hio 0.3.3 copy "hio: ^0.3.3" to clipboard
hio: ^0.3.3 copied to clipboard


Enhanced Http Client for Dart/Flutter. Make Api call easy, an Dart/Flutter package.

hio #

Build Status Pub

Enhanced Http Client for Dart/Flutter.

Getting Started #

This project is a starting point for a Dart package, a library module containing code that can be shared easily across multiple Flutter or Dart projects.

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

Add dependency #

  hio: x.x.x  #latest version

Usages #

Simple get

import 'package:hio/hio.dart';

void getRepos(String username) async {
  try {
    var api = new Api<ApiOpt>()
      ..debugHeader = true
      ..baseUrl = "https://api.github.com/";

    api('users/:user/repos', urlParams: {'user': username})
      ..successCB = (data, resp) {
        print('data: $data');
      ..errorCB = (err, resp) {
        print('ERROR: $err');
  } catch (e) {
    return print(e);

Multiple calls, and use global successCB and errorCB

void getSomething(String username) async {
    var api = new Api<ApiOpt>()
      ..debugHeader = true
      ..baseUrl = "https://api.github.com/"
      // using a global callback to parse the json object.
      ..successCB = (data, resp) {
        print('data: $data');
      ..errorCB = (err, resp) {
        print('ERROR: $err');
    var c = api('users/:user/repos', method: 'GET', urlParams: {'user': username});
    await c.go();
    // second call here
    await c.go(urlParams: {'user': 'google'})
      // using special callback for data processing itself
      ..successCB = (data, resp) {
        print('data: $data');
      ..errorCB = (err, resp) {
        print('ERROR: $err');

Define your API class (swapi.co)

class SwApi extends Api<ApiOpt> {
  SwApi() : super() {
      ..debugHeader = true
      ..debugBody = false
      ..baseUrl = 'https://swapi.co/api/'
      ..addOnSendHandler((req, c) {
        return true;

  String toString() {
    return 'SwApi[]';

// and use it:
void run() async {
    var api = SwApi();

    var x = api('people/:id', method: 'GET', urlParams: {'id': 1});
    await x.go();

    await x.go('people/:id', urlParams: {'id': 2});

Pre-processing the received data (implements GitHub Api) #

class GithubOpt extends ApiOpt {
  int xRateLimitLimit = 60;
  int xRateLimitRemaining = 59;
  int xRateLimitReset = 1547617535;
  String xGitHubRequestId;
  Map<String, String> links;

  String toString() {
    return 'GithubApiCall[xRateLimitLimit:$xRateLimitLimit, xRateLimitRemaining:$xRateLimitRemaining, xRateLimitReset: $xRateLimitReset, ${toStringPart()}]';


      String method,
      String url,
      Map<String, String> headers,
      Map<String, dynamic> urlParams,
      Map<String, dynamic> queryParams,
      Map<String, dynamic> bodyParams)
      : super.init(method, url, headers, urlParams, queryParams, bodyParams);

//  factory GithubApiCall.create(
//          String method,
//          String url,
//          Map<String, String> headers,
//          Map<String, dynamic> urlParams,
//          Map<String, dynamic> queryParams,
//          Map<String, dynamic> bodyParams) =>
//      GithubApiCall.init(
//          method, url, headers, urlParams, queryParams, bodyParams);

class GithubApi extends Api<GithubOpt> {
  GithubApi() : super() {
      ..debugHeader = true
      ..debugBody = false
      ..baseUrl = 'https://api.github.com/'
      ..accept = 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'
      ..addOnSendHandler((req, c) => true)
          (dynamic data, HttpClientResponse resp, GithubOpt cc) {
        resp.headers.forEach((k, values) {
          // 'cache-control',
          //GithubApiCall cc = c;
          cc.links ??= <String, String>{};
          if (k == 'link') {
            for (var ss1 in values[0].split(',')) {
              var ss2 = ss1.split(';');
              var link = trim(ss2[0].trim(), chars: '<>');
              var rel = ss2[1].trim();
              if (rel.startsWith('rel=')) rel = rel.substring(4);
              rel = trim(rel, chars: '"');
              cc.links[rel] = link;
          } else if (k == 'x-ratelimit-limit') {
            cc.xRateLimitLimit = int.tryParse(values[0]) ?? 0;
          } else if (k == 'x-ratelimit-remaining') {
            cc.xRateLimitRemaining = int.tryParse(values[0]) ?? 0;
          } else if (k == 'x-ratelimit-reset') {
            cc.xRateLimitReset = int.tryParse(values[0]) ?? 0;
          } else if (k == 'x-github-request-id') {
            cc.xGitHubRequestId = values[0];
        return data;

  String toString() {
    return 'GithubApi[]';

  ApiBroker<GithubOpt> call(String apiEntry,
      {String method = 'GET',
      Map<String, String> headers,
      Map<String, dynamic> urlParams,
      Map<String, dynamic> queryParams,
      Map<String, dynamic> bodyParams,
      Map<String, dynamic> params = const {}}) {
    var opt = GithubOpt.init(
        method, getUrl(apiEntry), headers, urlParams, queryParams, bodyParams);
    print('opt: $opt, getUrl: ${getUrl(apiEntry)}');
    return create(opt);

// and use it:
void run() async {
    var api = GithubApi();
    var x = api('users/:user/repos', urlParams: {'user': 'hedzr'})
      ..successCB = (data, resp, c) {
        print('data received: $data');
        print('links: ${c.links}');
      ..errorCB = (err, resp, c) {
        print('ERROR: $err');

    await x.go();

    // make the second call:
    await x.go('users/:user/repos', method: 'GET', urlParams: {'user': 'google'});
pub points


unverified uploader

Enhanced Http Client for Dart/Flutter. Make Api call easy, an Dart/Flutter package.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


Packages that depend on hio