go_navigator 2.0.1 copy "go_navigator: ^2.0.1" to clipboard
go_navigator: ^2.0.1 copied to clipboard

Go navogator handles navigation by reducing class argument and exposing the top most route args to the context and navigation key where passed

GoNavigator - Enhanced Navigation for Flutter Apps #

GoNavigator is a feature-rich Flutter plugin designed to take your app's navigation capabilities to the next level. Whether you're building a simple mobile app or a complex multi-platform application, GoNavigator provides the tools you need to manage routes and the navigation stack with ease and efficiency.

Advanced Navigation Features #

  • Navigate to Specific Routes: Easily navigate to specific routes within your app using named routes and optional arguments.
  • Clear Navigation Stack: Clear all previous routes from the navigation stack, ensuring a clean and controlled navigation experience.
  • Replace Routes: Replace the current route with a new named route, allowing for seamless navigation transitions.
  • Pop Until Route: Pop routes from the navigation stack until a specific route is reached, providing precise control over navigation flow.
  • Return Data from Routes: Navigate back to the previous screen with provided data, enabling dynamic interactions between screens.

What's New in Version 2.0.1 #

Added #

  • Map Class: Used Map to replace MyRouteArguments, providing clearer and more consistent argument handling.

Changed #

  • Simplified Function Parameters: Parameters for navigation functions are now decentralized, making navigation calls cleaner and more straightforward.

Getting Started #

To start using GoNavigator in your Flutter app:

  1. Add the Plugin: Include the go_navigator plugin in your pubspec.yaml file.
  2. Import the Package: Import the package into your Dart code.
  3. Use the Go<T> Class: Create an instance of the Go<T> class and utilize its methods for navigation tasks.

Example Usage #

// Navigating to a new route and expecting data
final result =
    await context.toAndExpectData<bool>(SecondScreen.routeName);

// Navigating back to the previous screen with data

Elevate Your App's Navigation Experience #

With GoNavigator, you can create a seamless and intuitive navigation experience for your users. Whether you're building a mobile app or a desktop application, GoNavigator provides the flexibility and control you need to manage your app's navigation flow effectively.

Platform Support #

GoNavigator is supported on Android, iOS, MacOS, and Windows platforms.

For detailed implementation and usage instructions, refer to the code documentation and examples provided with the plugin.

Note: For a complete list of features and detailed usage instructions, please refer to the documentation provided with the plugin or contact admin [mailto:jessedan160@gmail.com - https://github.com/Jesse-Dan]



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Go navogator handles navigation by reducing class argument and exposing the top most route args to the context and navigation key where passed

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flutter, plugin_platform_interface


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