gql 1.0.1-alpha+1717789143880 copy "gql: ^1.0.1-alpha+1717789143880" to clipboard
gql: ^1.0.1-alpha+1717789143880 copied to clipboard

GraphQL tools for parsing, transforming and printing GraphQL documents.

1.0.1-alpha+1717789143880 #

1.0.0+1 #

  • add topics

1.0.0 #

  • Mark the package as stable with a 1.0.0 release.

0.14.1 #

  • Add a const constructor to Visitor and the applicable sub-classes.

0.14.0 #

  • BREAKING: add DirectiveLocation.variableDefinition

0.13.1 #

  • Support interfaces.
  • Add support for Schema description.

0.13.0-nullsafety.2 #

Loosen source_span constraint for flutter_test compatibility

0.13.0-nullsafety.1 #

Null Safety Pre-release

0.12.4 #

  • add enum fallback

0.12.3 #

  • remove author field from pubspec.yaml
  • some more experimental validation rules thanks to @jonas-jonas
  • add experimental package:gql/schema.dart
  • add experimental package:gql/operation.dart

0.12.2 #

  • improve readme
  • remove type_system API

0.12.1 #

  • upgrade package:gql_pedantic

0.12.0 #

  • extracted package:gql/execution.dart to package:gql_exec/gql_exec.dart

0.11.1 #

  • fix for parsing empty list and object literals

0.11.0 #

  • expose Request and Response extensions via Context
  • add convenience methods to work with Context
  • split off Link to package:gql_link

0.10.0 #

  • rework Context to consist of ContextEntry map with equality checks

0.9.0 #

  • split off code generation to package:gql_code_gen

0.8.3 #

  • downgrade some dependencies for Flutter compatibility

0.8.2 #

  • package:gql/link: add const constructor to ResponseParser and RequestSerializer

0.8.1 #

  • package:gql/execution: add Context to Response
  • make Link extendable
  • package:gql/link: implement ResponseParser and RequestSerializer

0.8.0 #

  • package:gql/execution: add Context to Request

0.7.4 #

  • Implement GraphQLError.toString
  • Use package:gql_http_link in ast_builder example

0.7.3 #

  • Fix equality for package:gql/execution ErrorLocation

0.7.2 #

  • Implement equality checks for all package:gql/execution classes

0.7.1 #

  • Fix AST equality
  • Extract lint rules

0.7.0 #

  • Breaking: use List instead of Iterbale
  • Add documentation to experimental package:gql/execution and package:gql/link

0.6.0 #

  • Experimental package:gql/execution to define request/response types
  • Experimental package:gql/link to implement Link based on DocumentNode queries

0.5.0 #

  • Implement package:gql/ast_builder to parse *.graphql documents at build-time
  • Stricter lint rules

0.4.0 #

  • Define name on DefinitionNode to simplify name access for DocumentNode.definitions
  • Rework Node.visitChildren and implement Node.== and Node.hashCode
  • Lower SDK requirement to >=2.2.2

0.3.0 #

  • Dart code generation via fromNode from package:gql/dart.dart using code_gen

0.2.0 #

  • parseString to parse directly from String
  • Improve parsing exceptions
  • AccumulatingVisitor for validation rules
  • Expose experimental Validation API

0.1.0 #

  • A functional GraphQL parser, transformer and printer
pub points



GraphQL tools for parsing, transforming and printing GraphQL documents.

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MIT (license)


collection, meta, source_span, yaml


Packages that depend on gql