hive_local_storage 1.0.0 copy "hive_local_storage: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
hive_local_storage: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

A cache helper which uses hive and flutter_secure_storage to make ease to store session and encrypted data

hive_local_storage #

A utility package to storage user session and cache values in hive box

  • uses hive for caching
  • uses flutter_secure_storage to storage encryption key of secured hive box for session storage

Get Started #

  hive_local_storage: latest

if you want to use custom class for hive you need to add hive_generator in your dev_dependencies

  build_runner: latest
  hive_generator: latest

Usage #

  import 'package:hive_local_storage/hive_local_storage.dart';

Registering Custom Adapters #

NOTE: avoid using typeId=0 for data classes because typeId=0 is already used by session class.

  //  getInstance() method takes list of [TypeAdapter] 
  final localStorage = await LocalStorage.getInstance([YourAdapter()]);

Opening Custom Boxes #

This is useful when you want to store hive objects directly to use this method you need to register adapter for hive objects in initialization

    /// typeId must between 1-223
    class TestModel extends HiveObject{
        late String firstName;
        /// rest of fields

    final localStorage = await LocalStorage.getInstance([TestAdapter()]);
    await localStorage.openCustomBox<TestModel>(boxName:'__TEST_BOX__',typeId:1)

Read From Custom Box #

   final localStorage = await LocalStorage.getInstance();
   List<TestModel> data = localStorage.getCustomList<TestModel>(boxName:'__TEST_BOX__');

Write data to Custom Box #

   final localStorage = await LocalStorage.getInstance();
    void storeData() async {
      /// store single data
      final testModel = TestModel();
      await localStorage.add<TestModel>(boxName: '__TEST_BOX__',value:testModel);
      /// store multipleData
      final listData = <TestModel>[TestModel(),TestModel()];
      await localStorage.addAll<TestModel>(boxName: '__TEST_BOX__',values:listData);

delete data from Custom Box #

   final localStorage = await LocalStorage.getInstance();
    void deleteData(TestModel test) async {
      await localStorage.delete<TestModel>(boxName: '__TEST_BOX__',value:testModel);

update data to Custom Box #

   final localStorage = await LocalStorage.getInstance();
    void updateData(TestModel test) async {
      await localStorage.update<TestModel>(boxName: '__TEST_BOX__',value:testModel);

To use with Riverpod

/// create provider
final localStorageProvider = Provider<LocalStorage>((ref)=>throw UnImplementedError());

/// in main function

void main() {
    () async {
      final localStorage = await LocalStorage.getInstance();
          overrides: [
          child: App(),
    (e, _) => throw e,

Write data

   /// initialize local_storage
final localStorage = await LocalStorage.getInstance();

// to store value in cache box
await localStorage.put<int>(key:'count',value:0);

// write multiple values
await localStorage.putAll(Map<String, dynamic> entries);

// to store use session
final session = Session()
  ..accessToken = 'accessToken'
  ..refreshToken = 'refreshToken'
  ..expiresIn = 1231232;
await localStorage.saveSession(session);

Read data

   /// initialize local_storage
final localStorage = await LocalStorage.getInstance();

// to get value from normal box
final count = await localStorage.get<int>(key:'count');

// to get session
final Session? session = localStorage.getSession();

//to check whether session has present or not
final hasSession = localStorage.hasSession;

//to check whether accessToken is expired or not
final isTokenExpired = locaStorage.isTokenExpired;

Delete data

   /// initialize local_storage
final localStorage = await LocalStorage.getInstance();

// remove value from normal box
await localStorage.remove(key:'count');

// remove all from normal box
await localStorage.clear();

// remove session
await localStorage.clearSession();


  • ✅ support for TypeAdapters
  • ❌ add Test Cases
pub points



A cache helper which uses hive and flutter_secure_storage to make ease to store session and encrypted data

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


collection, flutter, flutter_secure_storage, hive, hive_flutter


Packages that depend on hive_local_storage