hive_local_storage 0.0.1 copy "hive_local_storage: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
hive_local_storage: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


A cache helper which uses hive and flutter_secure_storage

local_storage #

A utility package to storage user session and cache values in hive box

  • uses hive for caching
  • uses flutter_secure_storage to storage encryption key of secured hive box for session storage

Get Started #

  local_storage: latest

if you want to use custom class for hive you need to add hive_generator in your dev_dependencies

  build_runner: latest
  hive_generator: latest

Usage #

Write data

   /// initialize local_storage
  final localStorage = await LocalStorage.getInstance();
  // to store value in normal box
  await localStorage.saveCache<int>('count',0);
  // to store value in encrypted box
  await localStorage.saveEncrypted<String>('key','some important key');
  // to store use session
  final session = Session()
                ..accessToken = 'accessToken'
                ..refreshToken ='refreshToken'
                ..expiresIn = 1231232;
  await localStorage.saveSession(session);

Read data

   /// initialize local_storage
  final localStorage = await LocalStorage.getInstance();
  // to get value from normal box
  final count  = await localStorage.getCache<int>('count');
  // to get value from encrypted box
  final key = await localStorage.getEncrypted<String>('key');
  // to get session
  final Session? session = await localStorage.getSession();
  //to check whether session has present or not
  final hasSession = await localStorage.hasSession();

Delete data

   /// initialize local_storage
  final localStorage = await LocalStorage.getInstance();
  // remove value from normal box
   await localStorage.remove('count');
   // remove all from normal box
   await localStorage.clear();
  // remove value from encrypted box
  await localStorage.removeEncrypted('key');
  //remove all values form encrypted box
  await localStorage.clearEncrypted();
  // remove session
  await localStorage.clearSession();


  • ❌ support for TypeAdapters
  • ❌ add Test