git_info_plus 0.0.1
git_info_plus: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
Get git information from within the Flutter application
git_info_plus #
Get git information from within the Flutter application.
[screenshot-android] [screenshot-ios]
Usage #
Dart #
final String branchName = await GitInfo.branchName;
final DateTime lastCommitDate = await GitInfo.lastCommitDate;
final String lastCommitHash = await GitInfo.lastCommitHash;
final String lastCommitHashShort = await GitInfo.lastCommitHashShort;
final String lastCommitMessage = await GitInfo.lastCommitMessage;
Setup #
Android #
You do not need to set this up.
iOS #
In order to use this library on IOS, you have to do some settings.
1. Add values in your info.plist
|Key|Type|Value| |GitBranchName|String|undefined| |GitCommitDate|String|undefined| |GitCommitHash|String|undefined| |GitCommitHashShort|String|undefined| |GitCommitMessage|String|undefined|
You can also copy and paste these lines.
2. Enable Processes Info.plist File
BuildSettings > Processes Info.plist File
Change to YES
3. Add Run Script
BuildPhase >
Add new Run Script and paste these lines.
branchName=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
commitDate=$(git --no-pager log -1 --format="%ai")
commitHash=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
commitHashShort=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
commitMessage=$(git log -1 --pretty=%s)
$plistBuddy -c "Set :GitBranchName $branchName" $infoPlistFile
$plistBuddy -c "Set :GitCommitDate $commitDate" $infoPlistFile
$plistBuddy -c "Set :GitCommitHash $commitHash" $infoPlistFile
$plistBuddy -c "Set :GitCommitHashShort $commitHashShort" $infoPlistFile
$plistBuddy -c "Set :GitCommitMessage $commitMessage" $infoPlistFile
4. Add Input Files.