hijri 2.0.2
hijri: ^2.0.2 copied to clipboard
Convert between Hijri Calendar and Gregorian Calendar date.
Hijri #
Hijri Calendar Converter
//Suppose current gregorian data/time is: Mon May 29 00:27:33 2018
var _today = new HijriCalendar.now();
print(_today.hYear); // 1439
print(_today.hMonth); // 9
print(_today.hDay); // 14
print(_today.hDay); // 14
// Get month length in days
print(_today.lengthOfMonth); // 30 days
print(_today.toFormat("MMMM dd yyyy")); //Ramadan 14 1439
Change Local
From Gregorian to Ummalqura
var h_date = new HijriCalendar.fromDate(new DateTime(2018, 11, 12));
print(h_date.toString()); //04/03/1440H
print(h_date.shortMonthName); //Rab1
print(h_date.longMonthName); //Rabi' al-awwal
print(h_date.lengthOfMonth); // 29 days
Check if date is valid
var _check_date = new HijriCalendar();
_check_date.hYear = 1439;
_check_date.hMonth = 11;
_check_date.hDay = 30;
print(_check_date.isValid()); // false -> This month is only 29 days
From Ummalqura to Gregorian
//From Ummalqura to Gregorian
var g_date = new HijriCalendar();
print(g_date.hijriToGregorian(1415, 7, 27)); //1994-12-29 00:00:00.000
var _format = new HijriCalendar.now();
print(_format.fullDate()); //Thulatha, Ramadan 14, 1439 h
print(_format.toFormat("mm dd yy")); //09 14 39
//Suppose current hijri data is: Thulatha, Ramadan 14, 1439 h
print(_today.isAfter(1440, 11, 12)); // false
print(_today.isBefore(1440, 11, 12)); // true
print(_today.isAtSameMomentAs(1440, 11, 12)); // false