github_snitch 0.0.7 copy "github_snitch: ^0.0.7" to clipboard
github_snitch: ^0.0.7 copied to clipboard

Package for capture & open github issue for crashes, issues & proposals

Package for open github issue for crashes, issues & proposals #

Features #

  • Create labels for package
    • GhSnitch-external for Errors not caught by Flutter Framework
      • GhSnitch-internal for Errors caught by Flutter Framework
    • Reported by GhSnitch Package for know which issues reported from this package
  • Report bugs on github issues with specific labels,assignees, milestone
    • Automaticlly when call listenToExceptions method in main as in example
    • Manually with report method
  • Support offline case (save locally & send later when connection exist)
  • Support get issue reported with all comments
  • Support submit comments from user and reply from github issues by repo owners
  • Support include screenshots on report


  • ✅ Fetch issue comments & give user to discuss his issue/proposal from app with repo contributors
  • ❌ Fetch PR's & give user to discuss his new feature from app with repo contributors
  • ❌ Create Custom screens for Issues/PR's & screen for user to chat & discuss by comments
  • ✅ Include screen shot on report

💡 Feel free to add any idea

Getting started #

After install package you need to generate fine-grained personal access token< choose fine-grained personal access token & select your repo & from Repository permissions check Issues Access: Read and write.

We need also owner username & repo name

We will use Environment variables for save this sensive keys

Usage #

For run or build app just pass --dart-define for every key as example :

flutter build apk --split-per-abi --dart-define owner=owner --dart-define repo=repo --dart-define token=token

Then Add this code before runApp method As you see we used keys from Environment

  const String owner = String.fromEnvironment('owner');
      owner: owner,
      token: const String.fromEnvironment('token'),
      repo: const String.fromEnvironment("repo"));
  if (kReleaseMode) {
    // For report exceptions & bugs Automaticlly
    GhSnitch.listenToExceptions(assignees: [owner]);
  runApp(const MyApp());
  • For report issues Manually (from users) check _report method on example

  • For screenshots you need to create new branch GhSnitch_ScreenShots for save screenshots you can change default branch from screenShotsBranch report parameter

If you want to test it in debug mode you can remove ReleaseMode condition

⚙️ Finally feel free to contribute ⚙️

pub points



Package for capture & open github issue for crashes, issues & proposals

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


flutter, flutter_udid, http, shared_preferences, string_similarity, universal_io


Packages that depend on github_snitch