gps_history 0.0.9 copy "gps_history: ^0.0.9" to clipboard
gps_history: ^0.0.9 copied to clipboard

Represents histories of GPS points. Handles millions of points quickly and using relatively little memory. Can import Google location history JSON files.

0.0.9 #

  • New features:
    • Added bounding boxes and containership checks against them.
    • Added queries by time, including using accuracy.n

0.0.8 #

  • New features:

    • Distance calculations between GPS coordinates, with a few different formulas that can trade accuracy for speed.
    • Convert a stream of points to a stream of stays, where points that are close together in time and space can be merged into a single stay. This can reduce the amount of items required to represent a Google location history by a factor 4-5.
  • Fixes:

    • GpsTime.toString implemented.
    • Reorganized the codebase somewhat, moving things around to subdirectories.

0.0.7 #

  • Public API changes:

    • The time values of GpsPoint have been changed to use an integer representation with 1 second resolution. This is similar to what the efficient collection implementation already did, and reduces complexity and inconsistencies between the previouw DateTime based versions and integer based versions (two points could be different when stored in a List or list-based collection compared to when stored in an efficient collection).
    • Setting time values to values outside the supported range (from 1970 up to around 2106) will by default throw an exception, but can optionally be clamped by the additional autoClamp paramter accepted by the various methods that can instantiate GpsTime objects.
  • New features:

    • Added GpsStay to represent a longer period of time spent in one place, without requiring a bunch of separate GpsPoint instances.
  • Fixes:

    • The various time comparison functions for GpcCompactGpsMeasurement would not use fast comparisons on the binary representation. They do now.
    • 3-4x faster addAll implementation when dealing with a generic iterable source that has millions upon millions of items. OF course copying from efficient collection to an efficient collection of the same time is even faster, by a factor 10 or so.
    • Rearranged internals into a few smaller files for easier navigation.

0.0.6 #

  • Public API changes:

    • Removed the addAll*Fast family of methods from the GpcEfficient classes. The fast implementation was already called automatically by the addAll* methods when possible (as of version 0.0.5).
    • Made the constructors of all GpsPoint and children use mandatory named parameters, because reading and writing the long lists of positional arguments is a bit error-prone. Nullable parameters are made optional, in order to reduce pointless noise.
  • New features:

    • Implemented faster versions of several methods in the RandomAccessIterable.
    • Added a sample application for converting Google location history JSON file to a SQLite database.
    • Support for tracking and enforcing sorted state of GpsPointsCollection. This will allow fast binary search queries based on time.
    • Added copyWith methods for GpsPoint and children.
    • Added null-like and zero-like statics for GpsPoint and children, which are useful in unit tests. Also combined with the copyWith methods.

0.0.5 #

  • New features:

    • Added addAllStartingAt. This required some refactoring of the base classes for the Iterable implementation.
  • Fixes:

    • The addAll implementation of GpcEfficient
    • Fixed bugs in the addAll/addAllFast implementations.

0.0.4 #

  • Various updates to be compatible with more modern (dart 2.17.6) tooling. This includes switching to the new linter, using dart doc instead of dartdoc. No API changes.

0.0.3 #

  • New features:
    • Implemented persistence mechanism.

0.0.2 #

  • Public API changes:

    • GoogleJsonHistoryBinaryDecoder renamed to GoogleJsonHistoryDecoder, as the binary parser seems pretty stable. Similar naming changes for related classes, but those are not typically used directly.
    • Removed GoogleJsonHistoryStringDecoder as it's slower and less flexible than the now standard binary decoder.
  • Fixes:

    • Several corner cases in the Google location history JSON parsing.
    • Unit tests for GoogleJsonHistoryDecoder.
    • Added file in the examples directory to convince that there are indeed examples in the release.
    • Latitude cannot be -180..180, but -90..90.

0.0.1 #

  • Initial public release. Includes:
    • Two types of GPS point: a lean one with just the bare minimums and one with more meta information such as heading, speed, etc. that's useful for GPX files for example.
    • Different in-memory storage systems for GPS points: either simply list-based, or extremely efficient binary representation (at the cost of minuscule loss of accuracy).
    • Extremely fast and low-memory parser for Google location history JSON export.
    • Many unit tests and doc strings.
pub points



Represents histories of GPS points. Handles millions of points quickly and using relatively little memory. Can import Google location history JSON files.

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meta, path


Packages that depend on gps_history