googledrivehandler 1.0.0 copy "googledrivehandler: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
googledrivehandler: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

A package for viewing, browsing, searching, downloading and uploading Google Drive files.

GoogleDriveHandler #

A package for viewing, browsing, searching, downloading and uploading Google Drive files. #

A package for viewing, browsing, searching, downloading and uploading Google Drive files. Once triggered and authenticated, users can view their own Google Drive contents, browse and download them, they can even upload files directly from the app to their Google Drive storage.

Images/ Screenshots #

Demo Image

Features #

  • Browsing User Google Drive Files
  • Searching User Google Drive Files
  • Downloading User Google CDrive Files
  • Uploading Files to the Users Google Drive

Getting started #

  • Import this package!

  • Integrate Firebase to your project, and active authentication Please be advised, you can only use firebase_core: ^1.22.0 firebase_auth: ^3.9.0 Since the firebase auth version used in this package needs that specific firebase_core version.

  • Add Google Signin Authentication from firebase

  • Generate SHA Keys by

    1. “cd android”
    2. “./gradlew signingReport”
  • Add SHA Keys to firebase project settings for Google Auth

  • Then head over to and ACTIVATE GOOGLE DRIVE API for the project

  • Then search for Credentials on cloud console and CREATE NEW CREDENTIAL (API KEY) <- You'll need this key later!

  • Create instance of the GoogleDriveHandler class, setAPIKey and call the getFileFromGoogleDrive function with the required parameters, that being the context, and thats it!! :D BUT BEFORE THAT...

  • Copy the APIKEY and use GoogleDriveHandler().setApiKey(APIKey); to set your key

  • And then finally call GoogleDriveHandler().getFilesFromGoogleDrive(context); to get the google drive file list

Android setup #

  • Android:

// None

iOS setup #

  • iOS:

For "Google Sign in" to work on iOS devices we MUST follow the following steps, otherwise the app with crash:

iOS integration This plugin requires iOS 9.0 or higher.

  1. First register your application.
  2. Make sure the file you download in step 1 is named GoogleService-Info.plist.
  3. Move or copy GoogleService-Info.plist into the [my_project]/ios/Runner directory.
  4. Open Xcode, then right-click on Runner directory and select Add Files to "Runner".
  5. Select GoogleService-Info.plist from the file manager.
  6. A dialog will show up and ask you to select the targets, select the Runner target.
  7. Then add the CFBundleURLTypes attributes below into the [my_project]/ios/Runner/Info.plist file.

<!-- Put me in the [my_project]/ios/Runner/Info.plist file -->
<!-- Google Sign-in Section -->
			<!-- TODO Replace this value: -->
			<!-- You can find the following REVERSED_CLIENT_ID at GoogleService-Info.plist. -->
			<!-- copy your REVERSED_CLIENT_ID and replace the one given here! -->
<!-- End of the Google Sign-in Section -->

As an alternative to adding GoogleService-Info.plist to your Xcode project, you can instead configure your app in Dart code. In this case, skip steps 3-6 and pass clientId and serverClientId to the GoogleSignIn constructor:

GoogleSignIn _googleSignIn = GoogleSignIn(
  // The OAuth client id of your app. This is required.
  clientId: ...,
  // If you need to authenticate to a backend server, specify its OAuth client. This is optional.
  serverClientId: ...,

Note that step 7 is still required.


  • Clicking on any file on the Google Drive interface will download the file and store it in the apps cache, and return an instance of the file instance to the calling method, that being GoogleDriveHandler().getFilesFromGoogleDrive(context), in other words, that function returns an instance of the clicked file.

  • The resulting download file is saved in NSTemporaryDirectory on iOS and application Cache directory on Android, so it can be lost later, you are responsible for storing it somewhere permanent (if needed).

Required parameters #

  • BUILD CONTEXT for Navigaton

  • Google Drive APIKEY for Google Drive related functionalaties

Additional information #

  • Packages used in this project.
  • firebase_auth: ^3.9.0
  • firebase_core: ^1.22.0
  • google_sign_in: ^5.4.1
  • googleapis: ^9.2.0
  • http: ^0.13.5
  • path_provider: ^2.0.11

Example #

import 'package:googleDriveHandler/googleDriveHandler.dart';
import 'dart:io';

Future getFileFromGoogleDrive() async {
  File? file;
  GoogleDriveHandler().setAPIKey(APIKey: YourAPIKEY);
  File? myFile = await GoogleDriveHandler().getFileFromGoogleDrive(context: context);
  if (myFile != null) {
    //Do something with the file
  } else{

Questions ? #

pub points


unverified uploader

A package for viewing, browsing, searching, downloading and uploading Google Drive files.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


firebase_auth, firebase_core, flutter, google_sign_in, googleapis, http, path_provider


Packages that depend on googledrivehandler