hightouch_events 1.0.1
hightouch_events: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard
The hassle-free way to add Hightouch Events to your Flutter app.
1.1.0 #
- Cleared out malformed files on error and reduced chance of files not writing completely if program exits prematurely
- Fixed podspec name
- Token added to device context
- Fixed route name on ScreenObserver
- Add flag to disable data storage
1.0.2 #
- Fixed an issue with EU Workspaces not respecting the proper apiHost
1.0.1 #
- Fix cocoapods
1.0.0 #
- iOS, Android, Web, and MacOS support
- Firebase, Adjust, and Appsflyer destination plugins
- adverising_id and IDFA enrichment plugins
- All event types supported (track, identify, screen, alias, group)
- Automatic Screen events
- Application life-cycle capture
- Customisable Flushing policies
- Customisable logging and error reporting
- Customisable HTTP (CDN) client
- Unit tested (although not all parts)
- Strongly typed, including User Traits and Context objects and plugin settings
- Fully asynchronous and concurrency safe state and persistence management
- Example app showing off usage of the SDK