graphite 0.3.0-alpha graphite: ^0.3.0-alpha copied to clipboard
Flutter widget to easily draw direct graphs, trees, flowcharts. Includes gesture API to create graphs interactions.
[0.1.0] - July 18, 2020. #
- Initial widget version.
- Nodes and edge gesture events.
- Ability provide graph building direction (horizontal or vertical).
- Ability provide scrolling direction (horizontal, vertical, both or none).
- Ability to provide custom builder to node widget.
- Ability to provide custom paint builder to graph edges.
- Ability to customize arrows.
[0.1.1] - July 18, 2020. #
- Code style fixes.
[0.2.0] - August 29, 2020. #
- Ability to scale & pan graph through Interactive Widget.
- Removed ScrollDirection enum (replaced ScrollViews with Interactive Widget).
- Added ability to customize path shape with pathBuilder param.
[0.2.3] - December 16, 2020 #
- Core lib bug fixes
[0.3.0-alpha] - April 29, 2021 #
- Initial null safety support