gleap_sdk 13.7.0 copy "gleap_sdk: ^13.7.0" to clipboard
gleap_sdk: ^13.7.0 copied to clipboard

The Gleap SDK for Flutter is the easiest way to integrate Gleap into your apps!

13.7.0 #

Updated native dependencies Added executionType to AI tools

13.6.1 #

Updated native dependencies

13.5.0 #

Updated native dependencies Added setAiTools, setTicketAttribute

13.2.3 #

Fixed issue with Flutter web

13.2.2 #

Updated native dependencies

13.2.1 #

Updated native dependencies Added identifyContact, updateContact, setNetworkLogsBlacklist as well as setNetworkLogPropsToIgnore

13.1.0 #

Updated native dependencies Added startClassicForm & startConversation as well as notificationCountUpdated callback.

13.0.1 #

Fixed a bug with Android 14 & activity singleInstance mode.

13.0.0 #

Updated native dependencies Fixed a bug with Android & activity singleInstance mode.

12.1.0 #

Updated native dependencies Introducing checklists to create amazing onboarding experiences

12.0.2 #

Updated native dependencies

12.0.1 #

Updated native dependencies Introduced websocket communication for outbound messages (like surveys, chat messages, banners, ...) Performance improvements & bug fixes

11.2.1 #

Updated iOS SDK

11.2.0 #

Updated iOS SDK Updated Android SDK

11.1.5 #

Updated iOS SDK

11.1.4 #

Updated iOS SDK

11.1.3 #

Updated iOS SDK

11.1.2 #

Added Banners feature, Updated native SDKs

11.0.1 #

Updated docs

11.0.0 #

Improved translations, Updated native SDKs

10.0.2 #

Updated Android SDK

10.0.1 #

Added startBot Updated native SDKs

10.0.0 #

Updated native SDKs

9.0.4 #

Updated iOS SDK

9.0.3 #

Updated Android SDK

9.0.2 #

Updated native SDKs Added handlePushNotification and openConversation

9.0.1 #

Updated Android SDK

9.0.0 #

Updated native SDKs to v9. Contains no breaking changes to the previous v8.6.1.

8.6.1 #

Added setDisableInAppNotifications Updated native SDKs

8.6.0 #

Added setTags Updated native SDKs

8.5.2 #

Bumped native Android version to 8.5.3.

8.5.1 #

Added showSurvey Updated native SDKs

8.5.0 #

Added register Push-Notification callbacks Updated native SDKs

8.4.5 #

Bumped native Android version to 8.4.7.

8.4.4 #

Bumped native Android version to 8.4.5.

8.4.3 #

Bumped native Android version to 8.4.4.

8.4.2 #

Added custom page tracking Added custom data as optional user properties

8.4.1 #

Moved openHelpCenterCollection to named params

8.4.0 #

Updated native dependencies to 8.4.0 (iOS, Android & Web) Added help center capabilities Improved feature request portal Improved news capabilities

8.2.3 #

Updated Android SDK

8.2.2 #

Updated native SDKs

8.2.1 #

Updated native SDKs

8.2.0 #

Updated native SDKs

8.0.6 #

Added isUserIdentified & getIdentity

8.0.5 #

Added feature requests capabilities

8.0.4 #

Added news capabilities

8.0.3 #

Updated Android SDK

8.0.2 #

Minor bug fixes for Android

8.0.1 #

Minor bug fixes Upated changelog

8.0.0 #

Introduction of our new live-chat Feedback button support Improved surveys, chat messages & outbound emails Ability to view last conversations Introduction of office hours Bug fixes & stability improvements

7.0.16 #

Made Gleap compatible with Android Nougat and below

7.0.15 #

Updated native SDK's, removed Android Oreo as minimum version

7.0.14 #

Added web support for attachNetworkLogs

7.0.13 #

Updated Android SDK

7.0.12 #

Updated native SDK's

7.0.11 #

Added phone number to GleapUserProperty

7.0.10 #

Updated Android SDK

7.0.9 #

Fixed issue with null properties in identify

7.0.8 #

Updated native SDK's, Added value to user property

7.0.7 #

Updated Android SDK

7.0.6 #

Updated Android SDK

7.0.5 #

Updated Android SDK

7.0.4 #

Added custom logs for web, added disableConsoleLogs

7.0.3 #

Added custom logging

7.0.2 #

Updated readme

7.0.1 #

Added Flutter v2 support

7.0.0 #

Upgraded to widget v7

6.4.8 #

Adjust minimum iOS version

6.4.7 #

Fixed null-safety warnings

6.4.6 #

Added sendSilentBugReportWithType method

6.4.4 #

Updated native SDK's, added registerListener function, added deprecated notice to old listener

6.4.3 #

Added setActivationMethods function

6.4.2 #

Improved GleapNetworkLog serialization

6.4.1 #

Updated Android SDK

6.4.0 #

Updated native SDK's

6.3.10 #

Updated native SDK's

6.3.9 #

Fixed bug with network logs in web

6.3.8 #

Initialize web via dart

6.3.7 #

Fixed Android bug with firebase_messaging package

6.3.6 #

Updated Android SDK

6.3.5 #

Fixed bug with network request toJson() function

6.3.4 #

Updated Android SDK, fixed bug with web focus lock

6.3.3 #

Updated iOS SDK

6.3.2 #

Updated Android SDK

6.3.1 #

Fixed issue with network logs

6.3.0 #

Updated native SDKs

6.2.3 #

Improved native SDKs

6.2.2 #

Improved network logging

6.2.1 #

Added network logs

6.2.0 #

Added Surveys

6.1.0 #

Required feedbackAction in startFeedbackFlow, added open widget method

6.0.5 #

Language code parameter as string

6.0.4 #

Improved Web SDK

6.0.3 #

Added Web SDK

6.0.2 #

Updated Android SDK version

6.0.1 #

Bug fixes

6.0.0 #


pub points



The Gleap SDK for Flutter is the easiest way to integrate Gleap into your apps!



unknown (license)


flutter, flutter_web_plugins, js, json_annotation


Packages that depend on gleap_sdk