google_navigation_flutter 0.3.0 copy "google_navigation_flutter: ^0.3.0" to clipboard
google_navigation_flutter: ^0.3.0 copied to clipboard

A plugin for adding Google Navigation widget to Flutter apps targeting Android and iOS

0.3.0 (2024-06-05) #

Features #

  • update pubspec to prepare for 0.3.0 release (#97) (0114353)
  • update to prepare for publishing package to

0.2.3-beta #

This is the beta release of the Google Maps Navigation package for Flutter. It is an early look at the package and is intended for testing and feedback collection. The functionalities and APIs in this version are subject to change.

  • Updates minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.22.1/Dart 3.4.
  • Update patrol version to 3.7.2

0.2.2-beta #

This is the beta release of the Google Maps Navigation package for Flutter. It is an early look at the package and is intended for testing and feedback collection. The functionalities and APIs in this version are subject to change.

Key Features:

  • Added GoogleMapsNavigator.setNavInfoListener method for registering a listener for navigation info update events (Turn-by-Turn navigation).

0.2.1-beta #

This is the beta release of the Google Maps Navigation package for Flutter. It is an early look at the package and is intended for testing and feedback collection. The functionalities and APIs in this version are subject to change.

Key Features:

  • Added a CI configuration for these jobs:
    • Flutter analyze
    • Format
    • Unit tests for Dart, Android and iOS
    • Build Android and iOS
    • Integration tests for Android and iOS
    • License header check
  • Added a dependabot configuration
  • Added more integration tests, mostly for event listeners
  • Improved the reliability of some flaky integration tests

0.2.0-beta #

This is the beta release of the Google Maps Navigation package for Flutter. It is an early look at the package and is intended for testing and feedback collection. The functionalities and APIs in this version are subject to change.

Key Features:

  • setDestinations now supports a RouteTokenOptions parameter.
  • Added support for custom marker icons:
    • registerBitmapImage to register ImageDescriptor.
    • unregisterImage to unregister ImageDescriptor.
    • Registered ImageDescriptor can be used as icon for MarkerOptions.
  • Added following event listeners:
    • onNavigationUIEnabledChanged
    • onMyLocationClicked
    • onMyLocationButtonClicked
    • onCameraMoveStarted
    • onCameraMove
    • onCameraIdle
    • onCameraStartedFollowingLocation
    • onCameraStoppedFollowingLocation
  • Added setConsumeMyLocationButtonClickEventsEnabled method to control if the default my location button click event should be consumed by the plugin or not.
  • Added the following methods to control zoom level preferences of the map: setMinZoomPreference, setMaxZoomPreference, getMinZoomPreference, getMaxZoomPreference and resetMinMaxZoomPreference.
  • Added GoogleMapsNavigator.getNavSDKVersion() method to fetch the Navigation SDK version
  • GoogleMapsNavigator.initializeNavigationSession() now accepts optional parameter abnormalTerminationReportingEnabled to enable/disable reporting abnormal SDK terminations such as app crashes
  • Improved error handling and reporting.


  • GoogleNavigationViewController Following gesture and UI option setters have been renamed:

    • enableNavigationUI({required bool}) to setNavigationUIEnabled(bool)
    • enableNavigationHeader({required bool}) to setNavigationHeaderEnabled(bool)
    • enableNavigationFooter({required bool}) to setNavigationFooterEnabled(bool)
    • enableNavigationTripProgressBar({required bool}) to setNavigationTripProgressBarEnabled(bool)
    • enableSpeedLimitIcon({required bool}) to setSpeedLimitIconEnabled(bool)
    • enableSpeedometer({required bool}) to setSpeedometerEnabled(bool)
    • enableMyLocation({required bool}) to setMyLocationEnabled(bool)
    • enableMyLocationButton({required bool}) to setMyLocationButtonEnabled(bool)
    • enableRecenterButton({required bool}) to setRecenterButtonEnabled(bool)
    • enableZoomGestures({required bool}) setZoomGesturesEnabled(bool)
    • enableZoomControls({required bool}) to setZoomControlsEnabled(bool)
    • enableCompass({required bool}) to setCompassEnabled(bool)
    • enableRotateGestures({required bool}) to setRotateGesturesEnabled(bool)
    • enableScrollGestures({required bool}) to setScrollGesturesEnabled(bool)
    • enableScrollGesturesDuringRotateOrZoom({required bool}) to setScrollGesturesDuringRotateOrZoomEnabled(bool)
    • enableTiltGestures({required bool}) to setTiltGesturesEnabled(bool)
    • enableTraffic({required bool}) to setTrafficEnabled(bool)
    • enableMapToolbar({required bool}) to setMapToolbarEnabled(bool)
    • enableIncidentCards({required bool}) to setTrafficIncidentCardsEnabled(bool)
    • isIncidentCardsEnabled() to isTrafficIncidentCardsEnabled
  • GoogleMapsNavigationView:

    • initialNavigationUiEnabled boolean has been renamed to initialNavigationUIEnabledPreference enumeration
    • Initial camera position defaults to zoom level 3.0 instead of 0.0

0.1.0-beta #

This is the beta release of the Google Maps Navigation package for Flutter. It is an early look at the package and is intended for testing and feedback collection. The functionalities and APIs in this version are subject to change.

Key Features:

  • Integration of Google Maps Navigation with Flutter.
  • Support for basic map and navigation functionalities.

Known Issues:

  • On Android, a slight delay in rendering markers, polygons, circles, and polylines.


  • This version demonstrates the core capabilities of the package and serves as a basis for community feedback and further development.
  • Users are encouraged to report bugs and suggest improvements to enhance the package's stability and functionality.