google_map_polyline 0.2.0+1 copy "google_map_polyline: ^0.2.0+1" to clipboard
google_map_polyline: ^0.2.0+1 copied to clipboard


Gives the polyline coordinates to set polylines in Google Map.

Gives polyline coordinates to set polylines in Google Map.

pub package

google_map_polyline #

Flutter plugin to retrieve coordinates (in latitude and longitude) to draw the polylines (Route) in google_maps_flutter package. This package made with the inspiration of flutter_polyline_points.

Getting Started #

To use this plugin, add google_map_polyline as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Example #

  1. First you need to create object using your Google Maps API key.
  1. Now you may able retrieve coordinates for the Polyline route.
  • Get the Polyline coordinates using location coordinates (latitude and longitude)

      	await googleMapPolyline.getCoordinatesWithLocation(
      		origin: LatLng(40.677939, -73.941755),
      		destination: LatLng(40.698432, -73.924038),
      		mode:  RouteMode.driving);	
  • Get the Polyline coordinates using address of the location

    	await googleMapPolyline.getPolylineCoordinatesWithAddress(
    		origin:  '55 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213, USA',
    		destination:  '8007 Cypress Ave, Glendale, NY 11385, USA',
    		mode:  RouteMode.driving);

Overview #

  • ✅ Coordinates with Location Coordinates (Latitude and Longitude)
  • ✅ Coordinates with Location Address
  • ✅ Route Modes - [x] Driving - [x] Walking - [x] Bicycling
  • ❌ Coordinates with Location Coordinates and Address (example: Origin as address and Destination as coordinates)
  • ❌ Alternative routes

Feature Requests and Issues #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.



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Gives the polyline coordinates to set polylines in Google Map.

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dio, flutter, google_maps_flutter


Packages that depend on google_map_polyline