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An helpful variety of extensions.

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An helpful variety of extensions.

Features #

DateTime extension methods #

You can determine if a date is after or at the same moment or before or at the same moment as other date:

bool afterOrSameMoment = DateTime(2022, 9, 7).isAfterOrAtSameMomentAs(DateTime(2022)); // true
bool beforeOrSameMoment = DateTime(2022).isBeforeOrAtSameMomentAs(DateTime(2022)); // true

You can also determine if a date is between two other dates or if it coincides with one of these two dates.

bool between = DateTime(2022).isBetween(
    start: DateTime(2022),
    end: DateTime(2022, 9),
); // false
bool betweenOrSameMoment = DateTime(2022).isBetweenOrAtSameMomentAs(
    start: DateTime(2022),
    end: DateTime(2022, 9),
); // true

If you want to have a date consisting only of the year, month and day starting from any date, you can use the onlyYMD getter method:

DateTime date = DateTime(2022, 7, 5, 0, 15, 1, 2, 3).onlyYMD; // DateTime(2022, 7, 5)

The thisMonthLastDay getter method returns the number of the last day of the month of a date.

int lastDay1 = DateTime(2020, 2).thisMonthLastDay; // 29
int lastDay2 = DateTime(2022, 2).thisMonthLastDay; // 28

String representation of a date

You can get the localized string representation of a date with the short name of the day of the week:

String shortWeekDay1 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringE(); // 'Wed'
String shortWeekDay2 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringE(locale: 'it-IT', firstUpperCase: true); // 'Mer'

You can get the localized string representation of a date with the full name of the day of the week:

String fullWeekDay1 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringEEEE(); // 'Wednesday'
String fullWeekDay2 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringEEEE(locale: 'it-IT', firstUpperCase: true); // 'Mercoledì'

You can get the localized string representation of the time of a date in the “hour:minute” format:

String time1 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 8, 15, 15, 35).toStringHm(); // '15:15'
String time2 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 8, 7, 15, 35).toStringHm(locale: 'it-IT'); // '07:15'
String time3 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 8, 7, 15, 35).toStringHm(locale: 'es-ES'); // '7:15'

You can get the localized string representation of a date with the short name of the month:

String shortMonth1 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringMMM(); // 'Sep'
String shortMonth2 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringMMM(locale: 'it-IT'); // 'set'
String shortMonth3 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringMMM(locale: 'es-ES', firstUpperCase: true); // 'Sept.'

You can get the localized string representation of a date with the full name of the month:

String fullMonth1 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringMMMM(); // 'September'
String fullMonth2 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringMMMM(locale: 'it-IT'); // 'settembre'
String fullMonth3 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringMMMM(locale: 'es-ES', firstUpperCase: true); // 'Septiembre'

You can get the string representation of a date in the “yyyy-mm-dd” format:

String yyyMmDd = DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringyMMd(); // '2022-09-07'

You can get the localized string representation of a date with the year and the short name of the month:

String yearShortMonth1 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringyMMM(); // 'Sep 2022'
String yearShortMonth2 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringyMMM(locale: 'it-IT'); // 'set 2022'
String yearShortMonth3 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringyMMM(locale: 'es-ES', firstUpperCase: true); // 'Sept. 2022'

You can get the localized string representation of a date with the year, the short name of the month and the day number:

String yearShortMonthDayNumber1 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringyMMMd(); // 'Sep 7, 2022'
String yearShortMonthDayNumber2 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringyMMMd(locale: 'it-IT', firstUpperCase: true); // '7 Set 2022'

You can get the localized string representation of a date with the year, the short name of the month, the short name of the day and the day number:

String yearShortMonthShortDayNumber1 =  await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringyMMMEd(); // 'Wed, Sep 7, 2022'
String yearShortMonthShortDayNumber2 =  await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringyMMMEd(locale: 'es-ES', firstsUpperCase: true); // 'Mié., 7 Sept. 2022'

You can get the localized string representation of a date with the year and the full name of the month:

String yearFullMonth1 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringyMMMM(); // 'September 2022'
String yearFullMonth2 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringyMMMM(locale: 'it-IT', firstUpperCase: true); // 'Settembre 2022'

You can get the localized string representation of a date with the year, the full name of the month, the full name of the day and the day number:

String yearFullMonthFullDayNumber1 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringyMMMMEEEEd(); // 'Wednesday, September 7, 2022'
String yearFullMonthFullDayNumber2 = await DateTime(2022, 9, 7).toStringyMMMMEEEEd(locale: 'it-IT', firstUpperCase: true); // 'Mercoledì 7 settembre 2022'

double extension methods #

To get the string representation of a double number with thousands separators, you can use the toStringWithThousandsSeparator method:

String representation1 = 1357.175.toStringWithThousandsSeparator(); // '1,357.2'
String representation2 = 1357.175.toStringWithThousandsSeparator(decimals: 1, locale: 'it-IT'); // '1.357,2'
String representation3 = 1357.175.toStringWithThousandsSeparator(decimals: 3, maxDecimals: 2); // '1,357.175'
String representation4 = 1357.175.toStringWithThousandsSeparator(decimals: 3, locale: 'es-ES', maxDecimals: 2); // '1.357,175'
String representation5 = 1357.176.toStringWithThousandsSeparator(maxDecimals: 2); // '1,357.18'

int extension methods #

To get the string representation of a int number with thousands separators, you can use the toStringWithThousandsSeparator method:

String representation1 = 1234.toStringWithThousandsSeparator(); // '1,234'
String representation2 = 1234.toStringWithThousandsSeparator(locale: 'es-ES'); // '1.234'
String representation3 = 12345.toStringWithThousandsSeparator(locale: 'it-IT'); // '12.345'

List<Comparable> extension methods #

If you want to eliminate repetitions from a list and, at the same time, sort it, you can use the distinctSort method:

List<int> sortedAndWithoutRepetitions = [2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7].distinctSort(); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

List<num> extension methods #

If you want to get a list of numbers, where each one is equal to the sum of the elements of another one up to that point, use the progressiveSum method:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].progressiveSum(); // [1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
[1, 3, 2, 5, 4].progressiveSum(); // [1, 4, 6, 11, 15]

String extension methods #

Use the allCurrenciesSymbols method to get a list of all currency symbols found in a string, in the order they appear in that string. If no currency symbol is encountered, an empty list is returned:

List<String> currencies1 = ''.allCurrenciesSymbols(); // <String>[]
List<String> currencies2 = 'A string with no currency.'.allCurrenciesSymbols(); // <String>[]
List<String> currencies3 = r'This is the euro symbol: €. And this is the dollar symbol: $.'.allCurrenciesSymbols(); // ['€', r'$']
List<String> currencies4 = r'This is the dollar symbol: $. And this is the euro symbol: €.'.allCurrenciesSymbols(); // [r'$', '€']

Use the firstCurrencySymbol method to get the first currency symbol found in a string. If no currency symbol is encountered, an empty string is returned:

String firstCurrency1 = ''.firstCurrencySymbol(); // ''
String firstCurrency2 = 'A string with no currency.'.firstCurrencySymbol(); // ''
String firstCurrency3 = r'This is the euro symbol: €. And this is the dollar symbol: $.'.firstCurrencySymbol(); // '€'
String firstCurrency4 = r'This is the dollar symbol: $. And this is the euro symbol: €.'.firstCurrencySymbol(); // r'$'

If you want to get the same string, but with the first alphabetic character of all substrings determined by a pattern in uppercase, use the firstsUpperCase method. If this string is empty, an empty string is returned.

String string1 = ' This package is helpers_plethora. '.firstsUpperCase(); // 'This Package Is Helpers_plethora.'
String string2 = ' This package is helpers_plethora. '.firstsUpperCase(splitPattern: '_'); // 'This package is helpers_Plethora.'
String string3 = ' This package is helpers_plethora. '.firstsUpperCase(splitPattern: '_', trim: false); // ' This package is helpers_Plethora. '

If you want to get the same string, but with the first alphabetic character uppercase, use the firstUpperCase method. If this string is empty, an empty string is returned.

String string1 = ' this package is helpers_plethora. '.firstUpperCase(); // 'This package is helpers_plethora.'
String string2 = ' this package is helpers_plethora. '.firstUpperCase(trim: false); // ' This package is helpers_plethora. '
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