google_places_autocomplete_flutter 1.0.6 google_places_autocomplete_flutter: ^1.0.6 copied to clipboard
Custom Google places autocomplete widget for Android and iOS both. Use
google_places_autocomplete_flutter #
forked from google_places_flutter
Add dependency into pubspec.yml #
sdk: flutter
google_places_autocomplete_flutter: ^1.0.6
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Google AutoComplete TextField Widget code #
textEditingController: controller,
inputDecoration: InputDecoration()
debounceTime: 800 // default 600 ms,
countries: ["in","fr"],// optional by default null is set
isLatLngRequired:true,// if you required coordinates from place detail
autcompleteBaseUrl: "", // if provided will use it as a base url for loading autocomplate data
placesBaseUrl: "", // if provided will use it as a base url for loading place details
getPlaceDetailWithLatLng: (Prediction prediction) {
// this method will return latlng with place detail
print("placeDetails" + prediction.lng.toString());
}, // this callback is called when isLatLngRequired is true
itmClick: (Prediction prediction) {
controller.selection = TextSelection.fromPosition(TextPosition(offset: prediction.description.length));
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Customization Option #
You can customize a text field input decoration and debounce time