomUnmuted: When room is unmuted
HMSRoomUpdate.serverRecordingStateUpdated: When server recording state is updated
HMSRoomUpdate.browserRecordingStateUpdated: When browser recording state is changed
HMSRoomUpdate.rtmpStreamingStateUpdated: When RTMP is started or stopped
HMSRoomUpdate.hlsStreamingStateUpdated: When HLS is started or stopped
HMSRoomUpdate.hlsRecordingStateUpdated: When hls recording state is updated
🛤 How to know the type and source of Track? #
HMSTrack contains a field called source which denotes the source of the Track. Source can have the following values - regular (normal), screen (for screenshare)and plugin (for plugins)
To know the type of track, check the value of type which would be one of the enum values - AUDIO or VIDEO
🤝 Provide joining configuration #
To join a room created by following the steps described in the above section, clients need to create an HMSConfig
instance and use that instance to call the join
method of HMSSDK
// Create a new HMSConfig
HMSConfig config = HMSConfig(authToken: token,
userName: userName);
: follow the above step 1 to generate a token.
: your name using which you want to join the room.
🙏 Join a room #
Use the HMSConfig and HMSUpdateListener instances to call the join method on the instance of HMSSDK created above. Once Join succeeds, all the callbacks keep coming on every change in the room and the app can react accordingly
hmsSDK.joinMeeting(config: this.config);
👋 Leave Room #
Call the leave method on the HMSSDK instance
hmsSDK.leave() // to leave a room
🙊 Mute/Unmute Local Audio #
// Turn on
hmsSDK.switchAudio(isOn: true)
// Turn off
hmsSDK.switchAudio(isOn: false)
🙈 Mute/Unmute Local Video #
🛤 HMSTracks Explained #
is the super-class of all the tracks that are used inside HMSSDK
. Its hierarchy looks like this -
- AudioTrack
- LocalAudioTrack
- RemoteAudioTrack
- VideoTrack
- LocalVideoTrack
- RemoteVideoTrack
🎞 Display a Track #
To display a video track, first get the HMSVideoTrack
& pass it on to HMSVideoView
using setVideoTrack
function. Ensure to attach the HMSVideoView
to your UI hierarchy.
HMSVideoView(track: videoTrack);
Change a Role #
To change role, you will provide the selected peer and new roleName from roles. If forceChange is true, the system will prompt the user for the change. If forceChange is false, the user will get a prompt to accept/reject the role. After changeRole is called, HMSUpdateListener's onRoleChangeRequest will be called on selected user's end.
hmsSDK.changeRole(peer: peer, roleName: roleName, forceChange: true);
📨 Chat Messaging #
You can send a chat or any other kind of message from a local peer to all remote peers in the room.
To send a message first create an instance of HMSMessage
Add the information to be sent in the message
property of HMSMessage
Then use the void sendBroadcastMessage(message: String)
function on the instance of HMSSDK.
When you(the local peer) receives a message from others(any remote peer), void onMessage({required HMSMessage message})
function of HMSUpdateListener
is invoked.
// following is an example implementation of chat messaging
// to send a broadcast message
String message = 'Hello World!'
hmsSDK.sendBroadcastMessage(message); // meeting is an instance of `HMSSDK` object
// receiving messages
// the object conforming to `HMSUpdateListener` will be invoked with `on(message: HMSMessage)`, add your logic to update Chat UI within this listener
void onMessage({required HMSMessage message}){
let messageReceived = message.message // extract message payload from `HMSMessage` object that is received
// update your Chat UI with the messageReceived
🏃♀️ Checkout the sample implementation in the Example app folder.
🎞 Preview #
You can use our preview feature to unmute/mute audio/video before joining the room.
You can implement your own preview listener using this abstract class HMSPreviewListener
abstract class HMSPreviewListener {
//you will get all error updates here
void onHMSError({required HMSException error});
//here you will get a room instance where you are going to join and your own local tracks to render the video by checking the type of trackKind and then using the
//above mentioned VideoView widget
void onPreview({required HMSRoom room, required List<HMSTrack> localTracks});
📖 Read the Complete Documentation here:
📲 Download the Sample iOS app here:
🤖 Download the Sample Android app here: