griddle 0.3.0 copy "griddle: ^0.3.0" to clipboard
griddle: ^0.3.0 copied to clipboard

Creating terminal-based UIs and games in Dart should be accessible and fun!


0.3.0 #

In accordance with our design, any features that are not appropriate for a high-level canvas-like API were removed from this package:

  • Screen(framesPerSecond: ...) and Screen.terminal(framesPerSecond: ...).

  • <Screen>.onFrame:

    // Before
    final screen = Screen(framesPerSecond: 30);
    screen.onFrame.listen((_) { /* ... */ })
    // After
    final screen = Screen();
    final frames = Stopwatch()..start();
    Stream.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: 1000 ~/ 30)).listen((_) {
      final time = frames.elapsed;
      /* ... */
  • Terminal.usingAnsiStdio({stdin: ...}):

    // Before
    import 'package:griddle/griddle.dart';
    void main() {
    // After
    import 'dart:io';
    import 'package:griddle/griddle.dart';
    void main() {
          width: () => stdout.width,
          height: () => stdout.height,

These changes allow us to focus on just pushing pixels and output, versus worrying about other elements of UI, such as the update loop or user input, which are better suited to other packages, as well as keeping this package completely platform agnostic.

If this API remains relatively stable, it will (eventually) become 1.0.0.

0.2.0 #

New release with many bug fixes, changes, and new examples!

Backwards Compatible #

  • Added Buffer.fromCells and Buffer.fromMatrix as helpful factory methods.

  • Added <Buffer>.length as an alias for <Buffer>.width * <Buffer>.height.

  • Added <Buffer>[] and <Buffer>[]= for indexed reads/writes into a buffer.

  • Added <Buffer>.toList() which returns a copy of the underlying cells.

  • Added <Buffer>.toMatrix() which returns a copy of cells as nested lists.

  • Changed Buffer(width, height), added an optional initialCell parameter:

    // Before.
    Buffer(3, 3);
    // Semantically identical.
    Buffer(3, 3, initialCell: Cell.blank);
    // Newly possible.
    Buffer(3, 3, initialCell: Cell('X'));

Breaking Changes #

  • Terminal output always skips line 0 and starts on line 1 for readability.

  • Fixed a bug where cells were stored as y * height + x, not y * width + x.

  • Fixed a bug where <Buffer>.clear() just didn't work, period.

  • Fixed a bug where <Buffer>.resize() created an invalid state.

  • Changed <Buffer>.resize() to have named parameters, and added expand:

    // Before
    buffer.resize(3, 4);
    // Semantically identical.
    buffer.resize(width: 3, height: 4);
    // Newly possible: just change width OR heght.
    buffer.resize(width: 3);
    buffer.resize(height: 4);
    // Newly possible: specify what cell to fill when expanding the buffer.
    // (Defaults to Cell.blank)
    buffer.resize(width: 3, height: 4, expand: Cell('X'));
  • Changed <Buffer>.fill() to have only named parameters:

    // Before
    buffer.fill(1, 1, 2, 2);
    // Semantically identical.
    buffer.fill(x: 1, y: 1, width: 2, height: 2);

0.1.0 #

  • Initial (real) commit, with a simple API and animated text example.

0.0.0 #

  • Initial release as a placeholder only.
pub points



Creating terminal-based UIs and games in Dart should be accessible and fun!

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meta, neoansi


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