gpiod 0.0.2+2 copy "gpiod: ^0.0.2+2" to clipboard
gpiod: ^0.0.2+2 copied to clipboard


FFI for libgpiod


import 'dart:convert';

import 'dart:ffi';
import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
import 'package:gpiod/gpiod.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';

final Logger _log = new Logger('main');

var gpiod = GPIOD();

class GPIO_plugin {
  bool initialized = false;
  bool line_event_listener_should_run = false;

  List<Pointer<gpiod_chip>> chips = <Pointer<gpiod_chip>>[];
  int n_chips = 0;

  // complete list of GPIO lines
  List<Pointer<gpiod_line>> lines = <Pointer<gpiod_line>>[];
  int n_lines = 0;

  // GPIO lines that flutter is currently listening to
  int epollfd;
//  pthread_mutex_t listening_lines_mutex;
//  struct gpiod_line_bulk listening_lines;
//  pthread_t line_event_listener_thread;
  bool should_emit_events = false;

void main() async {
  Logger.root.level = Level.ALL;
  Logger.root.onRecord.listen((LogRecord rec) {
    StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();
    message.write('${}:${rec.loggerName} ${rec.time}: ${rec.message}');
    if (rec.error != null) {
      message.write(' ${rec.error}');

  try {'GPIOD version: ${Utf8.fromUtf8(gpiod.version_string())}');

    // iterate through the GPIO chips
    var chipiter = gpiod.chip_iter_new();
    if (chipiter.address == 0) {
      _log.severe("[gpiod] could not create GPIO chip iterator. gpiod_chip_iter_new");

    Map<String,Pointer<gpiod_chip>> chips = <String,Pointer<gpiod_chip>>{};'get chips');
    for (var n_chips = 0, n_lines = 0, chip =  gpiod.chip_iter_next_noclose(chipiter);     chip.address != 0;
    n_chips++, chip = gpiod.chip_iter_next_noclose(chipiter))
    {'${n_chips} ${} ${chip.ref.label}');'chip.ref.num_lines ${chip.ref.num_lines}');
      chips[] = chip;


    var chip = chips['pinctrl-bcm2835'];
    var line14 = chip.ref.lines[14];
//    line14.ref.
    /// Request BCM 14 as output.
    gpiodp_request_line(consumer: 'LED', initialValue: true, lineHandle: 14, direction: LineDirection.output);
//    requestOutput(consumer: "flutter_gpiod test", initialValue: true);

  } catch(e, st){
    _log.severe("Error",e, st);

final gpio_plugin = new GPIO_plugin();

bool gpiodp_ensure_gpiod_initialized(){

  if (gpio_plugin.initialized) return true;
  // iterate through the GPIO chips
  var chipiter = gpiod.chip_iter_new();
  if (chipiter.address == 0) {
    _log.severe("[flutter_gpiod] could not create GPIO chip iterator. gpiod_chip_iter_new");
    return false;

  gpio_plugin.n_chips = 0;
  gpio_plugin.n_lines = 0;
  for (var chip = gpiod.chip_iter_next_noclose(chipiter); chip.address != 0;
  gpio_plugin.n_chips++, chip = gpiod.chip_iter_next_noclose(chipiter))
    gpio_plugin.chips.add(chip);//[gpio_plugin.n_chips] = chip;
    gpio_plugin.n_lines += gpiod.chip_num_lines(chip);

  // prepare the GPIO line list
  //gpio_plugin.lines = calloc(gpio_plugin.n_lines, sizeof(struct gpiod_line*));
//  if (gpio_plugin.lines.isEmpty) {
//    _log.severe("could not allocate memory for GPIO line list");
//    return;
//  }

  // iterate through the chips and put all lines into the list
  for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < gpio_plugin.n_chips; i++) {
    var lineiter = gpiod.line_iter_new(gpio_plugin.chips[i]);
    if (lineiter.address == 0) {
      _log.severe("could not create new GPIO line iterator");
      return false;

    for (var line = gpiod.line_iter_next(lineiter); line.address != 0; line = gpiod.line_iter_next(lineiter), j++) {
      gpio_plugin.lines.add(line);//[j] = line;'${j}: name: "${}", consumer: "${line.ref.consumer}" state: ${line.ref.state}');


  /*fd = epoll_create1(0);
  if (fd == -1) {
    perror("[flutter_gpiod] Could not create line event listen epoll");
    return errno;

  gpio_plugin.epollfd = fd;
  gpio_plugin.listening_lines = (struct gpiod_line_bulk) GPIOD_LINE_BULK_INITIALIZER;
  gpio_plugin.listening_lines_mutex = (pthread_mutex_t) PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
  gpio_plugin.line_event_listener_should_run = true;

  ok = pthread_create(
  if (ok == -1) {
    perror("[flutter_gpiod] could not create line event listener thread");
    return errno;

  gpio_plugin.initialized = true;
  return true;

class LineConfig {
  Pointer<gpiod_line> line;
  LineDirection direction;
  LineRequestType request_type;
  int initial_value;
  int flags;

/// The way high voltage / low voltage should be written
/// to the line.
enum OutputMode {
  pushPull, openDrain, openSource

LineConfig gpiodp_get_config({Bias bias, int line_handle = 0,
  LineDirection direction = LineDirection.input,
  OutputMode outputMode, bool initialValue,
  ActiveState activeState}
                      /*struct std_value *value,
                      struct line_config *conf_out,
                      FlutterPlatformMessageResponseHandle *responsehandle*/) {
//    struct std_value *temp;
//    unsigned int line_handle;
//    bool has_bias;
//    int ok;

    var conf_out = new LineConfig();

    conf_out.direction = null;
    conf_out.request_type = null;
    conf_out.flags = 0;

//    if ((!value) || (value->type != kStdMap)) {
//        ok = platch_respond_illegal_arg_std(
//            responsehandle,
//            "Expected `arg` to be a `Map<String, dynamic>`"
//        );
//        if (ok != 0) return ok;
//        return EINVAL;
//    }

    // get the line handle from the argument map
//    temp = stdmap_get_str(value, "lineHandle");
//    if (temp && STDVALUE_IS_INT(*temp)) {
//        line_handle = STDVALUE_AS_INT(*temp);
//    } else {
//        ok = platch_respond_illegal_arg_std(
//            responsehandle,
//            "Expected `arg['lineHandle']` to be an integer."
//        );
//        if (ok != 0) return ok;
//        return EINVAL;
//    }

    // get the corresponding gpiod line
//    if (line_handle < gpio_plugin.n_lines) {
    conf_out.line = gpio_plugin.lines[line_handle];
//    } else {
//        ok = gpiodp_respond_illegal_line_handle(responsehandle);
//        if (ok != 0) return ok;
//        return EINVAL;
//    }

    // get the direction
//    temp = stdmap_get_str(value, "direction");
//    if (temp && (temp->type == kStdString)) {
        if (direction == LineDirection.input) {
            conf_out.direction = direction;
            conf_out.request_type = LineRequestType.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_DIRECTION_INPUT;
        } else if (direction == LineDirection.output){
            conf_out.direction = direction;
            conf_out.request_type = LineRequestType.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_DIRECTION_OUTPUT;
//        else {
//            goto invalid_direction;
//        }
//    } else {
//        invalid_direction:
//        ok = platch_respond_illegal_arg_std(
//            responsehandle,
//            "Expected `arg['direction']` to be a string-ification of `LineDirection`."
//        );
//        if (ok != 0) return ok;
//        return EINVAL;
//    }

    // get the output mode
//    temp = stdmap_get_str(value, "outputMode");
    if (outputMode == null) {
        if (conf_out.direction == /*GPIOD_LINE_DIRECTION_OUTPUT*/ LineDirection.output) {
            //goto invalid_output_mode;
            throw new Exception('invalid_output_mode');
    } else /*if (temp && temp->type == kStdString)*/ {
        if (conf_out.direction == LineDirection.input /*GPIOD_LINE_DIRECTION_INPUT*/) {
//            goto invalid_output_mode;
            throw new Exception('invalid_output_mode');

        if (outputMode == OutputMode.pushPull) /*STREQ("OutputMode.pushPull", temp->string_value) */{
            // do nothing
        } else if (outputMode == OutputMode.openDrain)/*if STREQ("OutputMode.openDrain", temp->string_value)*/ {
            conf_out.flags |= LineRequestFlag.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_FLAG_OPEN_DRAIN.value;
        } else if (outputMode == OutputMode.openSource)/*if STREQ("OutputMode.openSource", temp->string_value)*/ {
            conf_out.flags |= LineRequestFlag.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_FLAG_OPEN_SOURCE.value;
        } else {
            //goto invalid_output_mode;
            throw new Exception('invalid_output_mode');
    } /*else {

        ok = platch_respond_illegal_arg_std(
            "Expected `arg['outputMode']` to be a string-ification "
            "of [OutputMode] when direction is output, "
            "null when direction is input."
        if (ok != 0) return ok;

        return EINVAL;

    // get the bias
    var has_bias = false;
//    temp = stdmap_get_str(value, "bias");
    if (bias == null)/*((!temp) || STDVALUE_IS_NULL(*temp))*/ {
        // don't need to set any flags
    } else
      /*if (temp && temp->type == kStdString) */{
        if (bias == Bias.disable)/*STREQ("Bias.disable", temp->string_value)*/ {
            conf_out.flags |= LineRequestFlag.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_FLAG_BIAS_DISABLE.value;
            has_bias = true;
        } else if (bias == Bias.pullUp)/*STREQ("Bias.pullUp", temp->string_value) */{
            conf_out.flags |= LineRequestFlag.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_FLAG_BIAS_PULL_UP.value;
            has_bias = true;
        } else if (bias == Bias.pullDown)/*STREQ("Bias.pullDown", temp->string_value) */{
            conf_out.flags |= LineRequestFlag.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_FLAG_BIAS_PULL_DOWN.value;
            has_bias = true;
        } else {
            throw new Exception('invalid_bias');
//            goto invalid_bias;
    }/* else {

        ok = platch_respond_illegal_arg_std(
            "Expected `arg['bias']` to be a stringification of [Bias] or null."
        if (ok != 0) return ok;

        return EINVAL;

    if (has_bias && gpiod.line_bias==null) {
      throw new Exception('Setting line bias is not supported on this platform.');
       // ok = gpiodp_respond_not_supported(
      /*      responsehandle,
            "Setting line bias is not supported on this platform. "
            "Expected `arg['bias']` to be null."

        if (ok != 0) return ok;
        return ENOTSUP;*/

    // get the initial value
    conf_out.initial_value = 0;
//    temp = stdmap_get_str(value, "initialValue");
    if (initialValue == null/*(!temp) || STDVALUE_IS_NULL(*temp)*/) {
        if (conf_out.direction == LineDirection.input /*GPIOD_LINE_DIRECTION_INPUT*/) {
            // do nothing.
        } else if (conf_out.direction == LineDirection.output /*GPIOD_LINE_DIRECTION_OUTPUT*/) {
            //goto invalid_initial_value;
          throw new Exception('invalid_initial_value');
    } else /*if (temp && STDVALUE_IS_BOOL(*temp))*/ {
        if (conf_out.direction == LineDirection.input) {
          throw new Exception('invalid_initial_value');//goto invalid_initial_value;
        } else if (conf_out.direction == LineDirection.output) {
            conf_out.initial_value = initialValue ? 1 : 0;
    } /*else {

        ok = platch_respond_illegal_arg_std(
            "Expected `arg['initialValue']` to be null if direction is input, "
            "a bool if direction is output."
        if (ok != 0) return ok;

        return EINVAL;

    // get the active state
//    temp = stdmap_get_str(value, "activeState");
    if (activeState != null) {
        if (activeState == ActiveState.low) /*STREQ("ActiveState.low", temp->string_value)*/ {
            conf_out.flags |= LineRequestFlag.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_FLAG_ACTIVE_LOW.value;
        } else if (activeState == ActiveState.high)/*STREQ("ActiveState.high", temp->string_value)*/ {
            // do nothing
        } else {
          throw new Exception('invalid_active_state');//goto invalid_active_state;
    } else {
      throw new Exception('invalid_active_state');
//        invalid_active_state:
//        ok = platch_respond_illegal_arg_std(
//            responsehandle,
//            "Expected `arg['activeState']` to be a stringification of [ActiveState]."
//        );
//        if (ok != 0) return ok;
//        return EINVAL;

    return conf_out;

int gpiodp_request_line(
{String consumer,
  bool initialValue = false,
  int lineHandle,
  LineDirection direction,
      List<SignalEdge> triggers

//outputMode: outputMode,
//bias: bias,
//activeState: activeState,
//initialValue: initialValue

    ) {
//    struct line_config config;
//    struct std_value *temp;
    bool is_event_line = false;
//    String consumer;

//    bool ok;
    int fd;

    // check that the arg is a map
//    if (object->std_arg.type != kStdMap) {
//        return platch_respond_illegal_arg_std(
//            responsehandle,
//            "Expected `arg` to be a `Map<String, dynamic>`"
//        );
//    }

    // ensure GPIO is initialized

    if (!gpiodp_ensure_gpiod_initialized()) {
        new Exception('gpiodp_respond_init_failed');
//        return gpiodp_respond_init_failed(responsehandle);

//    temp = stdmap_get_str(&object->std_arg, "consumer");
//    if (!temp || STDVALUE_IS_NULL(*temp)) {
//        consumer = NULL;
//    } else if (temp && (temp->type == kStdString)) {
//        consumer = temp->string_value;
//    } else {
//        return platch_respond_illegal_arg_std(
//            responsehandle,
//            "Expected `arg['consumer']` to be a string or null."
//        );
//    }

    // get the line config
    var config = gpiodp_get_config(line_handle:lineHandle,direction:direction);
//    if (ok != 0) return ok;

    // get the triggers
//    temp = stdmap_get_str(&object->std_arg, "triggers");
    if (triggers == null/*(!temp) || STDVALUE_IS_NULL(*temp)*/) {
        if (config.direction == LineDirection.input /*GPIOD_LINE_DIRECTION_INPUT*/) {
//            goto invalid_triggers;
              throw new Exception('invalid_triggers');
    } else /*if (temp && STDVALUE_IS_LIST(*temp))*/ {
        if (config.direction == LineDirection.output/*GPIOD_LINE_DIRECTION_OUTPUT*/) {
          throw new Exception('invalid_triggers');

        // iterate through elements in the trigger list.
        triggers.forEach((trigger) { //for (int i = 0; i < triggers.length; i++) {
            // now update config.request_type accordingly.
            if (trigger == SignalEdge.falling) {
                is_event_line = true;
                switch (config.request_type) {
                    case LineRequestType.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_DIRECTION_INPUT:
                        config.request_type = LineRequestType.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_EVENT_FALLING_EDGE;
                    case LineRequestType.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_EVENT_FALLING_EDGE:
                    case LineRequestType.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_EVENT_RISING_EDGE:
                    case LineRequestType.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_EVENT_BOTH_EDGES:
                        config.request_type = LineRequestType.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_EVENT_BOTH_EDGES;
                    default: break;
            } else if (trigger == SignalEdge.rising) /*{if STREQ("SignalEdge.rising", temp->list[i].string_value)*/ {
                is_event_line = true;
                switch (config.request_type) {
                    case LineRequestType.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_DIRECTION_INPUT:
                        config.request_type = LineRequestType.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_EVENT_RISING_EDGE;
                    case LineRequestType.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_EVENT_RISING_EDGE:
                    case LineRequestType.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_EVENT_FALLING_EDGE:
                    case LineRequestType.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_EVENT_BOTH_EDGES:
                        config.request_type = LineRequestType.GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_EVENT_BOTH_EDGES;
                    default: break;
            } else {
              throw new Exception('invalid_triggers');
    /*else {
        return platch_respond_illegal_arg_std(
            "Expected `arg['triggers']` to be a `List<String>` of "
            "string-ifications of [SignalEdge] when direction is input "
            "(no null values in the list), null when direction is output."

    // finally request the line
    var ok = gpiod.line_request(
        new gpiod_line_request_config.allocate(Utf8.toUtf8(consumer), config.request_type.value, config.flags).addressOf/* &(struct gpiod_line_request_config) {
            .consumer = consumer,
            .request_type = config.request_type,
            .flags = config.flags
    if (ok == -1) {
          throw new Exception('line_request');
//        return platch_respond_native_error_std(responsehandle, errno);

//    if (is_event_line) {
//        pthread_mutex_lock(&gpio_plugin.listening_lines_mutex);
//        fd = libgpiod.line_event_get_fd(config.line);
//        ok = epoll_ctl(gpio_plugin.epollfd,
//                       EPOLL_CTL_ADD,
//                       fd,
//                       &(struct epoll_event) {.events = EPOLLPRI | EPOLLIN, .data.fd = fd}
//        );
//        if (ok == -1) {
//            perror("[flutter_gpiod] Could not add GPIO line to epollfd. epoll_ctl");
//            libgpiod.line_release(config.line);
//            return platch_respond_native_error_std(responsehandle, errno);
//        }
//        gpiod_line_bulk_add(&gpio_plugin.listening_lines, config.line);
//        pthread_mutex_unlock(&gpio_plugin.listening_lines_mutex);
//    }

//    return platch_respond_success_std(responsehandle, NULL);
pub points


unverified uploader

FFI for libgpiod

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