hexagonal_grid 1.0.5
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A hexagonal grid library for Dart 2 that uses axial coordinates and contains algorithms to build hex layouts
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:hexagonal_grid/hexagonal_grid.dart';
class Example {
void createOriginHexWithLayout() {
//Origin hex where q = 0, and r = 0 (axial coordinates)
final Hex originHex = Hex(0, 0);
//Arbitrary sizes and layout origins to help construct the HexLayout
final Point size = Point(2, 2);
final Point hexLayoutOrigin = Point(5, 5);
//Create a flat HexLayout
final HexLayout hexLayout = HexLayout.orientFlat(size, hexLayoutOrigin);
//Transpose the axial coordinate Hex onto the HexLayout to get a pixel
// representation of that Hex
final Point hexToPixel = originHex.toPixel(hexLayout);
void createNeighbors() {
//Origin hex where q = 0, and r = 0 (axial coordinates)
final Hex originHex = Hex(0, 0);
//Iterate through each possible direction of a hex (six of them) and get the
// neighbor for each. Then print them out.
for (int d = 0; d < Hex.directions.length; d++) {
Hex neighborHex = originHex.neighbor(d);