gr_zoom 1.3.0 copy "gr_zoom: ^1.3.0" to clipboard
gr_zoom: ^1.3.0 copied to clipboard

A Flutter plugin for the Zoom Meeting SDK on mobile platform (Android and IOS). This plugin get files from Zoom Meeting Sdk from Android and IOS and link it with Flutter code.

[0.0.1] #

  • First release

[0.0.2] #

  • Fix unzip code

[0.0.2+1] #

  • Update README

[0.0.2+2] #

  • Update README: Remove web references

[0.0.2+3] #

  • Fix IOS Sdk

[0.0.2+4] #

  • Include codes to run ios simulator

[0.0.2+5-alpha] #

  • Update IOS Zoom SDK To last version 5.13.5

[0.0.2+6] #

  • Fix Zoom Sdk fix deprecated param "userId" on MobileRTCMeetingStartParam4WithoutLoginUser

[1.0.0] #

  • New version with Zoom Sdk 5.13.5 for Android and IOS

[1.0.0+1] #

  • Update

[1.0.0+2] #

  • Set target sdk version to 31

[1.0.0+3] #

  • Add new urls on pubspec props

[1.1.0] #

  • New version with Zoom Sdk 5.14.5 for Android and IOS

[1.1.0+1] #

  • Fix build.gradle file dependencies

[1.1.0+2] #

  • Update Android min sdk version to 24

[1.2.0] #

  • New version with Zoom Sdk 5.15.5 for Android and IOS

[1.2.0+1] #

  • Update README

[1.2.0+2] #

  • Removed the SDK authentication method and corresponding interfaces that directly use the SDK key and secret for the SDK auth

[1.2.0+3] #

  • Removed the SDK key and secret authentication from IOS

[1.2.0+4] #

  • Fix incorrect dart code validation

[1.2.0+5] #

  • Remove Zoom class "appKey" and "appSecret" attributes

[1.3.0] #

  • New version with Zoom Sdk 5.17.6 for Android
pub points


unverified uploader

A Flutter plugin for the Zoom Meeting SDK on mobile platform (Android and IOS). This plugin get files from Zoom Meeting Sdk from Android and IOS and link it with Flutter code.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on gr_zoom